Thursday, February 05, 2009

Obama Dozed, People Froze - The Obama Ice Storm

Which is colder, Obama, or the Ice?

A friend of mine, who lives in Indiana sent me this email about the Ice Storm:

We have electricity now, it came on Sunday evening.
Initially, over 120,000 people were without power just in southern Indiana. Possibly more than 1,000,000 people in Kentucky were without power, with temperatures below 15 degrees. Many are still without power. I don't know how many deaths are attributed to the cold, more than 50 so far. No one knows for sure. Some places are so hard to get to that no one has checked on the people that live there.
Some older people have died from hypothermia, some from carbon monoxide poisoning or asphyxiation, trying to heat themselves with things they shouldn't be using.
Anyone that could lay hands on a generator was scrambling to get one. I talked to a fellow, Saturday afternoon, that drove 200 miles, from down in Kentucky, to buy a generator at one of the regional farm and home supply superstores, (called Rural King.) He told me that there wasn't one to be found between here and there.
A few people were trying to profiteer, buying generators and trucking them down to sell for a quick, high, profit.
Yesterday I talked to some tree trimming guys that drove down from Minnesota with their equipment to work for the utility company across the river, (in Kentucky.) The utility companies in Kentucky are asking to borrow chainsaws and other equipment because they just weren't prepared for this type of widespread damage. A tornado is one thing but a ice storm of this magnitude causes such damage its almost unbelievable. It starts as rain and as the temperature dopes it starts to freeze on everything. Spans of wire double in weight and tree limbs that aren't hefty enough to stand the strain start to droop and eventually break, if the whole tree doesn't fall.
To get an Idea where I live, look at a map of Indiana. I live in the Southwestern tip, further South than Louisville almost exactly between St Louis and Louisville. About a mile from the Ohio River.
Most of the damage was/is caused by falling trees and limbs. Power can'tr be turned on until the limbs/trees are cleared from the lines.
Why isn't this a bigger story... you know why. Kentucky and Southern Indiana aren't exactly bastions of Democrap power. They are majority white and don't live off the scraps of the Government. Besides, what left wing rag is going to print "Obama Dozed, People Froze"?
My family is fine, we're nothing if not self sufficient.
God bless you and yours.


Epaminondas said...

I have the only reason possible for this..from New Orleans comes the answer...why there is a lack of federal help..

Anonymous said...

As much as I dislike Obama for his policies, I tend to recoil at the possibility that what you say is correct, EPA. Unfortunately, with his history with Wright, Davis, Pfleger . . .and not a peep from FEMA under his "presidential" tenure . . . it is nearly impossible not to accept such realities as - "OBAMA HATES WHITE PEOPLE AND WANTS THEM TO DIE" - as fact.

Always On Watch said...

BHO was holed up in the White House and eating $100-per-pound steaks with the thermostate cranked up to 78 degrees.

Didn't he say he was going to be President for ALL Americans? Well, that's a fantasy.

Always On Watch said...

BTW, I was in constant touch with Warren and family during this ice storm disaster. Yes, they are self-sufficient. Still, there's a financial impact. No bailout on the horizon for THAT!

Epaminondas said...
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Epaminondas said...

I was being facetious as that was the claim made against Bush post Katrina for the perceived and real lack of response to make everything PURRRRFECT by the federal govt .. as opposed to local govts which could have done far more, far faster, and before disaster trapped so many.

Anyone who waits for, or depends on any govt for help in a situation like that is not only irresponsible, but unless they are HELPLESS, are insane.

Get out the chain saws, and help the crews. Buy candles and coolers, and crank up flashlights AND radios. It's called JERKY!!!!, TVP, and CANNED VEGETABLES, make sure the propane tanks are FILLED for the grills.

All this could have been done, and done in New Orleans as well so that more people would avoid dire situations at least while awaiting unavoidable evacuation.

More importanlty in a tough spot, those who CAN help themselves and do, are the most likely to help others as well.

The govt is not there to make life perfect and without risk.

That's god, not the govt.

Pastorius said...

Sure people need to do things for themselves, but the government HASN'T HELPED AT ALL.

Are you being just a bit cold here?

But then, you live in Maine which is basically an iceberg on land.

By the way, everyone, I'm going to the beach today. It's 78 and sunny here in SoCal.

Epaminondas said...

THE BEACH ? ON FEB 5th? 12 below zero at 8 AM for MEN

When it gets cold here, we just burn our couches.

Anonymous said...

And just think, I havent seen as much as one snowflake in 15 years.

Anonymous said...

Duh! Wake up: The era of Post-Partisanship is at hand...unless, of course than those states who went red...paybacks, you know...

Just feel lucky you didn't get a dead fish from Rahm in your mailbox...but this is the same thing, only it's not a joke.