Monday, May 15, 2006

Have You Heard The News? There's Good Rockin' At Midnight - Hirsi Ali Moving To U.S.



She is saying "Good riddance" to the Dhimmi-Fascists of Holland.

And, the Dhimmi-Fascists are already breaking out their burqas in celebration:

Dutch liberal politicians and Islamic front groups are smiling at the news of Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s departure. Apparently Hirsi Ali was the only thing standing in the way of a utopian harmonious society.

From Expatica:

She’s no loss to Netherlands - Wiegel

The coming departure of Ayaan Hirsi Ali from the Dutch parliament is “no loss for the Liberal Party (VVD)” or for the Lower House of Parliament, former VVD leader Hans Wiegel said on Monday. He was commenting on the news, Hirsi Ali is moving to the US to work for a political think tank American Enterprise Institute (AEI). Wiegel, who is known for speaking his mind, told a radio programme Hirsi Ali is a “brave woman” but her standpoints are polarising. He cited her views on the freedom of education and minority groups as examples. “I did not agree with this line,” he said. Wiegel said he did not think much will be heard of Hirsi Ali again once she takes up her job in the US. “That I don’t find so bad,” he said. ...

Muslim group not mourning

The Contact Organisation for Muslims and Government (CMO) indicated on Monday it was not sorry that Ayaan Hirsi Ali is going to American to work. Her strong attacks on Islam have caused “a lot of damage”, CMO secretary Nasr Joemman said. “I celebrate that she is leaving the Netherlands,” Joemman said. “I hope that by her departure we can move forward with building a harmonious society.”

What a great day.

Of course, it is a sad day for Holland, and Western Europe, but I was honestly worried about Hirsi Ali. I was concerned the internation body politic might conspire to offer her up as a sacrifice. But, it seems, once again, America has done the right thing.

UPDATE: Jason Pappas sent in the following;

Holland gave John Locke sanctuary before he returned to England and help to establish a liberal society with the Glorious Revolution. And when the Pilgrims left England they first found refuge in Holland before resettling in a British colony. For now if we can give sanctuary to Holland’s bravest woman, tomorrow’s Holland will hopefully be better for it when they are ready to stand up to the fascist element within.


Jason Pappas said...

It is sad for Holland, however. I still think they’ll come around. Old habits are hard to break. I’m sure there are more Pims in the pipeline. For the moment the appeasement cowards prevail (and Islam by default) but our solidarity with those who supported Pim and will rise again to fight the Islamo-fascist scourge should remain steadfast.

Holland gave John Locke sanctuary before he returned to England and help to establish a liberal society with the Glorious Revolution. And when the Pilgrims left England they first found refuge in Holland before resettling in a British colony.

For now if we can give sanctuary to Holland’s bravest woman, tomorrow’s Holland will hopefully be better for it when they are ready to stand up to the fascist element within.

Avi Green said...

If Hirsi Ali were to speak out against the dhimmitude in Holland, even in the US, I think that would have some impact. That said, it's still bad that she's moving out, because the Netherlands needs people like her.

Anonymous said...

"Good Rockin' Tonight" with Ronnie Montrose and Sammy Hagar!

Hirsi Ali has found a proper home in the U.S.A. We have to keep fighting to keep it that way.

Anonymous said...

what good will she do with her liberal opinions at a right wing 'think tank' in the US. Her voice will be small. As an MP in Holland she was serving some good for us. Picking an open fight with Donkel was very strange. After her US book tour it stinks! Especialy since it all came in so fast.

(thanks Avi)

Jason Pappas said...

Thanks, JP.

Anonymous said...

In rather a hurry I read most of the comments on what is happening to Ayaan Hirsi Magan, that is her real name after the lies about her identity came out last week. I am am now convinced that most of you people don't know anything about the situation in which all is "embedded" over here, the Netherlands.

It's the conservatives (you call them liberals but conservative they are) that now are dropping their MP, mrs. Magan. They "have" to do it because they are in the government responsible for the most strict immigration and asylum policy ever. They are shooting in their own foot you might say.

Most of the Dutch lefties (you call them liberals) don't think mrs. Magan should be turned to the illegal status considering the harshness of the current policy despicable.

I think mrs Magan knew very well what she was doing all the time. My opinion is that she is a career woman getting her position and profiting from the worldwide hate against Muslims after 9/11. Before that she herself was a member of the Muslem Brotherhood, a very conservative Muslima!

Anonymous said...

@ Jason Pappas:

Explain "fascist element within"! It's the xenofobe Muslimhaters that now like mrs Magan to be thrown out! So again: who is fascist element over here, hm?

Epaminondas said...

Barbara Schuddeboom - this has all been WELL documented before in many places .. she saw th light and that appwars to really PISS YOU OFF somehow, corect me if I am wrong.

"xenofobe Muslimhaters that now like mrs Magan" ..there may be some, but NOTHING, NOTHING changes the facts of her life and this story, which are ..
By her support for, and speaking out about Van Gogh, and the relgious REQUIREMENTS many muslims feel they must undertake regarding freedom of expression BEING blasphemy, she has risked her life. For months she LIVED in a jail. Sorry, but havgin bodyguards and living in jail is not 'seting yousefl up for a creer'.

She SYMBOLIZES the RESISTANCE to civil intimidation by the KKK'ers of Islam.

Because so many moral and physical COWARDS in Holland want to FEEL that the they are the last to be seen by the hungry crocodile of Dawa, and because they want to throw a BONE in the face of SLIGHTLY more restrictive immigration, she apparently is going to be an american.

Neither her voice nor the diminutive Bat Yeor's are or will be small. Expect to see her writing weekly, and appearing VERY frequently on anmerican cable news as an analyst.

If the foolish Dutch have lost what saw them brave enough to shelter jews against the Nazis in 1941, then I hope she will be happy here, and I hope fervently that she BECOMES an american.

Those who think such views are right wing must therefore believe that Adams, Jefferson, Hancock, Washington, Franklin, etc are total fascists to have dedicated their lives and the base of this nation to such ideas as freedom of speech trumping the sensibilities of others.

Resistance to malignant dawa, and the imperial intimidations of a pernicous political system which cloaks itself in the mantle of prayer is not right wing. If anything it is the INDIVIDUAL DUTY OF ALL FREEDOM LOVING HUMANS to resist. Without obfuscating qualifications.

You want resistance to be perfectly clean with only the wonderful on one's a flash ... PERFECT IS NOT THE ENEMY OF THE GOOD. I want the sons of bitches right next to me, along with the pure. Wellington has it right, even now ..('they are but the scum of the earth').

Anonymous said...


Well said, but I think we should be clear that the Dutch overwhelmingly did not protect the Jews during the occupation. Three points - Dutch administrative records were willingly submitted to the Germans, who thus were able to deport a huge proportion of Jews. Dutch police (especially in Amsterdam) hunted down Jews of their own accord. More Dutch served as SS volunteers than ever worked for the resistance.

It is virtually impossible to hear the Dutch informing the outside world of these facts. Once one learns Dutch however, the true face of the country becomes very clear.

The Dutch played an opportunistic hand during WWII, and always trumpeted their "valour" to good effect after the war.

Barbara Schuddeboom:

The details of Ayaan Hirsi Ali's asylum application didn't come out last week. She revealed the irregularities herself on the Barend en Van Dorp talkshow several years ago.

Anonymous said...

But Holland is in the run up to an election NOW. Donkel has restated her policies NOW. Which Hirsi Ali fully endorsed these. The tv documentary laboured over her status again NOW and forced Donkels hand after a very recent prominent asylum case, dont you see that? Why Ali would choose to go along with this tv programme at this point in time is quite bizare. You are suggesting she was forced out we are suggesting she forced herself out as self promotist. Ali's voice was all well and good but Donkels policies are what Holland needs. Hirsi Ali had run her course in Holland which gave her the platform whether you think Holland sucks or not! As an opportunist the next natural step with a film career is the US where she has spent many months feathering her nest.

Whether the US can handle her very liberal Dutch way of thinking reamins to be seen. And quite how she will make it into the US without Dutch status and in view of Bushs illegals crisis also remains to be seen.

But heres the thing You either want Holland to pursuw aggressive immigration policies to stop the flow of unchecked immigration or you dont. Much like in the US. Donkel can do that. Hirsi Ali has yet to turn her message into anything tangible even as an MP.

Pastorius said...

Barbara Schuddenborn,

You are concerned with technicalities. We are concerned with Liberty.

You ought to be ashamed of yourself.

Anonymous said...

Quote Pastorius: "You are concerned with technicalities. We are concerned with Liberty.

You ought to be ashamed of yourself."

I already told you that mrs Magan was member of the VVD, a party of socalled liberals (not lefties) but responsible for the harshest and most heartless policy towards immigrants ever right now.

Liberty? What liberty?

Mrs Magan didn't do anything about that. These should have been her natural allies but sadly Ayaan didn't behave that way.

You, Americans don't understand.

(P.S.: In another thread a posting is waiting for you.)

Anonymous said...

@ William

You are right about the traitorous way in which the Dutch behaved during the WOII, the occupation. My Jewish family was victim of that. Some Jews themselves did make dirty hands according to an analysis of Ies Vuijsje in a book published a few weeks ago.

It is false to compare the occupation period to present politics.

But you can't say Ayaan didn't cover her identity also. Yesterday evening a documentary of homevideo images on her was shown called "I Ayaan". These were images of rather a conspiracy. She herself was very much afraid to loose the Dutch nationality and asked her friends to keep it still. Watch it yourself over here:

And why for G'dsake William, did she sign all papers, lawproposals with her false name, why?

Anonymous said...

Epaminondas said...
"Barbara Schuddeboom - this has all been WELL documented before in many places .. she saw th light and that appwars to really PISS YOU OFF somehow, corect me if I am wrong."

Nope. I am not pissed of that mrs Magan saw a light. I read the article and it contains a lot of flaws. I cannot call that article anything near a " documentation'!

My suspicion of her being opportunist, having her go in the world filled with fierce muslim-rejection, was right after all. You know: once a radical, always a radical. Once she really strongly supported Islam, even was part of the Muslim Brotherhood. Since 9/11 she says to reject it all. Thesis, anti-thesis...