Monday, August 27, 2007

Winds of War: Is a Muslim Reformation a Blessing or a Curse?

Many of us see parallels between Islam today and Holy Roman Empire of the Middle Ages. Islam’s all encompassing socio-political-religious system is similar to the Rule of the Holy Roman Empire and the Popes who headed it up. Just as Christian morals, ideals and ideas permeated the society of the Middle Ages to its core as ruled by the Holy Roman Church, so does Islam at the beginning of the 21st Century.

Islamism is the socio-political arm of the religion of Islam just as the Catholic Church was the socio-political arm of the Holy Roman Empire. To fully recognize our enemy is too understand the roots of Islamism in Islam – not the roots as fascism. Many believe that Islamism can only be defeated when the religion of Islam itself is reformed – just as the Catholicism was reformed and helped break the power of the Holy Roman Empire and the Church.

But would such a reformation be a blessing or a curse? And what if the Islamic reformation has already begun – but not the way we’d like?

Read the rest at The Gathering Storm.

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