Information about the show, which airs on Fox News Channel on July 26-27, 2008:
Unimaginable crimes -- fathers killing daughters, brothers killing sisters -- to restore their family's "honor." It's been all too common in places like Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the Middle East. But now a FOX News investigation exposes how this heinous crime against women has arrived in America.Schedule HERE.
(Hat-tip to Atlas Shrugs)
Always On Watch,
I will bet you that the very tiresome format will be followed:
Christians are just as guilty as Muslims, and we all know there are JUST as many Christians as Muslims, right? Also, the predilection of Muslim kidnappings of Christian girls and forceably converting them and raping them will be completely ignored. This will be a politically correct whitewash, and as always, expect a "root causes" theory to be examined....always with the root causes these people in the press.
Sra. Scherzophrenic,
I sincerely hope not.
Sra is correct,
and it will be the feminists who'll step on the stage, those feminists in alliance with the Mulsima feminists [jihadi's in disguise].
BECAUSE THE TRUE Muslim or Apostate Feminist will speak boldly in agreement--and their voices will be clouded out by the multiculturalist femininists and the Obamatrot feminists and NARAL and groups like that.
Hell I can even write you the format they'll use.
And why it will be important to bring up some good critique against the whitewashing because the media sure won't do it.
And yes, there is that misogyny in Christianity and Judaism and in Western society and in far left societies [in fact worse in far left, fact: Belarus has the highest number of domestic violence cases in the world].
BUT here is where, denying that fact, is not a good strategy, in fact it works to strengthen the multiculturalists or cultural relativist feminists,
the ONE difference other than the state sanctioning that needs to be focused on as rebuttal against the whitewashing is that,
honor killings are not just partner to partner domestic violence...its not just about those types of patriarchal/male controls over women,
honor killings takes it much further and This is what is important in distinguishing between honor killings and domestic violence,
both yes, are from that mentality of 'male entitlement to own/control women'
but, But with Honor Killing, its not just the husband control or partner control over women but the
Big difference there between a woman hooking up with an asshole and
a girl/woman who is not only killed because she defies male control but because she is a threat to the FAMILY INCOME. The dishonor is a threat to the INCOME, because its not just about her shaming the family or defying Islam, its also about the shaming the family and it Costing them,
why honor killings are carried out by brothers, uncles, fathers, mothers and sisters who aid, because women truly are CHATTEL for a PRICE in Islam.
What critics need to do is start bringing to light that aspect of the Dowry and Money price,
because these girls are sold, like stereos to the highest bidder. They aren't just arranged marriages for the sake of family honor or protection but because old star fucker daddy makes a buck off daddy's little girl ass.
And if she brings dishonor then ole daddy might not make that money because nobody wants
Totally different situation there with that and domestic violence,
the only close relation in comparison would be those cases where men kill women to get out of support or for insurance or what have you but those cases are rare in comparison to honor killings AND
they aren't protected or sanctioned by the legal system or the State.
They aren't even condoned by the church. [maybe a few exceptions or maybe a few sexist pigs] but not as a whole society.
And if star fucker daddy wants to buy his little girl ass back, lets say if he's not happy with how ole grandpa age husband is beating her half to death he has to not only come up with the money that he sold her for,
he has to come up with more so that if the abuser agrees to sell her back, he can make a profit.
No joke, recent case about this in Saudi.
Bring in the Money factor, because in Islam,
thats what girls/women are, cum dumps for sale.
Sorry, I know thats crass and blunt and crude but you know something, You have to put it that way to slap the reality into the duped asleep cultural relativists, Especially the feminists who pander to this crap and who'd have all our daughters under that garbage one day,
and sometimes you have to use misogynist language to show just how misogynist Islam is to women, and to show the Difference between that type of misogyny to what we see here,
not to Deny that misogyny is alive and well here because it damn sure is, and Yes in western religions,
BUT IF YOU'RE GOING TO BEAT THE MANIPULATORS [those left/feminist camps in bed with the taqiyya mouths] then you have to get crude about it,
rip the lies to shreds.
They'll focus on the comparisons of violence to women, saying violence is global--true,
but in Islam, its not only violence its ass sales, no other way around it,
Director of WAMI
BTW I'm not saying that in those terms to degrade women who are suffering under that Islamic misogyny, that isn't my intent,
but If they were to read that, I would hope that they would see that in Islam that Is really how they are viewed and it is abhorrent because
no woman, no girl, should be debased in such a way, but the truth is in Islam and in Islamic countries thats Exactly how girls and women are treated, like nothing but cum dumps for sale to be abused and raped and everything else that is misogynist as hell.
They aren't even humans, and the taqiyya black sheets can claim all they want about protectionism and purity and all that other bullshit,
because in reality, all women are in Islam is ashtrays for male ejactulation (sic) and servants and breeding mares.
Nothing more.
Oh, and with a price attached, to be sold for profit, just like one would sell a car.
Or acquire one, hell in Iran you can acquire a woman for an hour under temporary marriage--thats who cheap women are to them,
and I don't say this to be insensitive or mean, not to the women, no,
but the most Irksome thing about the relativists and especially those coward women who 'claim feminism' but in my opinion, they might as well just give it up and don on the stilletos and wrap around poles because their feminism or women's rights is worth about that much,
a dollar or two.
Because Due to the FACT that women in Islam are nothing but cum dumps, the AIDS is exploding in Afghanistan and in many other Islamic countries,
and its going to wipe out thousands of children or leave children orphans, who already are vulnerable and exploited so frankly I don't care if I offend uppity pole straddling cultural relativists feminists,
because Millions of girls and women suffer in ways and in the multitude of numbers, to even Compare the violence towards women here, which granted is horrific and those cases I am not trivializing but there Is at least, at Least some legal recourse here, not always enforced but its here,
but its not in those places and in Islam, and thats the travesty and those girls/women live in sheer hell, in some places worse than others.
And if any wanted proof, we don't see 12 year old girls here torching themselves to death to escape forced marriages or abuse or girls willing to risk honor killing just for the basic freedoms, maybe something as simple as talking to a boy,
we Don't have that kind of misogynist oppression here on That level--that widespread that is [exception, the LDS sex cult-rape compound and Damn ACLU for standing up for that shit--those bastard men should be hung up on poles],
ironically too those same leftist cultural relativists --esp in far left parties were all fricking in sympathy with those child raping sobs in those LDS cults],
bottom line, the relativists and the Deceivers, including those psyops feminists, will whitewash because in truth they don't want laws cracking down on the Islamists who commit these CRIMES in western society because they are willing to sacrifice women to further their ends,
destroying our country as we know it.
And if they can't sacrifice those women--they'll sacrifice their own flesh and blood, their daughters, all the while saying how they are fighting for them--especially for abortion rights.
They are, those types of feminists, the perfect example of those who worship Bael. Do not be fooled by them...
I know one in particular and why I say that...well, I know several, and they are cults of personalities like you wouldn't believe, and they really will sacrifice virgin blood in their misandrous goal of setting themselves [in their deluded minds] as Goddesses.
I'm talking about the ones -feminists-in the far left/some in mainstream left--Poison,
they'll bear their breasts against war but they would never put themselves in harms way to stand up for women who've been raped while fighting for our Armed Services--on that they won't say anything,
its bad enough they'll bear all for anti-war in solidarity with those who would kill them for exposing an arm.
I don't even take those types of feminists seriously anymore--with women like that,
who needs to worry about sexist pigs?
Director of WAMI
Megan Kelly simply needs to report the facts with little comment.
There is no need.
"such and such were killed in such and such a manner ..here are the 911 calls..the father did this, the mother did that, the family says this, the school friends say that ..."
That is ALL that is required.
Everyone will get it.
The facts are damning.
Last night, Megyn Kelly was interviewed on O'Reilly. She did a good job of standing up to his usual disclaimers.
Let's hope that her special this weekend is as uncompromising!
Fox aired the desperate 911 tape where Sarah begged for help as her father finished her off. I hope the program follows with raw unadulterated fact reporting.
I hope so too
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