Yeah that one.
I particularly like the scene of the Christian who has a Koran hidden in his stately home and when asked why he has a Koran and he’s not a Muslim, he says something to the effect that you don’t have to be a Muslim or know Arabic to recognize the beauty and truth in something.
Anyone with a half a brain can see through the propaganda. But the BBC doesn’t even have that.
Read the rest at The Gathering Storm.
What a farce. As AOW said at her place, this is textbook inversionism!
A REALISTIC show would've been just the opposite; a Musilm cutting of an infidel's head.
I mean, it's not like we don't have evidence of it happening.
The BBC is distrusted and detested in Britain because of its metropolitan Marxist bias, its dhimmitude and its extortionate compulsory television licence jizya. In recent years it has become nothing more than a propaganda machine for the ruling Labour Party.
Here's a site that monitors its bias:
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