Thursday, November 20, 2008

Reality Check

On October 9, I posted here and at this very blog two entries under the header "Are Americans Barking up the Wrong Tree?", which discussed the possible implications of Obama's Muslim apostasy and nobody took notice:
While for an expert like Dr. Pipes Obama's possible conversion/apostasy is a mere matter of an increased need for security and some political embarrassment, the problem seems to be non-existent for most other Americans and nobody at all discusses in all seriousness the possibility that Obama might have never converted at all.
Now you've got your knickers in a knot because the implications (Now WHO would have thought so?) are turning into reality already. And what are you doing? In more than 30 comments you are proving that you have STILL twigged nothing. NOT A THING! You think it is a kind of big game, a game that you will win.

You won't.

Your next president is, to put it simply, if not an active participant, but part in a plot to overtake you. Why do you think the threats are coming NOW? Now he is elected, and not before? Yes, I know. Muslims are stupid and have only just learned about Obama.

If it only were so.

Hat tip: Gudrun Eussner!


Anonymous said...

Morning all! Guess who's got the bomb?

Gotta run...

Epaminondas said...

Listen, because some total moron dodging Reapers and Predators, did precisely what was expected at the stupid end of the scale, namely, call Obama an apostate doesn't mean Obama has been brought up reading Ibn Tamiyya under the blankets with a flashlight since he was 12.

If these execrable mass murderers want to use a delusional apostasy to enrage their own troops and call out the president..the left wing, progressive sorosian liberal socialist lunatards will IN THE END do precisely and exactly what George Bush did only they won't have the left wing to hold them back.

THAT is Zawahiri's error.

It is an essential feature of american reality.

I don't think any knickers were bunched up except to be amazed at the stupidity level of these yutzes.

He should have gone the other way and promised an indefinite truce as soon the last american gets on a helicopter.

Instead he confirmed that the salafis are going to fight us on the ice in hell after the fire goes out.


Always On Watch said...

I don't believe that any who post here at IBA think this is a game.

And lose?

Hell, no! I won't accept loss as a given. If I believed that outcome were inevitable, I'd already have gone to live under a rock. And I know exactly where such a rock is, too.

The easy road would be to stop my "watch."

Anonymous said...

I've considered Obama a player for the other team right from the beginning. It's this particular piece of strategy that has me confused. Zawahiri did not specifically tag Obama as an apostate (unless he used the word murtad) but scolded and very grossly insulted him for claiming to be Christian and a friend of the Jews in order to become POTUS. Are you saying he didn't call Obama an apostate because Obama isn't one? I'm willing to consider that. But why did Z hurl all the insults at someone who used stealth (since when has lying to the infidels been frowned upon?) to score a goal for his own team?

Pastorius said...

It is not a delusion to call Obama an "apostate".

According to the rules of Islam, which state that anyone born to a Muslim father is a Muslim, he is an apostate. He was born to a Muslim father and he is now a Christian. That's an apostate, once again, according to the rules of Islam.