Monday, March 07, 2016

Get Your Ass Back In the Phone Booth and Stop Pretending You're Superman, Mitt

BREAKING: Romney’s campaign finance accounts reactivated for 2016 race

Extra Credit:

Mitt Romney’s Dad Did the Same Thing to Goldwater in 1964 as He did to Trump 


Always On Watch said...

For God's sake!

Mittens is really going to make a 2016 run for the White House?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Mittens will run like Forest Gump and keep running until he discovers he's done...finis...kaput!

Always On Watch said...

Forrest Gump had more integrity than Mitt Rommey does.

Nicoenarg said...

I think this is what the establishment is going for:

Back Cruz now so Trump can't get enough delegates and this thing goes to a brokered convention. There they can then select the guy they want, aka Mittens (especially because he hasn't been hurt by the campaign as Rubio has).

Always On Watch said...

I see it that way, too.

Anonymous said...

Then those permitted to vote will select the status quo...'cause they're too stupid =
Mark Dice: Who is Washington D.C. Named After? - ZOMBIE AMERICANS DON'T KNOW!!!