In this post, I detail how certain Dutch politicians are plotting to have Hirsi Ali thrown out of the country. In the comments section here, and elsewhere on the same subject, I see one idea being bandied about repeatedly.
Bring Hirsi Ali here, to America, and grant her asylum, and ultimately, citizenship.
Pass in on, from blog to blog.
Maybe we can get something rolling.
This idea has my approval!! I am on it!
Yes, we could also beneficiate from her presence in Canada, but do we have the courage to stand by her?
Mean while Mama Khadr from hell with her dangerous mindis still welcome in Canada.
This piss me off so much.
I want to see all the Muslims who stand for common sense publicly to stick together as team. Will this ever be possible?
How can they ever achieve their objective if they stand isolated?
Jihadis, with all their ugliness, enjoy more solidarity and that is so freakin discouraging.
I'm new here, it's my first post. I'm old enough to remember not only the Cuban Missle Crisis but the Suez Canal one and I have never been afraid before but after what I've learned in the past few months I'm scared to death. What the hell is happening to the West? Have we lost even the instinct for self-presevation?
I work for a bookstore chain that I won't name but which recently got some unwanted publicity by its cowardly, venal (they hope to open outlets in Muslim countries) refusal to stock a magazine, so you can probably guess. Today a customer told me he hopes Ahmadinejad's Iran will destroy America. Meanwhile, nobody even mentions Hirsi Ali. Oh,, we stock her book but nobody except me even knows who she is or what is happening to her.
Sometimes I feel like I'm living in some kind of nightmare, that this can't be happening less than 5 years after 9/11. This extraordinarily courageous woman must be saved at all costs and whatever it takes, I'm for it.
This is a tough one, folks. There's a lot going on in Dutch politics, elections are approaching in the not-so-distant future. Many Dutch I know are not as keen on Ali and wish fervently that Americans could see the whole picture from their side of things. Verdonk has been REALLY strong in terms of immigration reform, hence her popularity with many in the Netherlands.
A few Dutch friends are writing me about this all, but one thing that they have in common is both respect for Hirsi Ali yet anger at some of her political actions and that she (as is Verdonk) are with the VVD Party there, and much hope amongst the Dutch anti-jihadis lies with other politicians there who are less Socialist and more in line with what our image of Hirsi Ali is here in the Western hemisphere.
This is really interesting getting all of this information from both the US angle and the Dutch.
But hey, Rutger can come and stay with me....too bad no one's kicking him out....
What do Dutch people have against Hirsi, Pim?
Am I missing something? I know she doesn't much like religion. What else is there about her to dislike if one is a Westerner at heart.
Little Red Bird,
I hope you won't mind, but I'm going to post your comments on the front page.
We are the great satan
Let's act like it and take in all of satan's whelps worldwide
If freedom of speech is blasphemy, and Europe, even nations which once stood up to Nazis, and sheltered the jews have abandoned by decadence all they stood for, then let it be us.
Bring her here.
Make her a special cultural advisor to the president.
Thanks, Pastorius.
Pim, whatever their opinions about Hirsi Ali, do you get the feeling that there are significant numbers of pols in the Netherlands who are really facing up to the problem and understand where things are going? Hirsi Ali deserves to be rescued for who she is, but then there's the wider issue of whether anyone in Europe is going to wake up in time. From the outside they sound like those people in Java standing around waiting for the volcano to go boom.
I am also very interested in knowing what is the problem some Dutch people have with her.
Whatever her personal story it should not influence the support she needs in her battles.
Verdonk positions on the threats from Islam make a lot of sense. However after briefly reviewing some of her view points, the fascim behind the facade is very clear. Watch out for her.
Ballance is essential in politics, but finding the right line is tough. I tend also not to trust what the polls tell me the population thinks.
Brave ones like Ali who speak out become targets of envy, especially women and even more when they are beautiful.
I'm trying to send them over here to comment! I'll get someone to. No, most admire her it seems in part, but she is with an entirely different and more socialist party. Pols like Marco Pastors and Geert Wilders(who also has to live under police protextion) are more who the anti-jihadis cheer on. Pastors is Fortuyn's protege and carries on, so much as he can, Pim's original platform. But the fight is also against the extreme state socialism, and the crux of some voters lies there.
Check out the most recent post +comments at http://snouck.blogspot.com too. Fjordman is weighing in now.
Excellent, Pim, thanks.
Don't know. Opinions vary and my ability to read through Dutch reports is slow at best. Here's one more pro-Ali statement from a friend at www.pimfortuyn.com (check that site out, even if you don't know Dutch...beautifully made and great pics of Pim):
"Nevermind, we are totally lost in Eurabia. It has begun. The VARA (Socialist Labour Broadcasting) has made an documentary film on the ‘live’ of AHA. But instead of supporting her position against moslim cruelty towards women that have given her a JUDAS kiss. But interviewing ‘relatives’ that have accused her. What they have done is leave the information to make the whole picture the bastards."
"In the case of AHA a blind person could see that she does need political asylum.
Those bastards have gone mad."
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