Tuesday, June 03, 2014

El Dorado

Agent Orange


Anonymous said...

IATA tip toes around the bleedin’ obvious about MH370
While IATA is of necessity an organisation that is tactful and diplomatic in its pursuit of the interests of aviation, there is no reason why the media should be so docile in pursuit of the truth about MH370 and the loss of 239 lives on board the missing Malaysia Airlines 777-200ER.

the Malaysia Government knew about the military radar trace, and the reversal of course by MH370, by around 9 am local time on 8 March, the morning of its disappearance.

It was conceded in the notes to the interim report onto the disappearance of MH370 which the government of Malaysia long tried to suppress but eventually released (appropriately) on 1 May.

What IATA is avoiding dealing with, and the media is not in general pursuing, is that on 8 March Malaysia authorities knew the jet had flown westwards and has admitted this. Yet on 14 March it insisted on extending the search further into the South China Sea, and maintained the fiction of a search interest area near India, even though the government of India refused to go along with the fiction.

Anonymous said...

Burgdahl news squashed concern over VA Scandal - all too convenient, but here is the latest:

Reid vows quick Senate vote on VA health bill

WASHINGTON — A refashioned bill to address problems plaguing the Veterans Affairs Department should be approved by the Senate as soon as possible, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Monday.

The bill, sponsored by Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., would give the VA authority to immediately remove senior executives based on poor job performance while preventing "wholesale political firings" that Sanders said could be allowed under a similar bill approved by the House.