Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Obama Regime Holding Secret Talks With Hamas For Past 6 Months

From BuzzFeed:
U.S. officials have been holding secret backchannel talks with Hamas over the last six months to discuss their role in the newly-formed unity government, according to two senior diplomatic sources with direct knowledge of the talks. 
The meetings were held between U.S. intermediaries and Hamas’s leadership which lives outside the Gaza Strip in third-party countries ranging from Egypt to Qatar and Jordan. 
Topics included the ceasefire agreement with Israel and the recently formed unity government between Hamas and Fatah. 
During the talks, Hamas gave assurances that allowed the U.S. to support the unity government, despite heavy pressure by the Israeli government for them to condemn it, the diplomatic officials — one U.S. and one Palestinian — said. 
They said those assurances including a commitment to maintaining a ceasefire with Israel. “Our administration needed to hear from them that this unity government would move towards democratic elections, and towards a more peaceful resolution with the entire region,” said one U.S. official familiar with the talks. 
He spoke on condition of anonymity, as the U.S, government’s official stance is that it has not, and will not, talk to Hamas until certain preconditions are met. “It was important to have that line of communication,” the U.S. official said.

1 comment:

Pastorius said...

The man does not know how to work out.

Someone should stop him before he hurts himself. He does not know how to use proper posture. When he steps up onto the bench while carrying weight, his posture is so bad that, if he was carrying any substantial weight, he would destroy his back.

Additionally, he does not know how to breathe properly. He exhales on the lift and inhales when he is letting the weights down.

With any luck, the man will give himself an aneurism, and we will be rid of his evil rule.