Monday, March 07, 2016

Press Release

Imam Zia of the Islamic Center of Irving
Confirmed now by two sources, Imam Zia ul-Haque of the Islamic Center of Irving has managed to send into disarray an inter-faith city effort of which he is a part. Join and destroy appears to be the model of business.

Great Days of Service is a long time mission outreach with origins in the North Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church. With two decades of community involvement in play, Great Days of Service is a coalition of thirteen religious organizations with community and business sponsorship which provide for two full weekends of housing rehabilitation for homeowners in Irving, Texas. Twelve churches are now joined (attacked?) by one mosque.

The demand by Imam Zia that the Christians may not pray in Jesus name has caused one church to pull completely out of the this year's event (April 17,18 and 24,25 respectively) and other church leadership are examining their options. Muslims are "offended". But rather than Muslims removing themselves from the event, the dynamic is one which strips Christians of their own Constitutional right to freedom of religion. This is a Shari'ah application.

Churches provided finances, professional expertise and grunt labor in this venture to rehabiliate dozens of homes per yearly cycle. Businesses also contribute and local eateries are involved in providing on-site meals for the grueling workdays sustained by the labor force.

Islamic Center of Irving has been a part of this effort. But adversarial faith is now the order of the day in Irving, Texas.

Asking Christians not to pray in Jesus name is like asking a man to not give his child his name. The name of Christ is embedded within our very being. And prayers in Jesus name are offered for the safety and blessing of the Christian workforce involved in Great Days of Service.

Islam can never be interfaith in the truest sense. Islam is at odds with Christianity.

The Last English Prince


Anonymous said...

Irving, TX...Clockmed's abandoned hometown.
Irving ISD sues to prevent release of Muslim student's homemade clock details

Pastorius said...

Glad to see some American Christians FINALLY drawing a line.

Alan W. Wright said...

Wow, those are some portly mofos right there!

Epaminondas said...

It's almost enuf to get me to vote for an outright evangelical

Pete Rowe said...

This is why interfaith activities are largely bunk. The reason the group received funding and material support was because the churches were involved. Now, no doubt, Zia Haqq wants to control the money and resources left behind.

Pastorius said...

Maybe, Epa, but today the news is Ted Cruz had a Pastor speaking with him who supports criminalizing homosexuality.


Sometimes I think I am really blessed to live in California.

Always On Watch said...

Yes, drawing the line, but only partially.

Great Days of Service was founded as an organization which prayed in the name of Jesus Christ, and Muslim groups knew that when they signed on.

Should Great Days of Service not continue to do pray as always and tell Muslims who wish to participate, "This is the way our group is and has always been. Get used to it, or leave"?

Always On Watch said...

Good point!

Anonymous said...

The demands began in February, when the group geared up again for this year's cycle of kindness.

It is a coalition based on good will which in its infancy was the brain child and neonate of the Methodists.

Without goodwill, the coalition will collapse. Speaking with a leader at one church he stated, "We would pull out except we gave our word and we will follow through this year."

My feeling? The twelve Christian organizations need to ask the trouble maker to pull back from this effort.

But then again, this is Irving: Islamophobia black eye capitol of the United States.

I could say more but I am too close to the action.

The Last English Prince

Epaminondas said...

There is a sharia court in TX now, these morons think they are winning every hand, NO MATTER THE LENGTH OF TIME BETWEEN HANDS, and we have THE INVERSE OF THE FOUNDING FATHERS RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT