Thursday, May 18, 2006

ECRI: support for free speech proves Danish “climate” of intolerance

This is very worrying...

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In September 2005, with the stated intention of verifying whether freedom of speech is respected in Denmark, a widely-read Danish newspaper called on cartoonists to send in caricatures of the Prophet Mohammad; such drawings are considered to be offensive by many Muslims. This newspaper thus published 12 such cartoons, one of which portrayed the Prophet as a terrorist. The issue has caused widespread condemnation and a protest march was organised in Copenhagen as a result. The fact that, according to a survey carried out regarding the publication of these drawings, 56% of the respondents felt that it was acceptable is a testimony of the current climate in Denmark. ECRI considers that the goal of opening a democratic debate on freedom of speech should be met without resorting to provocative acts that can only predictably elicit an emotional reaction.
Here’s the poll I think they’re getting that number from. Via WorldPublicOpinion:
A majority—56 percent—of Danes in the Feb. 3 Epinion poll agreed with the statement “Respect for freedom of speech should be more important than the consideration of religious sentiment.” Only 37 percent agreed with the statement “Out of respect for the Muslim faith, the cartoons should not have been published even though this could be considered a limitation on the freedom of speech.”
Read the rest at The Anti-JIhad Pundit.


kepiblanc said...

Don't worry. Danes do'nt. We know very well what ECRI stands for, especially its chairman, Mrs. Eva Smith. Nothing but the usual flagellantism and government-bashing. The ECRI report has been scrutinized by peers here in Denmark, and the verdict is clear : unscientific hear-say and emotional rantings.

Our PM, Mr. Anders Fogh Rasmussen, did the only reasonable thing : relegated it to the dustbin. End of story.

And my personal opinion : Denmark isn't intolerant towards immigrants. Not in any way, manner, shape or form. But we are intolerant of intolerance. Translation : Islam. Period.

Anonymous said...

I worry, for once. Because the MSM can point out to you as that, and the majority of people will think this is the truth...

By the way, have you read all? Then you will worry more, because of the way peaceful islamists are trying to elaborate an intellectual theory about the censorship and what they should do to push their agenda.

And, well, I congratulate you if you do not believe this stuff. Spanish people do.
