Thursday, June 05, 2014

Obama Official: Bergdahl “Worthy of Sympathy” if He Joined Taliban to Protest “Psychopath” Platoon Leaders

Another Traitor in the Obama Administration. His name is Brandon Friedman.

HERE'S the thing: When you join the American Military, you join an organization run by a set of principles, one of them being that you the individual no longer get to decide what you will and will not do. You work as a team.

It does not matter what you think of your leaders. YOU FOLLOW.

If you do not, then you are a Traitor. Plain and simple.

There's nothing more to it.

Hence, this man Brandon Friedman is revealing his Traitorous nature by sympathizing with a alleged Traitor like Bergdahl.

I'm not surprised. After all, this guy works for the Traitor-in-Chief, Barack Obama.


Charles Martel said...

I believe this excellent piece clearly analyzes the source of the "traitorous" nature of this administration and its dovotees like Mr. Friedman.

"Nobody in the inner circle of Team Obama has served in uniform."

Pastorius said...

Yeah, I agree. I posted it last night. It's a few posts down.