Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The Big (and Neverending) Lie

Palestinian Nazi Salute

The last Intifada began when the Palestinians used Sharon's visit to the Temple Mount as an excuse to begin blowing themselves up, and splattering rat-poisoned-laced shrapnel into the bodies of Israelis.

The new Intifada looks as if it will begin because of real violence this time. This time the Palestinians are angry because a family of seven, enjoying themselves at the beach, were killed by some sort of explosion.

The Palestinians blame the Jews. Well, blaming the Jews would all be fine and dandy, if "the Jews" had really done what they are accused of.

But, the thing is, the Palestinians know damn well Israel was not responsible for this explosion. How do they know? Because they have the dead bodies carrying the shrapnel. And, the Israelis know it wasn't them, because they have treated the wounded bodies carrying the shrapnel:

A piece of shrapnel taken from one of the wounded being treated in an Israeli hospital and cross-checked with 155-mm. Shells used by the IDF proved that the explosion was not caused by Israeli artillery fire. "The fragment taken out of the wounded showed absolutely that it is not connected to any [type of] Israeli ammunition used that day," Halutz said.

Melanie Phillips weighs in:

This latest libel, in the mould of the killing of Mohammed al Dura (almost certainly killed by Palestinian fire, as has been all but conclusively demonstrated in reconstructions by European journalists) and the ‘massacre’ of Jenin that was nothing of the kind, was once again uncritically swallowed and regurgitated by western media.

Honest Reporting has a round-up of the way the incident was falsified by the Palestinian Authority and the western media all rushed to damn Israel over an incident on which they not only had no reliable information but where it was obvious from the start that the Palestinians’ claims were suspect, not least because of the way they obstructed attempts to inspect the evidence.

So what’s new?

Meanwhile, more than 100 missiles have been fired at Israeli towns from Gaza since the weekend. The Palestinians are using their own people as human shields by firing from densely populated areas, thus making it impossible for Israel to take out these firing sites without civilian casualties.

The bombardment of Israel, however, has been all but ignored by the UK media; it is referred to only in passing, if at all, while the same media eagerly transmit a libel that demonises the target of this warfare. No country on earth would be expected to put up with such a bombardment of its citizens. Israel has no alternative but to take action in Gaza to stop it. Yet as soon as it does, the same media which eagerly regurgitates Palestinian lies and libels to demonise Israel while ignoring or minimising Palestinian violence against it will turn on Israel for defending itself.


Monstrous? Or, Demonic?


Epaminondas said...

We all know, and we all report, and we all discuss, but has anyone heard this or seen this EVEN ON FOX?

Only the lie, not the hard reality.

It is believed because the bitter truth is that the vast majority out there WISH reality to be this way...the lie.

As a species..this would be a non survival mutation, sports fans.

Freedom Fighter said...

Speaking of monsterous, check this out:

J O S H U A P U N D I T: The Beast eats itself..and its children

Pastorius said...

Hi Freedom Fighter,

I remember reading that post when it happened. You have a great blog.

Epaminondas said...

I think I like that expression for the HAMASOIDS ...undead. Very accurate. Just waiting to be shaheeds (or gulling the innocent into becoming undead future shaheeds)

I'm stealing that ..and giving you credit orange ...beausant, baby