Practising Muslims will outnumber worshipping Christians in Britain within 30 years, according to research published today.

By 2035, there will be about 1.96 million active Muslims in Britain, compared with 1.63 million church-going Christians, according to calculations by Christian Research, a think- tank.
The figures are published in the latest in a series of reports entitled Religious Trends.
The think-tank has warned that 4,000 churches could close by 2020 if congregations continue to shrink at current rates.
According to the most recent figures from the Church of England, regular Sunday, weekly and monthly attendance each fell by one per cent in 2006.
Fewer than a million people attend church every Sunday.
Europeans have to do something about their low birth rates.
OT but related:
UK: 3,000 blank passports stolen
As if people in the British Isle didn't have enough to worry about.
A large population of Moslems in Manchester?
Who would've guessed?
They may be practicing Muslims, Jaco, but they always seem to be misunderstanding their own religion. Maybe they need more practice.
"Two physicians, John Guillebaud and Pip Hayes, writing in the British Medical Journal now call for limiting family size to two children, especially in the post-industrial cultures such as Europe and America,..."
Isn't it weird?
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