Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Did Bob Bergdahl Signal To His Son To Only Speak To The US Military Through Arab Translators?

Some thoughts from an Anonymous commenter:
Just occurred to me ...Bob Bergdahl urged Bowe to trust his military reintegration team, and he also suggested his son could no longer speak English. 
Could it be that daddy Burgdahl was instructing his son to speak only in his adopted foreign tongue to avoid revealing too much? Instructing his son to trust his reintegration team would also suggest that these team members are also fluent in that tongue in order to communicate with Bowe and the administration. 
I would even venture to guess that the entire bunch are in cahoots to keep the evolving narrative intact as long as possible. This appears to be quite a challenging task given the walk back this afternoon: 
State Dept changes it's tune now unsure if Bergdahl captured during combat  
Perhaps Bowe is not willing to concede to the administration's much desired 'returning rescued hero' meme.


Anonymous said...

"Comic ate " is an error..."communicate".

Pastorius said...

I fixed it. Sorry, I should have read it better.

Anonymous said...

Guest Blogger, Raven-Wolf: Bergdahl, How pride and arrogance kept us from getting him back

It was June 2009. I was working off the grid in and around South-Eastern Afghanistan. I had built a very effective Afghan network: local elders, merchants, NDS commanders, Afghan Army CI, etc. Word came down that a soldier from the 501st INF had gone AWOL. The name of the soldier was quickly known: Bowe Bergdahl.

Within hours of the reported “DUSTWUN” (Duty Status Whereabouts Unknown) the RC-East Commander initiated a total gag order, preventing any Army unit or Embedded Training Team (ETT) / Police Mentor Team (PMT) team from sharing intelligence with the Afghans. His order was based on his command’s stated belief that the Afghans were complicit in the taking of Bergdahl. The actual motivations came out later in private meetings behind closed doors: he wanted to protect his chances for promotion to O-7 (One Star General).

The Commander’s order didn’t affect me, and I frankly had little care for being involved in the search for someone as obviously stupid as this kid. My feelings, bluntly, were that Darwin’s laws should be let to play out and the Taliban’s desires to turn young boys into sex puppets was this kids earned destiny.

Anonymous said...

The above link has a lot of info not yet reported . . .still reading. . .

Quote: "During this time the rumors and reports from the US side were that Berdahl had been taken by Haqqani. That was not the case. His captors had sent out word to the Haqqani network asking for a reward, however the initial interest from Haqqani was cool to tepid at best. Their concern was that Bergdahl was mentally unstable; and even though Bergdahl had voluntarily converted to Islam, the Haqqani network was not willing to bring a mentally unstable Muslim convert over the border into Pakistan. We should have paid attention to Haqqani."...
The Colonel called a friend in Parliament. The discussion was brief. He hung up the phone and we waited. A few minutes later the phone rang; it was his Parliament friend again. The tribal leader had agreed to the meet. The location would be set the next day. The Afghan Colonel and I agreed to travel together. We parted, each of us setting about preparing our kit for the next morning.

The media blast that followed the Bergdahl video was what the RC-East Commander had hoped to avoid. The story was now out. Bergdahl who had been effectively a blip on the radar up to that point became an international star overnight. The elevation of status made him more valuable and Haqqani understood this. The following morning as I walked to the vehicle to meet up with the Afghan Colonel, he greeted me, still wearing his military dress. I knew something was off. He informed me that the meeting had been cancelled. Overnight Haqqani had dispatched a team with an undisclosed amount of cash and had taken control of Bergdahl. From that point forward the chances of getting him back were all but lost.

This confirms another report by Brad Thor: "Negotiating with Terrorists: Inside the Capture and RElease of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl

Anonymous said...

Haqqani and Taliban may be in for a windfall of US dollars and returned GITMO kin.
AP Exclusive: Western couple held in Afghanistan

WASHINGTON (AP) — The family of a pregnant American woman who went missing in Afghanistan in late 2012 with her Canadian husband received two videos last year in which the couple asked the U.S. government to help free them from Taliban captors, The Associated Press has learned.
Republicans in Congress have criticized the Bergdahl agreement and complained about not being consulted, though Obama has defended it, citing a "sacred" obligation to not leave men and women in uniform behind. Rep. Duncan Hunter, of California, asked Obama in a letter this week why other Americans still in the custody of Afghan militants were not included in the negotiation. The families say their children, though without political or military ties to the government, are prisoners just as Bergdahl was and should be recognized as "innocent tourists" and not penalized further for venturing into dangerous territory.

"They really and truly believed that if people were loved and treated with respect that that would be given back to them in kind," said Linda Boyle, Boyle's mother. "So as odd it as it may seem to us that they were there, they truly believed with all their heart that if they treated people properly, they would be treated properly."

Relatives describe the couple, who wed in 2011 after meeting online, as well-intentioned but naive adventure seekers.

*****naïve is too sane a term for some folks.

Wasn't there small group of 'hikers' held in Iran under similar circumstances - two of three married & were ransomed recently?

Could it be Obama will jump at this opportunity to again seek glory and empty GITMO afterall as a bonus afterall?