Sunday, June 04, 2006

The Savvy Fascist: The Fate Which Awaits Europe

I am concerned about Europe falling into Fascism for two reasons:

1) as a response to the Islamofascists among them, and

2) as a reaction to the Dhimmified governments who are in place currently.

We have already seen LePen command 17% of the vote in the last major French election. Some estimates have him climbing into the 30% range in the next election. If this happens, it can only be construed as a violent reaction by the French people against the existant style of Villepin and Chiraq.

In other words, the people don't see an alternative in the current political structure, and they don't trust Sarkozy, because, as an insider, he is considered to be more of the same, even if he does talk differently.

But, if Europe swings extreme rightward, we can not blame all of it on rebellion against the powers-that-be. Because, Europe is made up of a bunch of grownups, and they ought to know what LePen represents.

Yes, if a man has spoken in Fascist language early in his career, and then cleans up his act, but still spends an inordinate amount of time obssessing agaisnt immigration (even if there is a valid reason to oppose further immigration), it is likely that he is not rehabilitated, but instead, has just become a more savvy Fascist.

And, Europe ought to know that. Therefore, they will be responsible if they lurch to the extreme right. I don't think we should offer them a pat on the back and a commiserating excuse.

Fascism is not the answer to any problem, not even the problem of hundreds of thousands, or even millions of Jihadis in your midst.

Now, let us look at the reality of what happens when Europeans do elect these smooth-talking Savvy Fascists.

Here, is a link to a page full of the writings of one such polician, a certain BNP (British National Party) member named Simon Smith, the newly elected BNP councillor for Great Bridge in Sandwell.

Behind the scenes, Simon Smith, apparently, uses the alias "Steve Freedom" to post on racist websites such as the neo-Nazi Stormfront forum.

Here are some excerpts:

Don’t worry we’ll win eventually !

I’m a teacher myself and so can relate to the thread you submitted about your child having to go to a mosque - there are very very few headteachers worthy of respect - they pay their mortgages and toe the party line - no one will remember their names when they are gone.

We the White Race have a hard fight ahead - but for those who have "Woken" up we have no alternative but to enage the enemy with what ever courage and resources we have at our disposal.

Consider joining the BNP or at least making some financial contribution- every little effort is not wasted, because it’s up to us, there is no one else…

"We, the white race", huh?

The problems Europe has do not have anything to do with race. It has to do with a violent ideology called Jihadism, or Islamofascism, which itself is an outgrowth of Islam.

There are brown-skinned Jihadis, there are black-skinned Jihadis, there are "yellow"-skinned (Asian) Jihadis, and there are white-skinned Jihadis. The one thing all of them have in common is that they believe in waging violent Jihad, in the name of Allah, in order to establish Islamic law as the government of nations across the face of the Earth.

Now, my European friends, let's look at some more of the kind of lunacy you will be getting, if you elect "reformed" Fascists:

Let me be the first elected person in Britain to go on record as saying that the September 11th 2001 attacks on the USA were an inside job to justify the expansion of the American Empire. If I die in a car crash or other suspicicious circumstances you will know why !

It took me a long time to come to the same conclusions as most of the folks here…the interest in the subject arose because it is obviously convenient to the Nationalist cause that the "Holocaust" didn’t happen in the way orthodoxy suggests…. never the less it DIDN’T happen in the way orthodoxy suggests AND ENFORCES !

I spent over a year reading the info on the net and came to the conclusion that 6 million is a gross exaggeration and that there were no mass killings with Zyklon B

I’d certainly agree with the notion that "holocaust denial" as you put it, should be avoided amongst Joseph and Josephine Public.. but then again anything that challenges the average attention span should be as well ...

So, we see that he believes in conspiracy theories, he is anti-American, and he is anti-rational in that he denies the Holocaust.

In short, he is a lunatic, but, unfortunately, in our world today, lunatics like this are being given more and more credence.

Europe, if your politician walks like a duck, talks like a duck, quacks like a duck, but is dressed in a nicely tailored suit and wingtips, please understand



Do not make us have to come over there and save your asses again.


Kiddo said...

Of course, reactionaries on the left against any politicians who appear even remotely right are the reason that Pim Fortuyn is currently dead instead of the PM of the Netherlands. Of course, he was anything but right-wing, but even populists are suspect. Look at the sanctions leveled against Austria for electing Jorg Haider in the late 90s.

I think in the long run the far-righters like the BNP will force a more moderate position to appear. European politicians will realize that to compete against reactionary votes, like the primary vote for LePen you mention, that there will have to be more pro-native populist candidates, and that may be just what the doctor ordered.

Pastorius said...

I hope you are right, Pim's Ghost.

Pastorius said...

That's a good point, but the Jews are not all I am worried about. There are many African christians in Europe as well.

And, Fascism is not good for the soul. Europe has already been sick for decades. Does it need to go on for another century?

Anonymous said...

It's not only the reactionaries of the left, against any politicians who appear even remotely right. It's the complete Left, Greens, Liberals and Centre right Christian partys to. They made their politics to do the opposite of the extreme right. These politics are only a denial of reality. It's this that left the people no other choice than switching to the extreme right. There's nothing with a little extreme left or extreme right party. It works also as a sensor. That's their function. See what that sensor has to say, and find a cure, so the body stays in balance. There has been only a politic from deniing and hiding reality here. People are not so stupid that they don't remark that. At the moment there are only bad choices for Europe. Center politics are ill, Extreme right are partys to speak out, not to govern. The disease of Islam ideology and related terrrism only growns.

Anonymous said...

Gormless Norman:

I do not have any respect for Le Pen. He, in fact, prefers the Muslims to the Jews. He is a fascist in all the sense of the word.

No, I do not think that far-right extremists are nothing but that, and that they are going to be even more comfortable with Islam than right or centered people.

The problem is that people in general DO NOT see Islamism as a problem. Look at this comment I have found in blog from Canada:
"however, we will continue to prosper as a successful example of multicultarism regardless of threats of terrorism from small groups of radicals".

That is the real position in Europe.


hahaha, "he is still a fucking duck"...

I hope you do not have to save our asses again. But I certainly doubt it....

Pastorius said...


I understand your point that the Far Right acts as a sensor. That makes sense.

But, in France, there is a real danger or Le Pen getting elected, or of Le Pen's momentum turning into his party's candidates getting elected to lower office.

Then the sensors become the censors, the people with their fingers on the buttons.

Pastorius said...

Gormless Norman,

I hope you can promote the idea of a Pim Fortuyn like party in Britain. I have to think that such an idea is going to gain momentum.

People aren't stupid. More and more they are coming to know what the problem is.

I hope they find that chemical vest. That will kind of drive the point home, don't you think?

By the way, after the 7/7 and 7/21 bombings one of my English relatives called me to say that English people aren't as bothered by terrorism as Americans, because they have had to deal with it for a long time (IRA).

I get the feeling this is a common sentiment in the UK.

It is, of course, a complete insult to America in that it does not at all take into account the magnitude of terrorism that we were hit with on 9/11.

A bombing in a pub which kills 50 people is horrific.

But, jets flown into three major buildings killings thousands (and really, if you know anything about NYC, it is surprising tens of thousands were not killed), is something altogether different.

The message Americans got from 9/11 is that we face an enemy who will do whatever he can to kill as many of us as possible.

That is why we are so deadset against Iran aquiring nukes.

9/11 convinced us they will use them against us.

In England, apparently, your people think it's just gentlemanly old-style terrorism. Yeah right.

You know, it just occurred to me. The definition of terrorism is violence which is done in order to instill terror in the population.

I don't think that is what we are facing in our war with islamofascism.

They aren't trying to instill terror in us. They aren't trying to win a political objective. They are trying to kill as many of us as possible. They want us dead.

The vest filled with nerve gas ought to prove that to us.

Bob said...

I get the impression that the BNP is regarded in England as odious as we regard the KKK. It's unfortunate that there does not seem to be any other group looking at the problem of Islam and immigration. I think England might have gone past a certain threshold, and now cannot reverse the spiral.

As far as the IRA, I agree, it's totally different. Through most of it's history, the IRA engaged in political terrorism, killing British soldiers, policemen, and political and government figures. The goal was a limited political objective -- getting the UK out of Ireland, then getting them out of Ulster -- not ethnic/religious cleansing. The IRA never enjoyed wide public support; what little goodwill it had completely disappeared when it began targeting groups of civilians at random, as in Omagh in 1998; now is regarded about as well as British regard the BNP. And, needless to say, the IRA's murders were not justified on religious grounds, and were obviously directly in contradiction with every sane notion of what Christianity is all about.

I agree that the UK doesn't take Islamic terrorism seriously enough (and, btw, terrorism is not the real problem, as Oriana Fallaci points out, but immigration and expansion of the Ummah). After 7/7, I thought, of all Europeans, the British might display the greatest vestige of a spine. But their heads seem fixed in the sand. The UK is much more vulnerable to Islam than is the U.S. Maybe the scarier things are, the deeper the head goes into the sand. Since the U.S. had never been hit at home before 9/11, we were able to ask "Why" and open our eyes and look around: we didn't know how scary the situation was. Things are too scary for the British to acknowledge.

Anonymous said...

The problems Europe has do not have anything to do with race. It has to do with a violent ideology called Jihadism, or Islamofascism, which itself is an outgrowth of Islam.

No, Pastorius, no, NOOO!.

The problem has to do with Islam. Period.

Pastorius said...

Thanks for reminding me, Anonymous. People never tire of reminding me there is no distinction.

I wonder why I can never remember.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for reminding me, Anonymous. People never tire of reminding me there is no distinction.

I wonder why I can never remember.

Excuse me, Pastorius, but this really is no joking matter. This is a matter of identifying the enemy. The enemy is Islam. Why pretend otherwise?

Kiddo said...

Interestingly, reports of the "rise of the far-right" in Europe are what led me to discover Pim Fortuyn in the 1st place. There was, of course, much talk about this after LePen's win in the Primary and Jorg Haider's election. I think it was a report in the Guardian. Barely remember. I was on a 10 year old computer on dial up at the time, didn't do much online (obviously).

But I looked at this report with all of the profiles of the usual suspects, and then I saw Pim. So I clicked on him, because he was the one I knew least about. It took only one interview to confirm to me that this guy was anything BUT far-right, but trying desperately to make the point that his country would cease to be his country if things kept going the way they were. He spoke of gay friends being beaten up in the streets, but he was also (typical Pim) very flamboyant and outrageous. For example, when asked outright if he was a racist and hated Moroccans, his answer was, "Of course not, I sleep with them all the time" or something along those lines.

He DEEPLY resented being compared to LePen, who does hate Jews outright and would be a danger, hence his high margin in the PRIMARY election but not the actual final election. LePen was used to send a message to the immigrants in France, but definitely rejected as a leader there. On the other hand, Pim's more populist program (which focused on many aspects of government, not just immigration) got him all the way to the top, where he would be today had he not been murdered.

We need more Pims, but definitely less of the "race" oriented politicians like LePen and even maybe the BNP. At this point, I think that the BNP is a necessary step to urge people to create a more populist party that involves more patriotism and less racial politics, but I'm only minimally familiar with them. That's one thing I do love about the U.S. It doesn't really matter what race you are or when you got here as long as you embrace the ideals of the country (see Malkin and D'Souza).