Donald Trump won the Michigan, Mississippi and Hawaii Republican primaries on Tuesday night.
Donald Trump has a commanding lead over Marco Rubio and John Kasich in their home states.
A CNN/ORC poll out Wednesday has Trump holding the lead in Florida with almost double the share of voters than Rubio (40 percent to 24 percent). Cruz follows with 19 percent and Kasich has just 5 percent.
The poll of Ohio Republicans has Trump ahead of the Ohio governor 41 percent to 35 percent. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz has 15 percent and Rubio is a distant fourth with 7 percent.
Rubio's campaign is working nonstop to try and win the state. The Florida senator has essentially camped out in Florida, doing back to back events throughout the state.
Trump appeared on CNN “New Day” Wednesday and was asked about the poll, particularly what it means if he’s able to take both states. “At that point it’s pretty tough for anybody to do anything,” he said.
“I would love to see the party come together and unify.”In this video, below, Donald Trump is talking about an ad put out by his detractors, which shows him using cuss word after cuss word.
He addresses the add, and then responds to a reporter's question about his word usage.
1 comment:
Well, if you piece together a video of me it might be possible to hear "cuss word after cuss word" but it will not be in one single dialogue.
I am o.k. with cursing as adjective use if it strengthens a thought.
Damn (Republican) bosses comes to mind.
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