Wednesday, February 04, 2009

The Sting of replacing Hail to the Chief is no laughing matter

There has been a lot of chuckling about Obama’s replacing Hail to the Chief with a rotation of songs that includes Sting’s “Desert Rose.” The laughing has come from people that consider it ironic that we move towards a song with Arabic content during the War on Terror. But this is no laughing matter. It is a matter of life and death. We do not see this because of the illusion of progress.

History’s seemingly straight line from tribes to chiefdoms to nation states has conspired to give us all an illusion of progress. In a certain sense there has been progress. Laurence Keeley’s “War Before Civilization” shows that in tribal times 25% of males died in battle. Wars were fought approximately once a year and every male participated. If a tribe lost too many men the women were often raped, killed or enslaved by the winning tribe. By contrast, in 20th century Europe, with its two big wars and Stalin, 1.9% of males died in battle. There was remarkably little revenge imposed on the vanquished.

Developments in political organization also reinforce the illusion of progress. Mankind writ large has moved from tribal states to ever-larger political organizations. This has brought, again, a corresponding reduction in war deaths. And these states all contain some level of infrastructure, political hierarchy, taxes, borders and military. Whereas, Kelley tells us, 66% of tribes were at war yearly, only 40% of chiefdoms had this frequency. Nation states only go to war once per generation. And so, again, we believe we see a straight line constituting progress. Certainly, many assume, these trends towards larger political units and peace mean that a globalism is destined.

The problem with assuming progress is that nation states have collapsed and large systems disappear extremely rapidly. The Roman Empire fell as much as it dissolved. Furthermore, the move towards peacefulness is registered in averages. Some chiefdoms have been extremely violent. The Aztecs and Mayans are prime examples. They went to war yearly in order to get captives for sacrifice. And some nation states have also been very brutal. Nazi Germany is the paradigmatic example in this category. But, might you not say, weren’t the Aztecs and the Nazis defeated by more peaceful political organizations? Doesn’t this prove progress? No.

Before concluding, and returning to Obama, I must point out that technology does not prove progress towards peacefulness is a natural progression either. Nazi Germany was technologically advanced. Their eugenic rhetoric was heavily informed by the theme of science. Their killing was industrial. Imperial Japan was nearly as cruel as Nazi Germany. They kidnapped young girls from all the surrounding nations and gang-raped them for years. Japan too had high levels of technology. In fact, both nations’ command of communications, transportation and weapons technology helped them in their viscous endeavors.

The problem with the assumption of progress is that the experiment is only half run. Yes, we beat both Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. Japan’s behavior and China’s cultural revolution showed that Confucianism is not incompatible with tremendous cruelty. China is building a fierce military. More immediately, the Islamic world has declared Jihad or holy war upon us. Those who assume progress look at the fall of the Berlin wall and assume that history has ended. Conflict continues. Islamic nations and China are not buying into the idea of the destiny of cooperative globalism. Nothing is settled. America can revert back to tribal warfare. And either China or Islam may yet defeat and dominate us. The “march of freedom” does not destine global cooperative peace.

During World War Two we were famously united against our foes. We knew, as tribes in primitive warfare had to know, that our side was virtuous and the other side was evil incarnate. This knowledge led to near 100% effort by our population. Darwinian evolution does not favor the best, it favors that which is best able to survive and flourish. It may be that driven, racist, authoritarian China has more staying power than our current values based on multiculturalism can muster. More immediately, the fanatical devotion shown on the Islamic side may be able to defeat our diverse population’s nonchalant commitment to our nation. Had we been disunited and unclear about the nature of our foes in World War Two, we would have been defeated. Destiny did not lead to those victories, unity and determination did.

Obama’s saying that we are a Muslim nation during his inauguration and his adopting of an Arabic greeting for the Presidency both undermine our sense of unity and blur our ability to see good and evil. In a world with war, both the unity and erect posture Hail to the Chief engenders are very important. Furthermore Obama’s constant show of respect for Islam diminishes our understanding of why we might want to consider it our enemy. If we are unable to defeat our foes it will largely be because we are not both united and determined to defeat them. In that eventuality, Obama’s seemingly small insults to our traditions and identity will be shown to have been a matter of life and death. His adoption of a Sting song in place of a key anthem that united us will have proven to have been no laughing matter.


Anonymous said...

John, just a thought, if every body here where positive to the crap that Sting churns out, then I'm out of here.

Seriously, “Desert Rose” could very well prove to be a evil omen

Damien said...

Culturist John,

I have an interesting story that's kind of related to this. When I was in middle school, I remember working on a project where I had to design a space colony and talk about every thing they would need to survive. I mention that the colony would need a military presence in order to defend itself from outside threat. Than my teacher asked me if I really thought they would have war that far in the future. I was stunned by her naivety. So apparently a lot of people believe the advanced civilization equals peaceful civilization fallacy.

Unknown said...


To be honest, I don't like Sting or know the song. It is indeed a bad omen. Using it instead of Hail to the Chief shows Obama's poor grasp of culturist dynamics or hostility to our survival.


We had a similar project. It was based on the biosphere experiment. You know, the eco people who lived in a bubble in the desert. Yes, even in Star Trek, war exists!

BTW, Last night I taught about multiculturalism and Keeley to NYC teachers. They said they have to teach the multicultural idea that all cultures are wonderful (and only we are warlike) or risk a war with administrators. I hope when these young teachers go into administration we can have more realistic assumptions running things. Obama's equating all cultures is not helping.

Pastorius said...

Hi John,
Isn't it overstaing the case a bit to say that Obama said we are a Muslim nation?

He said:

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus - and non-believers. "

That being said, I agree with you. Obama's deference to Islam is extremely dangerous. However, he is very good at framing his deference as a diplomatic handshake.

usually, I am not sure what he is trying to do.

For instance, the other day, when he congratulated the UN for it's accomplishment in the successful Iraqi elections. I could not, for the life of me, see what possible diplomatic victory he was seeking to win by giving the UN credit for something they did not do.

That's our President. He's no idiot. This stuff is calculated. We need to catch him with his hands dirty. Thus far, he has been too tricky with words.

Unknown said...


Yes, in one way you are correct. He said "Christian and Muslim . . . " But to say that we are a Muslim nation in any sense weakens us greatly. This would be deleterious in a speech in any venue. But it is especially meaningful and harmful when said in your first inaugural address.

And, I am afraid I agree with you about his being calculated. We do need to make him responsible for his words. Saying why and taking them seriously is necessary. While I do understand the pain that makes people want to joke about such things, we must remember that they are deadly serious.

Thanks, John

Pastorius said...

Who was joking about this anyway?

Do you consider my post yesterday suggesting that The Boy With the Thorn in His Side by Morrissey might be a more appropriate song for Obama to be a joke?

If you think that is a joke, then let me put it to you this way:

Obama is an effeminate man who has been put in charge of the mightiest military in the history of the human race. What's more, as an effeminate man, he has developed quite a thorn in his side, and he is angry at the world, and he is more apt to be emotional and to feel sorry for himself, than he is to live by rationality. As such, he is a danger to all of us.

I think one can say such things with humor, or one can choose to say them with serious words. Either way, the point gets across.

Additionally, one of the foundational ideas of this blog is that we will deal with the disgusting news of our day with humor, so people don't just get depressed and become hopeless.

As Steve Martin said, "Comedy ain't pretty."

Epaminondas said...

Obama is headed for a very rough set of spots.

I don't think he yet understands the foreign issues.

It will be interesting to see if he adapts or blames others as the problems mount, as they must with a wrong strategy.

Imagine thinking Iran is more amenable to negotiation than HAMAS.

Well it will be notable what some people find for excuses as to why talking with Iran is fruitless. No doubt it will be because WE didn't do something

Anonymous said...

I see Obama's first attempt to reach out to Iran is working very well:

Iran: No Visas for U.S.Badminton Team

So much for "Ping-Pong Diplomacy"

Unknown said...


I didn't specify IBA in my post. But, yeah, I was thinking of the post that listed lots of alternative songs to Sting's. I appreciate humor and was not trying to be antagonistic. I sincerely hope no offense was taken. I just wanted to express that I think these small changes are very, very, very dangerous and serious.

I was thinking of posting a post celebrating our efforts. I was going to write it precisely because these have been trying times. My passing out culturism cards as Obama was redefining our nation in front of millions hurt me. This song change hurts me. I certainly DO appreciate that we need fun and humor mixed in with our seriousness. And I thank you for it.

Epaminondas and Total said,

I wonder how many rejected overtures before the American public realize we're being humiliated? We apologize, they insult. In my America we would not even take an insult to our Badminton team. I wonder what America would say if they rejected our basketball team?

Thanks!! John

Pastorius said...

Obama's cavalier and destructive attitude towards our nation's heritage is painful. It is angering.

The best thing we can do is say so in a million different ways.

My background is in Advertising and Marketing. The way I think of our approach is, how can we reach the most amount of people in the most effective way.

The answer is, keep giving the same message over and over in a bunch of different ways. Use different voices to attract different types of people. Some are intellectual, some are angry, some are beer-drinkers, some are potheads, some are Christians, some are atheists, some are Americans, some are Indians, etc.

Always On Watch said...

To my knowledge, when a President has spoken about faith, America has always been referred to as a Christian nation, a nation of Christians and Jews, or a nation of people of many faiths and people of no faith.

I do see BHO's reference of "Christians and Muslims" as a calculated message.

What percentage of Americans call themselves Muslim in faith? Isn't that the lowest percentage with reference to a list of faiths?

Also, with regard to semantics, I'd have been much more comfortable had BHO used the conjunction "or." "And" is used to connect concepts and words of equal importance or role; and the items should be reversible. Suppose BHO had said "a nation of Muslims and Christians"? Grammatically, he should have been able to by using the conjunction "and." [Sorry to be the Grammar Police here]

Always On Watch said...

I just linked to this post in an addendum HERE.