Sunday, June 15, 2014

I don’t want to hear about the 1% while NYT support a treaty to benefit ONLY BIG FAT CORPS

WaPo VS NYT, very, very interesting:

The New York Times endorsed a secretive trade agreement that the public can’t read

The Obama administration is secretly negotiating a treaty that could have significant effects on domestic law. Officially, it’s a “free trade” treaty among Pacific rim countries, but a section of the draft agreement leaked in 2011 suggested that it will require signers, including the United States, to make significant changes to copyright law and enforcement measures.
Strangely, the administration seems to be encouraging the public to have a debate on the treaty before they know what’s in it. The Office of the United States Trade Representative has solicited comments about the treaty on itsWeb site, but there is no particularly detailed information about the content of the agreement, or a draft of the current version of the proposal.
Now, as Maira Sutton at the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) notes, the New York Times editorial board has endorsed the TPP. While the editorial acknowledges that some are “worried about

provisions on intellectual property that could restrict the availability of generic medicines and grant longer copyright protections to big media companies,”

it nevertheless argues that a “good deal” would “not only help individual countries but set an example for global trade talks.”
But as Sutton points out, it seems strange for the Times to be opining on a treaty the public hasn’t gotten to see yet. If the Times has gotten a leaked copy of the report, it should publish it so the public can make up its own mind. If it hasn’t seen the treaty, perhaps it should reserve judgment until it’s learned what’s actually in it.
So we have a govt supposedly elected by the more needful, pressing (AGAIN) for a law no one has seen, and supported by other progressive means and media, but the supporters and benefitters are all HUGE ENTITIES.
I have personally read the agreement between a large manufacturing conglomerate and it’s govt in which each benefitted over a period of 10 years.
There is a word for a nation which conducts business this way.
The conglomerate was Krupp, and the agreement was with Hermann Goering.

Is anyone, even those who benefit from this thinking about what happens when Americans no longer trust ANY govt, any elected official, any media outlet?

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