Wednesday, June 04, 2014

UPDATED AND BUMPED --- Did Bob Bergdahl Claim The White House for Islam?


From Allen West:
Clare Lopez is a former CIA operations officer, a strategic policy and intelligence expert with a focus on Middle East, national defense, WMD, and counterterrorism issues, and a friend of mine. 
She emailed me this morning a very poignant analysis that only someone knowing language and Islam could ascertain. She wrote: 
“What none of these media is reporting is that the father’s (SGT Bowe Bergdahl’s father Bob) first words at the WH were in Arabic – those words were “bism allah alrahman alraheem” – which means “in the name of Allah the most gracious and most merciful” – these are the opening words of every chapter of the Qur’an except one (the chapter of the sword – the 9th) – by uttering these words on the grounds of the WH, Bergdahl (the father) sanctified the WH and claimed it for Islam. There is no question but POTUS knows this.” 
Folks, there is a lot to this whole episode — like Benghazi — that we may never know. And this is not conspiracy theory, it is truth based upon Arabic and Islamic dogma and tradition. 
And here’s the video if you have any questions.


I agree that everything in this Bergdhal situation stinks to high heaven. 5 terrorists released, 1 terrorist sympathizer, possibly a taliban/haqqani plant, in the US (with the knowledge of Obama). The situation is more horrible than I could ever imagine anything could be under Obama.


This is mostly wrong:

these are the opening words of every chapter of the Qur’an except one (the chapter of the sword – the 9th) – by uttering these words on the grounds of the WH, Bergdahl (the father) sanctified the WH and claimed it for Islam. There is no question but POTUS knows this.”

1) Sura 9 is called Sura al Tauba, it literally means "the chapter of forgiveness/repentance".

2) Bismillah-fuck-allah doesn't mean the person is claiming anything. It is just something said by Muslims before they begin anything.

For example, it is very common when Muslim speakers start speaking, they begin with this crap. This guy sounded like he was trying to sound muslim to his son (and to his taliban friends on twitter).

Shoebat said, in an article he wrote, that this was a Muslim war-cry, even that is wrong. Shoebat is usually spot on with these kinds of things so I'm not sure why he feels the need for exaggeration here.

Anyway, bismillah crap is one thing that is not jihad related (well, except before beginning to decapitate the infidels I guess). It is a thing muslim need to say before starting anything...

As for claiming stuff for Islam. The whole world is already "claimed for islam" by muslims. According to them the whole world belongs to allah hence they have to kill everyone who doesn't bow down to their demon. But if by claiming she meant to say that muslims are claiming victory over the white house or some such thing, then the cry would be Allahuakbar. And second, the flag of islam needs to be raised and the call to prayer sung.

Before that its empty bullshit that has no meaning, not even in islam.

Allen West should maybe check his sources and it is sad that a former CIA operations officer who was an intelligence expert with a focus on Middle East is so ill informed. 


Nicoenarg said...

I agree that everything in this Bergdhal situation stinks to high heaven. 5 terrorists released, 1 terrorist sympathizer, possibly a taliban/haqqani plant, in the US (with the knowledge of Obama). The situation is more horrible than I could ever imagine anything could be under Obama.


This is mostly wrong:

these are the opening words of every chapter of the Qur’an except one (the chapter of the sword – the 9th) – by uttering these words on the grounds of the WH, Bergdahl (the father) sanctified the WH and claimed it for Islam. There is no question but POTUS knows this.”

1) Sura 9 is called Sura al Tauba, it literally means "the chapter of forgiveness/repentance".

2) Bismillah-fuck-allah doesn't mean the person is claiming anything. It is just something said by Muslims before they begin anything.

For example, it is very common when Muslim speakers start speaking, they begin with this crap. This guy sounded like he was trying to sound muslim to his son (and to his taliban friends on twitter).

Shoebat said, in an article he wrote, that this was a Muslim war-cry, even that is wrong. Shoebat is usually spot on with these kinds of things so I'm not sure why he feels the need for exaggeration here.

Anyway, bismillah crap is one thing that is not jihad related (well, except before beginning to decapitate the infidels I guess). It is a thing muslim need to say before starting anything...

As for claiming stuff for Islam. The whole world is already "claimed for islam" by muslims. According to them the whole world belongs to allah hence they have to kill everyone who doesn't bow down to their demon. But if by claiming she meant to say that muslims are claiming victory over the white house or some such thing, then the cry would be Allahuakbar. And second, the flag of islam needs to be raised and the call to prayer sung.

Before that its empty bullshit that has no meaning, not even in islam.

Allen West should maybe check his sources and it is sad that a former CIA operations officer who was an intelligence expert with a focus on Middle East is so ill informed.

Anonymous said...

Quote: " it is sad that a former CIA operations officer who was an intelligence expert with a focus on Middle East is so ill informed"


What is more troubling than sad is this " ill informed " state is mandated/ institutionalized. No mention of Islam, jihad, sharia etc is permitted unless it is in reverence.

Always On Watch said...

I wonder if Clare Lopez remembers me and the confrontation that we had face-to-face a few years ago?

I certainly remember her.

Anonymous said...

There is also this:

Intelligence officials involved in the 2010 investigation looked into his life before he disappeared and in the months afterwards, it is said.

The reports shed new light on 2010 reports that Bergdahl was training Taliban fighters in bomb-making and ambush skills which were dismissed as propaganda at the time.
One of his captors said that he converted to Islam and was going under the name Abdullah and was ‘very relaxed in our company’.

It has also been claimed that Berdahl was so trusted by his kidnappers that they let him sleep without restraints and go bird and rabbit hunting with an old British rifle.

If this is true then he is far worse than a deserter, he is a collaborator.