Thursday, May 11, 2017

Why Do People Hate Donald Trump So Much?

“Which brings us back to Donald Trump. Why do people hate him so? Because he won’t accept this appointed condition. He has no white guilt. He doesn’t feel any male guilt, either, or American guilt or Christian guilt. He talks about the United States with uncritical approval—’America First’—and that’s a thought crime in the eyes of liberals.”


Epaminondas said...

I actually think he is a metaphor for the hate they have for his VOTERS who were SUCCESSFUL in putting him into power.

It's US they hate.

HE is a convienience

WC said...

The fear --- and they know --- that over 4 years, Trump will unravel the progressive agenda that was shoved down our throats over the last few decades. Changes in agenda in the judiciary, foreign relations and education. They see it coming and that's why they hate him.