Friday, June 06, 2014

Why does all the Bergdahl punditry fall apart before WITNESSING?

Because the witnesses, whose political bent NO ONE has even asked about, are WELL BEYOND any kind of disputing.
Six former members of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl’s platoon spoke out in an exclusive interview with Megyn Kelly Thursday night — and every single one of them want the recently freed soldier to be court-martialed and face charges for allegedly “deserting” his post.
Further, when Kelly asked each of the six men to raise their hand if they believe Bergdahl “deserted,” all of them raised their hands.
What does it mean when spokespeople for the President call the witnesses psychopaths and swift boaters and the witnesses ALL AGREE on ONE THING?

Bergdahl’s former platoon members also hit back against critics who have actually attacked them for speaking out. Kelly was clearly outraged that Obama administration officials would attack military heroes.

“When you’re in a combat zone, it doesn’t matter if you are left, right, independent, Jedi, whatever you want to be, OK? The only thing that matters is you have an American flag on your shoulder, and he’s my brother, he’s my brother, he’s my brother — we’re all going to ride together, we’re all going to die together,” Full said. “I don’t know how he felt about us, but we would all die for him — and he left.”

The current dialectic of this LEFT of ours today requires that when they make a mistake, they double down immediately to display their inner confidence, and assure all that they know best and CANNOT be WRONG (therefore they are not wrong). But this time that tactic (and strategy) is going haywire because these men are unimpeachable.
So far.
But this left has typically then tried to smear the personal lives and therefore motives of their opponents (rich, un-American, greedy, 1%, far right extremists ..etc). It will be interesting to see if that pattern continues, and it’s result.

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