Saturday, February 13, 2010

America On The Rise

From New Geography:


For much of the past decade, "declinism" – the notion that America is heading toward a deadly denouement – has largely been a philosophy of the left. But more recently, particularly in the wake of Barack Obama's election, conservatives have begun joining the chorus, albeit singing a somewhat different variation on the same tune.

In a recent column in The Washington Post George Will illustrates this conservative change of heart. Looking over the next few decades Will sees an aging, obsolescent America in retreat to a young and aggressive China. "America's destiny is demographic, and therefore is inexorable and predictable," he suggests, pointing to predictions by Nobel Prize economist Robert Fogel that China's economy will be three times larger than that of the U.S. by 2040.

Will may be one of America's great columnists, but he – like his equally distinguished liberal counterpart Thomas Friedman – may be falling prey to a current fashion for sinophilia. It is a sign of the times that conservatives as well as liberals often underestimate the Middle Kingdom's problems – in addition to America's relative strengths.

Rarely mentioned in such analyses is China's own aging problem. The population of the People's Republic will be considerably older than the U.S.' by 2050. It also has far more boys than girls – a rather insidious problem. Among the younger generation there are already an estimated 24 million more men of marrying age than women. This is not going to end well – except perhaps for investors in prostitution and pornography.

In the longer term demographic trends actually place the U.S. in a relatively strong position. By the end of the first half of the 21st century, the American population aged 15 to 64 – essentially your economically active cohort – are projected to grow by 42%; China's will shrink by 10%. Comparisons with other competitors are even larger, with the E.U. shrinking by 25%, Korea by 30% and Japan by a remarkable 44%.

The Japanese experience best illustrates how wrong punditry can be. Back in the 1970s and 1980s it was commonplace for pundits – particularly on the left – to predict Japan's ascendance into world leadership. At the time distinguished commentators like George Lodge, Lester Thurow and Robert Reich all pointed to Europe and Japan as the nations slated to beat the U.S. on the economic battlefield. "Japan is replacing America as the world's strongest economic power," one prominent scholar told a Joint Economic Committee of Congress in 1986. "It is in everyone's interest that the transition goes smoothly."

This was not unusual or even shocking at the time. It followed a grand tradition of declinism that over the past 70 years has declared America ill-suited to compete with everyone from fascist Germany and Italy to the Soviet Union. By the mid-1950s a majority were convinced that we were losing the Cold War. In the 1980s Harvard's John Kenneth Galbraith thought the Soviet model successful enough that the two systems would eventually "converge."

We all know how that convergence worked out. Even the Chinese abandoned the Stalinist economic model so admired by many American intellectuals once Mao was safely a-moldering in his grave. Outside of the European and American academe, the only strong advocates of state socialism can be found in such economic basket cases as Cuba, North Korea and Venezuela.

So given this history, why the current rise in declinism? Certainly it's a view many in the wider public share. Most Americans fear their children will not be able to live as well as they have. A plurality think China will be the world's most powerful country in 20 years.

To be sure there are some good reasons for pessimism. The huge deficits, high unemployment, our leakage of industry not only to China but other developing countries are all worrisome trends. Yet if the negative case is easier to make, it does not stand historical scrutiny.

Let's just go back to what we learned during the "Japan is taking over the world" phase during the 1970s and 1980s. At the time Dai Nippon's rapid economic expansion was considered inexorable. Yet history is not a straight-line project. Most countries go through phases of expansion and decline. The factors driving success often include a well-conceived economic strategy, an expanding workforce and a sense of national élan.

In the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s Japan – like China today – possessed all those things. Its bureaucratic state had targeted key industries like automobiles and electronics, and its large, well-educated baby boom population was hitting the workforce. There was an unmistakable sense of pride in the country's rapid achievements after the devastation of the Second World War.

Yet even then, as the Economist's Bill Emmot noted in his 1989 book The Sun Also Sets, things were not so pretty once you looked a little closer. In the mid-1980s I traveled extensively in Japan and, with the help of a young Japanese-American scholar, Yoriko Kishimoto, interviewed demographers and economists who predicted Japan's eventual decline.

By then, the rapid drop in Japan's birthrate and its rapid aging was already clearly predictable. But even more persuasive were hours spent with the new generation of Japanese – the equivalent of America's Xers – who seemed alienated from the self-abnegating, work-obsessed culture of their parents. By the late 1980s it was clear that the shinjinrui ("the new race") seemed more interested in design, culture and just having fun than their forebears. They seemed destined not to become another generation of economic samurai.

At the time though, the very strategies so critical to Japan's growth – particularly a focus on high-end manufacturing – proved highly susceptible to competitors from lower-cost countries: first Taiwan, Korea and Singapore, and later China, Vietnam and more recently India. Like America and Britain before it, Japan exported its unique genius abroad. Now many companies, including American ones, have narrowed the technological gap with Japan.

Today Japan, like the E.U., lacks the youthful population needed to recover its mojo. It likely will emerge as a kind of mega-Switzerland, Sweden or Denmark – renowned for its safety and precision. Its workforce will have to be ultra-productive to finance the robots it will need to care for its vast elderly population.

Will China follow a similar trajectory in the next few decades? Countries infrequently follow precisely the same script as another. Japan was always hemmed in by its position as a small island country with very minimal resources. Its demographic crisis will make things worse. In contrast, China, for the next few decades, certainly won't suffer a shortage of economically productive workers

But it could face greater problems. The kind of low-wage manufacturing strategy that has generated China's success – as occurred with Japan – is already leading to a backlash across much of the world. China's very girth projects a more terrifying prospect than little Japan. At some point China will either have to locate much of its industrial base closer to its customers, as Japan has done, or lose its markets.

More important still are massive internal problems. Japan, for all its many imperfections, was and remains a stable, functioning democracy, open to the free flow of information. China is a fundamentally unstable autocracy, led from above, and one that seeks to control information – as evidenced in its conflict with Google – in an age where the free flow of information constitutes an essential part of economic progress.

China's social problems will be further exacerbated by a huge, largely ill-educated restive peasant class still living in poverty. Of course America too has many problems – with stunted upward mobility, the skill levels of its workforce, its fiscal situation. But the U.S., as the Japanese scholar Fuji Kamiya once noted, possesses sokojikara, a self-renewing capacity unmatched by any country.

As we enter the next few decades of the new millennium, I would bet on a more youthful, still resource-rich and democratic America to maintain its preeminence even in a world where economic power continues to shift from its historic home in Europe to Asia.

This article originally appeared at


USMC said...

Absolutely brilliant article! Thanks for posting it. For years I felt like a childish dreamer for this belief America will rise again.

I've read also that there are riots in China. I mean burning down of federal buildings, trashing police car riots by multiple thousands of Chinese.

Christianity is exploding. Reports say their brand of Christianity is of Early Church quality.

I believe a world wide freedom movement is taking form. This tyrannical tower of Babylon is about to fall.

It wouldn't surprise me that many countries including China are silently rooting for the Tea Parties. We are living in amazing times. Yes they are hard will probably get much harder but something beautiful will come of this.

Pastorius said...

I agree, USMC. I agree with you absolutely.

I really tire of all the losers who are always predicting the end of America, the end of Democracy, and the end of the world.

Frankly, I've been told the world was ending since I was a little kid. 40-something years later, I'm still hearing it. I can't find any reason to believe it.

I've watched America have problems in the 70's, 80's, 90's and 2k's. Every time we have come out of it stronger.

Certainly, we are not in worse shape now than when Carter was President, nor than we were in the 30's.

America is fundamentally strong, because we are built on ideas that are sound. Our ideas work. China's ideas do not work.

The one child per couple policy is cultural suicide. Anyone looking at China vs. America who can not see that China's ideas will not work is either blind or has a secret wish for doom.

Obama is, ultimately, good for the U.S., because his insane policies have forced Americans to have a national discourse on what America is all about.

The Tea Party movement is the manifestation of that discourse.

It is a sign of great things to come.

jeppo said...

China's one-child policy is stupid, but America and the West's population replacement policies are even stupider.

This Forbes article neglects to inform us about two of the most crucial determinants of any nation's future: IQ and immigration.

Ethnic Chinese people have an average IQ of 105 versus an average of 100 for white Americans. And when you consider that China is 4.5 times more populous than the US (1.35 billion to 300 million), they definitely have an overall advantage in raw brainpower.

Also China, unlike the US, isn't busy importing tens of millions of mostly low-IQ foreigners. The average IQ of the bulk of legal and illegal immigrants, Hispanic mestizos, is only about 85.

So eventually the IQ gap between China and the US will widen from the present 5 points to 10 or 15 points, about the present difference between the US and Mexico.

And don't expect a future America with an average IQ of 90 to be saved by its "ideas". Brainpower trumps political ideology every time.

Haiti's political revolution and constitutional framework were based on the Enlightenment ideals of the American and French revolutions. But Haiti's average IQ is a paltry 70, so realistically no socio-economic system will ever be able to raise the bulk of its population out of poverty.

America's low-IQ future won't be as bleak as Haiti's though. It will be more like that of Brazil or South Africa, racially and economically stratified societies characterized by high levels of social division, corruption and poverty.

China meanwhile will resemble the America of the 1950s: A high-IQ nation with a 90% racially homogenous population and a correlated sense of national unity and purpose.

Pastorius said...

You forget to take into account the element of Freedom of Speech/Conscience, and the effect that freedom has on creativity and innovation.

You're also not taking into account the effect that nutrition and environment have on IQ.

Dude, you are one of the the people I am referring to in my comment above.

Have fun with your end of the world ceremonies. It's extremely played out for me.

jeppo said...

It's not the end of the world, Pasto, merely the end of America as a First World country. Radically changing the ethnic composition of the American population (high IQ people replaced by low IQ people) is going to have negative long-term consequences, economically, politically and socially.

I think that Third World countries like China should probably concentrate on economic growth and bringing the bulk of their population into the middle class before worrying about multiparty democracy, human rights, freedom of speech and conscience, etc. Too many developing nations are pressured by the West into democratization before building the foundation of any successful society: A stable, economically secure middle class.

Nutrition and environment do have an effect on IQ, but its relatively minor and not a game-changer. Tens of thousands of years of evolution have favoured some populations over others in the brains department, and this reality isn't going away anytime soon.

Pastorius said...

You said: I think that Third World countries like China should probably concentrate on economic growth and bringing the bulk of their population into the middle class before worrying about multiparty democracy, human rights, freedom of speech and conscience,

I say: That's not the way it works, Jeppo. There has never been a longtrem successful country that did not preserve such freedoms for it's citizens.

Japan crapped out, as you can see from this article.


Because they do not put an emphasis on Freedom of Conscience, but instead, culturally, put the emphasis on conformity.

As does China and it's Buddhist/Confucian/Taoist culture.

China will only be successful to the extent they adopt our ideas.

To the extent they adopt our ideas, they are no longer any kind of threat, but are actually a buoy to our economy.

Sometimes I wonder if you're really working for the other side. Here's the thing about you;

1) you either do not understand what made the Western world great,


2) you are trying to ideologically sabotage the West.

But, if it is #2, it won't work.

You should go sell your pessimism at a site where they like people who cry in the locker room.

jeppo said...

Pasto, do you really believe that Japan has "crapped out"? Their per capita GDP is only slightly lower than the US and about the equivalent of Canada's. Their unemployment rate is only 5.5%, barely half of that of the US. And their crime rate is only a tiny fraction of America's. If that's crapping out, then we should all be so lucky.

I'm not trying to sabotage the West, I'm trying to save it. By not mentioning the key difference between China and the US, Third World immigration overwhelming the latter , the Forbes article isn't telling us the whole story. If you want to maintain American power in the face of a rising China, then don't ignore your rival's strengths (high IQ), and don't ignore your own weaknesses (mass low-IQ immigration).

Pastorius said...

Real Estate is about location, location, location.

Cultures are about ideas, ideas, ideas.

China has weak ideas. Do you really think China has left it's Buddhist/Confucian/Taoist/Ancetors-Worship paradigm behind?

America was born the minute Martin Luther tacked his theses on the door of the Vatican. When people have direct access to God, and do not need a mediator, then they will DEMAND freedom.

Buddists, and members of the other Chinese religions, believe that the key to life is acceptance of one's circumstances, and they believe one should not flaunt tradition.

Because of that basic belief, they can not be as creative and innovative as we are.

It's that simple.

The demographic argument only piles it on. They don't have enough children to sustain their tax base. And, they don't have enough women to fix the problem.

I think I've said this to you before; you just ignore my points. You don't seem to actually respond to my points.

Hey, I bet Lex loves your arguments, right? They fit right in with her Barack Obama fetish. The Post-American World, indeed.

jeppo said...

China has lots of problems, demographic, governmental and otherwise. But the sheer size of the nation and the obvious intellectual capabilities of its citizenry would seem to ensure its future prominence in the world. Unlike you, I don't believe that their religious tradition is a detriment to them, and unlike Islam it's not a threat to us.

America can't afford to rest on her laurels against a civilizational rival potentially far more powerful than the Soviet Union ever was. And the answer isn't "projecting power" by keeping the southern border open and effectively merging with the rest of the Western Hemisphere. It's tightening the bonds with our ethnic and religious kinsmen in Europe against our common enemies.

America wasn't always the most powerful nation in the world and there's no reason why it wouldn't want to acknowledge reality and eventually cede its present position to much larger nations like China or India. The best case scenario is learning to live with America as a First World republic rather than America as a Third World empire, as is the case now with its bipartisan "invade the world, invite the world, in hock to the world" philosophy.

Pastorius said...

Once again, you're speaking Obama's language.

Like I said, Lex will love to hear what you have to say. Go sell it to her.

jeppo said...

So a realistic assessment of American power vis-a-vis China is "speaking Obama's language", eh? Are my conservative credentials now in question for failing to applaud the Forbes author's rah-rah American triumphalism?

Think of how far China has come in the last thirty years. Under Maoist rule it was poorer than sub-Saharan Africa at the time! Today it's left Africa in the dust and its industrial power rivals that of the US. And all this despite still being a totalitarian one-party state.

Thirty years from now China's economic power may equal the US and the EU combined. The worst mistake we could make would be to assume our continued superiority over such a potentially powerful and determined foe.

Pastorius said...

Jeppo writes: a realistic assessment of American power vis-a-vis China is "speaking Obama's language", eh?

No, you're assessment is unrealistic.

Pastorius said...

Will you apologize for your idiocy when in ten years when you have been proven wrong?

jeppo said...

Check out this list from the IMF of projected national economic growth from 2009-2014.

Look at how much faster China is growing compared to the US and almost every other country.

In ten years, China will pass the US in GDP(PPP), aka overall national power, and it won't stop there.

If I'm wrong I'll apologize for my idiocy. If you doubt this will happen, and if you're wrong, will you apologize for yours?

Pastorius said...

I will.