Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Bergdahl Left Note Behind After Deserting Saying He Was Disillusioned With The Army, Opposed War In Afghanistan – Update: Report Says He Renounced His Citizenship


Anonymous said...

Is there a straw that will finally break the back of this treasonous administration?

Anonymous said...

Just occurred to me ...Bob Bergdahl urged Bowe to trust his military reintegration team, and he also suggested his son could no longer speak English.

Could it be that daddy Burgdahl was instructing his son to speak only in his adopted foreign tongue to avoid revealing too much .? Instructing his son to trust his reintegration team would also suggest that these team members are also fluent in that tongue in order to comic ate with Bowe and the administration. I would even venture to guess that the entire bunch are in cahoots to keep the evolving narrative intact as long as possible. This appears to be quite a challenging task given the walk back this afternoon :

State Dept changes it's tune now unsure if Bergdahl captured during combat via theBlaze

Perhaps Bowe is not willing to concede to the administration's much desired 'returning rescued hero' meme.

Jason Pappas said...

The media is missing the story. Obama understands Bergdahl's hatred for America. Obama was raised on hatred for his country. It seems normal to him. His mentor was Rev. "God Damn America" Wright; and his good buddy Bill Ayers see hating America and supporting our enemies as something natural. It never occurred to Obama that Bergdahl was dishonorable.

D'Souza is right. Obama is more an anti-colonialist than a socialist. He sees America as the "Evil Empire."

Pastorius said...

Interesting, Jason. I was just on the phone with AOW saying essentially the same thing to her.

HOWEVER, I believe the Bergdahl situation shows Obama really, really hates the country, like we never thought before.

I think the situation proves that Obama buys into the Bergdahl ideology.

Bergdahl is friends with people he calls "our Mujahadeen" on Twitter.

Bergdahl is a radical Islamist.

Obama likes this guy and in essence endorses the guy.

That is implicit in the look on his face, and the hug he gave Bergdahl.

Obama hates our nation.

I think that is the real story here.

From here on after, everything else follows and we were adequately warned.

Pastorius said...

Interesting, Jason. I was just on the phone with AOW saying essentially the same thing to her.

HOWEVER, I believe the Bergdahl situation shows Obama really, really hates the country, like we never thought before.

I think the situation proves that Obama buys into the Bergdahl ideology.

Bergdahl is friends with people he calls "our Mujahadeen" on Twitter.

Bergdahl is a radical Islamist.

Obama likes this guy and in essence endorses the guy.

That is implicit in the look on his face, and the hug he gave Bergdahl.

Obama hates our nation.

I think that is the real story here.

From here on after, everything else follows and we were adequately warned.

Jason Pappas said...

I'm glad someone was thinking the same thought. And I'm glad it was you. I noticed elsewhere on the web people seem to have forgotten Obama's background; they're not connecting the dots.

Interesting observation on Obama's posture and expression. Ralph Peters was puzzled by it. Ralph said if you have to make such a trade with the devil you see it as a sad day for America and you announce it in somber tones. He was perplexed by Obama's joy. I think you're right ... Obama sees this guy as a soulmate or fellow traveler.