Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Howard Stern Exposes Why So Many People Support Obama

Hat tip to Noel Sheppard at NewsBusters:
Although I imagine most conservatives aren't fans of radio shock jock Howard Stern, the following must-see video (must-hear audio, actually) exposes the dirty little secret about why so many folks are supporting Barack Obama (hint -- it has NOTHING to do with his policy positions.

Frankly, Stern could have sent folks out to most newsrooms in America and gotten the same responses!
Yup- a lot of these people vote.

And-- some of them are given mortgages, as well, which could possibly result in a lot of problems I would imagine.

Related video, below-- Obama supporter: "I won't have to worry about putting gas in my car. I won't have to worry about paying my mortgage. You know, if I help him, he's gonna help me":

(Cross posted on A Deeper Look)

(Vote for this article on Digg)


Pastorius said...

What will these people do when they realize that Obama isn't doing all these things?

They probably won't notice.

Anonymous said...

Oy...I feel like I'm in Jones Town

Krishna109 said...

Interesting point. They are certain to become quite disappointed. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised in some finally get very angry. I'd be willing to be that he won't get re-elected (It looks like he's won this election). Have you seen this article (it may have been posted here?)-- it takes a good look at some of this "magic": Obama and the Politics of Crowds