Lecturing Europe While
Accepting the Social Structure of Brutality
From the New Media Journal July 25, 2008:
New York Times columnist David Brooks recently wrote, "The reason we have a democracy is that no one side is right all the time. The only people who are dangerous are those who can't admit, even to themselves, that obvious fact." Aside from the glaring error in his declaration that we live in a democracy (the United States is actually a Democratic Republic, not a democracy) his assertion is spot on. In light of the logic in Mr. Brook's statement, it would seem that the woman slated to be Barack Obama's "Muslim liaison" is dangerous, especially to women.
While Barack Obama was lecturing tens of thousands of Germans during his "fact-finding tour" – interesting that he declared he was going to the Middle East and Europe to "listen" and ends up pontificating – his campaign created the position of "Muslim Liaison;" a position meant to serve as a conduit between his campaign and the Muslim community. Presumably, this position was created because his campaign realized that their Islamophobia (he has yet to address a Muslim forum or talk at a Mosque) was incredibly hypocritical and served to disenfranchise and discriminate against the American-Muslim community.
The likely candidate for this position is Hiam Nawas, a Jordanian-American who served in a similar capacity for the ill-fated 2004 presidential campaign of aspiring politician Wesley Clark (interestingly, for someone who served in a recent presidential campaign the Internet is stunningly devoid of any substantial biographical information on Ms. Nawas).
One of the things we do know about Ms. Nawas is that she has a fairly nonchalant and cavalier attitude regarding the plight of women in the Islamic culture.
In 2005, Nawas wrote that the Bush Administration should "nuance" its approach toward addressing the cruelty and barbarity women face in the Islamic culture:
"We need to recognize that the social structure in the Muslim world is very different from America's...American women need to understand that what is best for them is not necessarily what is best for Muslim women. Advocacy of women's rights in the Muslim world must show sensitivity to local political realities."
Anyone who has spent even the smallest amount of time researching the plight of women in Islamic society should be stunned, not only by the depth of Nawas' appeasement to the totalitarian and despotic attitudes toward women in Islamic society, but for the fact that a presidential candidate would be so callow as to find someone – let alone a woman – possessing Nawas' attitude acceptable to serve as a liaison to any plurality.
As I outlined in a prior article, Women in Islam: Suffering the Barbary of an Ideology, the treatment of women in Islamic society can only be defined as barbaric. While there are some locations throughout the Muslim World that are making strides toward rectifying this situation – Saudi Arabia is allowing women to drive now – this is overwhelmingly the exception rather than the rule.
It is a verifiable and undeniable fact that women in the fundamentalist Islamic world are relegated to the status of possessions. Women are routinely sold into arranged marriages by their fathers who receive a dowry for the "sale"; the dowry sometimes issued in the form of goats or other forms of livestock. The practice of polygamy is widespread throughout the Middle East. In countries such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Pakistan, to name but a few, women are subjected to despotic cultural edicts where "offenses," ranging from un-Islamic dress to being "in the presence" of an unrelated male, are punished – justified under Sharia Law – by whippings, beatings, stoning and death sentences. Honor killings occur frequently and Islamic society accepts it with no form of recourse, no justice for the victim.
And while Ms. Nawas is readying herself to espouse her indifference to the plight of Muslim women in the name of Barack Obama's candidacy, she does so intimating that the problem of Islamic cultural inequity toward women is a malady removed from American soil. This notion is a falsehood of the highest order. Honor killings are taking place right here on American soil.
Sarah and Amina Said, 17 and 18 respectively, were murdered by their father Yaser Said in Dallas, Texas, in February of 2008 because he felt Western culture was corrupting the chastity of his daughters. He is currently at large. Law enforcement believes he is being harbored by the Islamic community in North Texas.
In Atlanta, Georgia, Chaudhry Rashad, admitted to strangling his 25-year old daughter, Sandela, saying he killed his daughter as a matter of honor, because he felt her plans for divorce would have disgraced the family.
In Henrietta, New York, Waheed Allah Mohammad stabbed his 19-year old sister, Fauzia, to death because she was going to clubs, wearing immodest clothing and planning to leave her family for a new life in New York City.
A superficial search of the term "honor killing" on the Internet results in 2,440,000 entries, so it is impossible to say that the issue is outside the mainstream.
While the instances of honor killings here in the United States are being prosecuted the fact remains that women are considered and treated as possessions in the Islamic culture, whether here in the US or abroad, to the extent of being murdered. Meanwhile, Ms. Nawas says we need to "show sensitivity to local political realities." Muslim women are dying, both overseas and on American soil, and Ms. Nawas believes we should "nuance our approach" so as not to offend those maintaining the despotic culture.
As Barack Obama finished his "fact-finding tour" speech (really, who goes on a fact-finding trip and has the audacity to stage a speech for tens of thousands) he proclaimed:
"This is the moment we must help answer the call for a new dawn in the Middle East."
It would seem that Barack Obama's idea of a "new dawn" for women trapped in the Islamic culture – in light of his pick for liaison to the Muslim community – is one that includes a "nuanced approach" to the brutality the Islamic culture inflicts on women each and every day. I'm sure tossing them that bone will win him votes...cast right before they find themselves in pools of their own blood for having had the audacity to vote; for having had the "audacity of hope."
Accepting the Social Structure of Brutality
From the New Media Journal July 25, 2008:
New York Times columnist David Brooks recently wrote, "The reason we have a democracy is that no one side is right all the time. The only people who are dangerous are those who can't admit, even to themselves, that obvious fact." Aside from the glaring error in his declaration that we live in a democracy (the United States is actually a Democratic Republic, not a democracy) his assertion is spot on. In light of the logic in Mr. Brook's statement, it would seem that the woman slated to be Barack Obama's "Muslim liaison" is dangerous, especially to women.
While Barack Obama was lecturing tens of thousands of Germans during his "fact-finding tour" – interesting that he declared he was going to the Middle East and Europe to "listen" and ends up pontificating – his campaign created the position of "Muslim Liaison;" a position meant to serve as a conduit between his campaign and the Muslim community. Presumably, this position was created because his campaign realized that their Islamophobia (he has yet to address a Muslim forum or talk at a Mosque) was incredibly hypocritical and served to disenfranchise and discriminate against the American-Muslim community.
The likely candidate for this position is Hiam Nawas, a Jordanian-American who served in a similar capacity for the ill-fated 2004 presidential campaign of aspiring politician Wesley Clark (interestingly, for someone who served in a recent presidential campaign the Internet is stunningly devoid of any substantial biographical information on Ms. Nawas).
One of the things we do know about Ms. Nawas is that she has a fairly nonchalant and cavalier attitude regarding the plight of women in the Islamic culture.
In 2005, Nawas wrote that the Bush Administration should "nuance" its approach toward addressing the cruelty and barbarity women face in the Islamic culture:
"We need to recognize that the social structure in the Muslim world is very different from America's...American women need to understand that what is best for them is not necessarily what is best for Muslim women. Advocacy of women's rights in the Muslim world must show sensitivity to local political realities."
Anyone who has spent even the smallest amount of time researching the plight of women in Islamic society should be stunned, not only by the depth of Nawas' appeasement to the totalitarian and despotic attitudes toward women in Islamic society, but for the fact that a presidential candidate would be so callow as to find someone – let alone a woman – possessing Nawas' attitude acceptable to serve as a liaison to any plurality.
As I outlined in a prior article, Women in Islam: Suffering the Barbary of an Ideology, the treatment of women in Islamic society can only be defined as barbaric. While there are some locations throughout the Muslim World that are making strides toward rectifying this situation – Saudi Arabia is allowing women to drive now – this is overwhelmingly the exception rather than the rule.
It is a verifiable and undeniable fact that women in the fundamentalist Islamic world are relegated to the status of possessions. Women are routinely sold into arranged marriages by their fathers who receive a dowry for the "sale"; the dowry sometimes issued in the form of goats or other forms of livestock. The practice of polygamy is widespread throughout the Middle East. In countries such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Pakistan, to name but a few, women are subjected to despotic cultural edicts where "offenses," ranging from un-Islamic dress to being "in the presence" of an unrelated male, are punished – justified under Sharia Law – by whippings, beatings, stoning and death sentences. Honor killings occur frequently and Islamic society accepts it with no form of recourse, no justice for the victim.
And while Ms. Nawas is readying herself to espouse her indifference to the plight of Muslim women in the name of Barack Obama's candidacy, she does so intimating that the problem of Islamic cultural inequity toward women is a malady removed from American soil. This notion is a falsehood of the highest order. Honor killings are taking place right here on American soil.
Sarah and Amina Said, 17 and 18 respectively, were murdered by their father Yaser Said in Dallas, Texas, in February of 2008 because he felt Western culture was corrupting the chastity of his daughters. He is currently at large. Law enforcement believes he is being harbored by the Islamic community in North Texas.
In Atlanta, Georgia, Chaudhry Rashad, admitted to strangling his 25-year old daughter, Sandela, saying he killed his daughter as a matter of honor, because he felt her plans for divorce would have disgraced the family.
In Henrietta, New York, Waheed Allah Mohammad stabbed his 19-year old sister, Fauzia, to death because she was going to clubs, wearing immodest clothing and planning to leave her family for a new life in New York City.
A superficial search of the term "honor killing" on the Internet results in 2,440,000 entries, so it is impossible to say that the issue is outside the mainstream.
While the instances of honor killings here in the United States are being prosecuted the fact remains that women are considered and treated as possessions in the Islamic culture, whether here in the US or abroad, to the extent of being murdered. Meanwhile, Ms. Nawas says we need to "show sensitivity to local political realities." Muslim women are dying, both overseas and on American soil, and Ms. Nawas believes we should "nuance our approach" so as not to offend those maintaining the despotic culture.
As Barack Obama finished his "fact-finding tour" speech (really, who goes on a fact-finding trip and has the audacity to stage a speech for tens of thousands) he proclaimed:
"This is the moment we must help answer the call for a new dawn in the Middle East."
It would seem that Barack Obama's idea of a "new dawn" for women trapped in the Islamic culture – in light of his pick for liaison to the Muslim community – is one that includes a "nuanced approach" to the brutality the Islamic culture inflicts on women each and every day. I'm sure tossing them that bone will win him votes...cast right before they find themselves in pools of their own blood for having had the audacity to vote; for having had the "audacity of hope."
Quite frankly, Barack Obama's Muslim conduit is his rectum. Bend over, Barack. You know you want it.
Our culture and our values are Superior to the Islamic world, period. If you want a reason to think that cultural relativism is incompatible with human rights, this is a good one.
We're the culture who came up with the idea of human rights in the first place.
WAMI and coalition are working on a THIRD CAMP confronting this,
and here is statement from Apostate, in regards to this matter:
On the face of it, there isn’t anything wrong with such a move. American Muslims are a constituency and Obama is running for president and presumably wants Muslim votes and outreach to American Muslims.
However, the person who was originally rumored to have been hired for the position, said some unsavory things: “We need to recognise that the social structure in the Muslim world is very different from America’s. American women need to understand that what is best for them is not necessarily what is best for Muslim women. Advocacy of women’s rights in the Muslim world must show sensitivity to local political realities.”
Whether or not the Obama campaign hires Haim Nawas (quoted above) for this position, her views deserve to be countered.
There are several things wrong with what she’s saying:
There is an implication in her words that American women (or America) are in a position to do anything about Muslim women. In other words, there is an implication of imperialism - cultural or war-based. That is an insult to both American feminists (who tend to be anti-war) and to Muslims the world over, because it’s not doing Muslims any favors to have a “sensitive” policy crafted for Muslim women when Muslim lands are attacked, especially if “sensitive” means letting Muslim men do with ‘their’ women what they may. Nor is it the intent of American feminists to emancipate Muslim women through cultural imperialism. That white women have done this is a myth created by anti-feminists.
The “social structure” in the Muslim world that Nawas is painting as “so different” from that of the United States is not a good basis for determining the best policy. Social structures that oppress women need not be respected simply because they are the social structures - challenging oppressive social structures is what feminism is all about. To baldly state that what is best for American women — human rights — is not what Muslim women want is to simultaneously dehumanize and patronize Muslim women.
Those strange brown women. After all, why would they want to:
1. Be free from domestic violence
2. Have the right to work and keep their money
3. Limit and control the number of children they have
4. Have access to divorce
5. Be protected from child marriage
6. Have legal recourse in case of rape/assault
7. Have freedom of movement
8. Have access to safe and legal abortion and birth control of their choice
9. Be safe from sexual harassment at work
10. Have the right to wear what they want
Etc., etc., etc.
Those brown women! It’s their social structure, doncha know. It makes them prone to self-destructive behaviors, such as forsaking their rights and their status as humans. American women? They’re carping bitches who don’t know their place. Doesn’t mean all the women of the world are going to follow suit. They’re sensible. They haven’t started imagining they’re human beings. Let’s not put ideas in their little Muslim hijab-covered heads.
Which brings us to the third point: “Advocacy of women’s rights in the Muslim world.”
Right, that.
The thing is, we haven’t done any. A lot of American feminists have lost what few principles they had about the absoluteness of women’s humanity and they aren’t quite able to figure out what’s wrong with patriarchal religions, the veil, the sex industry, violent/misogynist porn, dilution of feminism, SAHM-ism, etc. And American feminists have lost what little political power they had as well, resulting in things like the global gag rule.
America doesn’t provide birth control aid to foreign countries. Whither feminism? What on earth is Nawas and any other American government official talking about? We can’t export the most fundamental means of giving women rights - freeing them from childbirth. What dangerous feminist thought are we in danger of imposing on Muslims, if we can’t even give them the means to control their bodies…nay, the FUNDING for the means to control their bodies?
Hell, we can’t even manage to guarantee this basic right in this country.
So the pretense that America is a) doing anything for women in the Muslim world; b) has the power to do anything for women in the Muslim world; or c) should do anything for women in the Muslim world - is all a steaming pile of horseshit. America does not support women’s rights at the political level. Muslims don’t support women’s rights at the political level. Nawas’s statement is therefore nothing but a collusion between the American political structure and the Muslim political structure to do nothing about the dismal position of women in the Islamic world, and then to pretend that this is done in the name of cultural sensitivity.
American feminists -those of the third wave, the wave without the spine- will read Nawas’s statement and cheer.
Yes, that’s what we’re all about. We, superior Americans, almost human, don’t think Muslim women are there yet. Why would they want freedom and rights? Their social structure is against it, you see. Thinking anything else would mean we believe feminism is actually superior to Islam, which, OMG, is so racist!
Lord, we are SO doomed.
There are several apostate women and moderate/liberal [true moderates] Muslim women-reformers who are also commenting on this, and feminists [who haven't been drinking the cultural relativist kook-aid], also working to confront this
and we are beginning work on forming a coalition, third camp, to refute all lies of the propagandists and to work on legislation here in the states on both women and children's rights in regards to these matters...its just getting enough women, feminists willing to stand opposed to the relativists.
Thus far there are two of us, from the left, that I know of. The other coalitions are in fact apostates or those who have been lucky enough to escape those countries and those laws.
The good news is that more women from the left, democratic party are becoming more aware and are seeing through the Obamacult and are beginning to confront these issues so we are encouraged by that and hopeful that we can work to build a women's movement that will not appease the relativists and who will not hesitate to take what ever action there is necessary to keep Sharia OUT of America.
Good news too is that the word is being spread about the Fox Documentary on Honor Killings in America,
will keep you updated.
Director of WAMI
1. Be free from domestic violence
2. Have the right to work and keep their money
3. Limit and control the number of children they have
4. Have access to divorce
5. Be protected from child marriage
6. Have legal recourse in case of rape/assault
7. Have freedom of movement
8. Have access to safe and legal abortion and birth control of their choice
9. Be safe from sexual harassment at work
10. Have the right to wear what they want
The only thing that your average American conservative (including myself) would have any problem with would be #8. That is why smart Liberals may join forces with the conservatives and fight the Jihadists. We can still disagree on other things, but this is one issue that both liberal feminists and Doctor Laura Schlesinger could and should agree I on.
well, LOL, according to a Muslima who posted on Apostate, in reference to WAMI's post about the threat to women's rights and the threat of Political Islam--the Trojan Horse,
I am now,
1. a racist, probably member of BNP or Stormfront because I mentioned Stormfront--the Muslims praising them in fact,
2. a racist Nazi, right wing, because I used the term Trojan Horse
3. a racist who hates brown people and brown invaders -- LOL never mind that my daughter is very dark brown skin Native American Indian, by biological daughter, not adopted [a relationship with her father that I walked away from due to his drugs, years ago, during my young dumb days]
4. a right wing bigot and oh, I'm a liar too because my comment about not being like much on Jihad Watch due to my more radical left--I'm in fact one of the right wing zealots
5. no one cares about Western Civ [her words] and yet she, a Muslim is happy to reside in UK
6. oh, and that I, with my right wing BNP and Nazi cohorts are fantasizing about a race war...
She mentioned my racism [because you know if you criticize Islam you know that right there PROVES YOU'RE RACIST] about, fifteen times, turning everything I said into a racist, anti-brown immigrant comment,
but of course no one cares about Western Civ...
I responded, well, I would have loved to kick her stupid Islamist ass but, well, she's in UK, I'm not, arrrgh,
and it is So infuriating because this is EXACTLY HOW THEY WORK...and sure enough, I'm not in moderation mode on Apostate blog--because Dare if the truth gets out to the feminists, younger ones especially--
one Good thing is, I obviously said something dangerous enough that they jumped on it, so, THEY DON'T WANT MY MESSAGE, FROM A LEFTIST, TO BE HEARD,
not in the least, I've gotten this from Women's Space and now here, and I recognize the tactics, so anything I'll say from there on out will be ignored, dismissed, or I'll be banned because, no matter how civil or diplomatic or how much evidence I can prove by what I know working in the left,
they are going to shut me up or keep my message from going out.
One way or another,
but Good news is, Pajama's Media is allowing my posts, and I'm not the only leftist coming out and exposing whats going on with the left-Islamist alliance, there is another, who left the left, in the 80s.
I do want you all here to know, while I know we may have strong disagreements on a lot of things,
thank you, for allowing me to speak here, and to share here. You've been very courteous, very open minded, and for that I'm grateful.
I'd be lying if I said that what transpires on some of these feminist blogs doesn't hurt, because it does, it hurts because I know, I know how they are being duped and its like looking on the outside and seeing these creeps coming in and just pulling the wool over their eyes and trying to reach them and all these barriers are put up,
and this is also happening to another dear feminist, who is also very liberal, very radical, who has been kicked off boards as much as I have, and she too works with many in the right wing for this reason.
And it Does infuriate me when they use the 'racist card' because I deal with racism every day, I deal with the racism my daughter confronts every day,
but she's not shoving her heritage or that culture on anyone or demanding the world to bow to her religious beliefs,
not only do I deal with her pain I also live with a Jew, so to be called a Nazi,
LOL, where to even begin there...
if Anything, it goes to show the depths of demonic evil, and I do use that term on purpose, of the forces of Islam,
they are capable of appearing as the angel of light with blood soaked hands and minds conspiring to kill you at the same time.
And I do believe there is a spiritual force, negative energy, evil, what ever one wants to call it,
because its like a shroud is being put on people's eyes, mental eyes,
and I can see it like a veil has been lifted from my eyes and seeing into a whole other dimension as crazy as I know that sounds--but its the best way I can describe it.
And even some of the right wing, reading about Obama's little charade in Berlin, the Symbolisms of how he is carrying out this public parade is so obvious,
its almost like a code that he's speaking and I know, I KNOW, the Islamist world knows exactly, those he is in cohoots with, know exactly what those codes mean, those symbolisms,
his refusal to acknowledge the troops--his snubbing them in both Iraq and Afghanistan,
his speaking in front of the Victory Column,
his silence in the Holocaust Memorial,
his Muslim liaison to shut women critics up about honor killings and Islam's misogyny,
his calling Hilary a bitch and his using misogyny to demonize her [no one can convince me he wasn't a part of that]
his ties to Wright and his meetings with Islamists,
his dictating to journalists to not wear green and to wear jihab even in Israel
and I see even some of the right wing try to rationalize all these moves, these symbolisms,
and I think its just this fear, of not wanting to see what is happening before our eyes.
You know the movie, Star Wars, the Clones, or Attack of the Clones where, can't recall her name but when she says,
when tyranny rises the people applaud,
or something along those lines,
thats what we are seeing, and the people are applauding.
But, well, I expect it to get far worse, way worse, and regardless, I shall stand--no matter what. IF I've learned anything these past years that I've been confronting this onslaught,
is that, those values we hold dear in our hearts, the loves we have, the faith we hold,
sustains us, and its amazing how those things become our strength, even in the darkest of times. I am convinced that we are entering a very dark age, probably one if not the darkests,
and the light may be the one we carry in our hearts--but its enough,
because no matter what the banality of evil does, no matter how much fear or terror or oppression or repression--
they can't destroy the light or the spirit of love and faith and of right, they can't, they can try, it might even look like they are succeeding,
but they carry the germ to their own destruction [Arendt], and we just have to remember that and be strong.
I posted the discourse on the WAMI blog, I would have liked to really tear her accusations apart but time was limited and I doubt it would have done much good anyhow,
we can only say the truth and people have the choice to listen or not...IF Apostate allows my comment through,
I did tell this witch, that if no one cares about Western Civilization then why doesn't she just pack up and go back to that civilization she so cares about--and that her use of that statement does more to prove my points on the threat of Islam more than the BNP or any other nationalist group could have...
she proved it with her own bigotry and supremacy in how she dissed Western Civilization,
a Civilization that she says she is happy to reside in. Of course, happy in that she is there to destroy it,
and she proved it with her own words.
I just hope, if it goes through--that many reading will see it.
and that the veil will be lifted from their eyes.
Director of WAMI
for the discourse, if you want to read, go to
its the first post
I have some advice for you.
Next time someone accuses you of racism for criticizing Islam's misogynist imperialism, ask them how you can be a racist when Islam is not a race? You were right to point out that Islam is a belief system, and like all belief systems it can be criticized without one being guilty of bigotry. If you think about it, calling you a racist for criticizing Islam is like calling you a racist for criticizing the religious right. Such a statement is absurd. Beyond that, that person who called you a racist, I might add, sounds like a racist for acting like only brown people are Muslims and rights are relative to the group you were born into.
Well that was just it,
my post was in regards to the critic of the fascism of Islam in response to someone mentioning it being about race, and I did comment on how can it be about race when its a religion? I even gave examples of people from all races who are Islam,
no, the thing is she didn't even read my post, she just took things from it, and totally and deliberately twisted them and like clock work orange said, racism or right wing bnp racism
it was a Deliberate attempt to poison any critique that I wrote about in the minds of readers,
from a 'supposed women's right advocate who is Muslim',
and I have a suspicion that the fact that I took from the logic of the left [using those theories] to critique Islam that I stirred up some anger because this is what the Jihadists are riding on to lure the young adults, especially those in the left, into the Muslims are victim psychology,
that politics of identity.
And the only time I've confronted such vile and deliberate attacks like that was in the far Stalinist left, by those who are surely in bed with the Islamists,
and its like they put on the gloves and its a pysops, that is violent.
Violent in motive and intent to persuade the readership in immediately closing their minds to any critical thought...
she may have very well been just an ignorant racist, OR, she may have been or is part of the MIM,
they are notorious for this--and I have to seriously wonder if the true apostates are aware of the danger of the MIM/Islamists who may be posing as 'friends' who may just be tracking them,
while realizing this may sound quite a conspiracy theory or Cold War rhetoric let me assure you there Are those communists who still use those guerrilla-psyops techniques and now there is the Islamist-MIM groups doing the same,
it isn't just cultural relativists or your tree hugging liberals--these are deliberate and planned cyber terrorism to not only censure but to do whatever means they have to curtail speech and criticism Or to mislead the readership,
and I noticed it a year ago on some of the hard core feminist sites, hard core meaning your more radical ones, that are usually or do usually have a group-cult type of following,
and sure enough, there are many from the left--if you try to access the Red feminist boards they are all closed off to public,
this is one reason why I do look at the blog links on some of the groups because you can learn a lot, or put things together that way, not Always but, on those cult-group think type of networks you sure can,
and there are two left parties that are notorious for doing this type of infiltration and sabotage psyops in America that I know of,
the RCP and the SWP.
The RCP especially and members of groups such as Move On and Troops Out Now, that whole lot,
some yes are progressives in those groups BUT there are those who are hard core Stalinists-Islamists working those groups too,
and they are relentless and militant. And they do keep watch on the right wing too--
but then, so does the far right, they watch the left groups like you wouldn't believe, and they monitor closely,
seriously if you want to know about what the left is doing check out some of the far right boards/blogs, you find out a lot because they watch and hack and attack and do the same type of cyber warfare--
in fact thats how I learned how the cyber terrorism works because when I was in the far left way back--we were attacked by the National Socialists--
and I mean, hacking to get private info and that whole bit, and so there was a group of commies from Canada and USA that were returning the favor,
and for a while I thought it was just childish bullshit games,
until one day I got a neo-Nazi Hitler postcard in my email,
then I started to see but even then, it wasn't until I saw the Islamist-and the party purity Stalinist thugs take over the party and not just the party I was in--there was a huge rift between the socialist parties and the socialist democrats--this was before all the election shit started going down,
then boom, things started going offline, and then boom, Obama comes on the scene and the mail lists, that for years were somewhat moderate were now, RCP and MIM postings--all over the place.
MIM is important to know about because they have connections with the MIM in Philippines and Nepal --if you've been keeping up with the Philippines and I know you have,
that isn't just Islamists--that is a mix of MIM and Islamists, same way with Thailand too.
One way you can tell is that socialists [like in the middle] will concentrate on the Palestine-Israel and Iraq conflict,
the MIM--on the immigration issues, the Afghanistan war, some on the Palestine but more from the race perspective--well,
its hard to explain but I can sort of tell--not always but most of the time,
I wouldn't be surprised at all if she wasn't MIM, her comment read just like MIM propaganda.
But I haven't read about MIM's presence being strong in the UK however,
know SWP is though.
So, hard to say...
what tipped me off, big time, was two years ago, I was working with immigrant rights on worker's issues, women in particular, on the sweatshops,
and there was this conference that was going to be held at a Mosque, and I was invited. When I read the outline of the presentation I hit the roof, it was obvious that the Jihadists were using the immigrants right platform [in the US] to push for tolerance and empathy for establishing Sharia law,
I sent in a letter of protest to One person, one, woman in fact, on in the immigrants rights group,
IMMEDIATELY, I got three emails, two from Europe, of all places,
telling me that I was concerned for no valid reasons and of course all they focused on was the Veil--
all in the matter of one day.
That of course set me off because I don't like being bullied, or intimidated, and I had valid concerns about the conference, That and I boldly stated that to hold such in a Mosque and then to demand American women to wear jihab, was I believed, not a means to push for tolerance but was something else entirely,
and I confronted the immigrants rights group on how could they support such measures that are obviously oppressive to women,
needless to say, after that, Then a month later, they pull this 'anti trafficking' presentation BUT, it was ONLY about American militarization and prostitution forced of Asian women, and in the United States,
there was blatant refusal to cover or even tolerate the mentioning of trafficking all over the Middle East and so forth,
needless to say that day forward I told them I would no longer be working with them--
they had been COLONIZED, and how is it, in Midwest America, I can object to one thing in an email to one person,
and Three emails, from Muslims, two from Europe, arrive in my email box?
Where I reside the MIM has strong presence here,
so, I have seen how this works, and since Obama, its gotten worse...I can tell, just by how the PUMA group has been attacked, the spambot reports and all those attacks,
they think its just Obama followers-groupies,
but no, its way, way much more than some deluded groupies.
And this is why, I do say, a lot of what the right wing that knows how the left works--is right on the money dead on correct.
And I can promise you, they watch us, they probably do research on us, I don't put NOTHING, NOTHING,
past them.
Which is why I stress the need for underground work AND for strategy.
Because we will need it.
I actually read your post and than re posted my comment. I should have made it more clear.
not a prob damien and I understood you,
thank You for the support and the advice.
"Women are routinely sold into arranged marriages by their fathers who receive a dowry for the "sale"; the dowry sometimes issued in the form of goats or other forms of livestock."
I know its sick and many women who insist they are feminists will complain all day about how women are treated in Europe or America, but they cowardly ignore the blight of women in non western societies, especially the ones where Islam dominates.
"Women are routinely sold into arranged marriages by their fathers who receive a dowry for the "sale"; the dowry sometimes issued in the form of goats or other forms of livestock."
How many goats do you think the Queenie is worth? LOL
"I know its sick and many women who insist they are feminists will complain all day about how women are treated in Europe or America, but they cowardly ignore the blight of women in non western societies, especially the ones where Islam dominates."
Feminism has been subverted for sure. Must be a sort of tea time or something.
How many goats is Queenie worth?
Well, I guess that depends on how much one likes goats, huh?
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