Friday, May 11, 2012

Wow. Just, Wow.

If the GOP doesn't run this in an ad every hour of every day and on every billboard in every town in all the world then they don't deserve to win.

Dear Mr. President -- I can give you 40,000 people last week alone who don't forget the magnitude of this recession.

Weekly Standard:

Obama: 'Sometimes I Forget' Magnitude of the Recession
President Obama, speaking earlier today at a campaign event in Seattle, Washington:

"It was a house of cards and it collapsed in the most destructive, worst crisis that we’ve seen since the Great Depression," Obama said. "And sometimes people forget the magnitude of it. You know, you saw some of that in the video that was shown. Sometimes I forget."

Mitt Romney's press secretary, Andrea Saul, responds: "It’s not surprising that a president who forgot to create jobs, forgot to cut the debt, and forgot to change Washington has now admitted that he’s forgotten about the recession. In fact, it seems that the President has forgotten that he’s been in office for the last three-and-a-half years. In November, the American people won’t forget."

Wait -- I thought you said the recession ended in June 2009?


Epaminondas said...

He just has so much on his mind, you see.
$40k a plate dinner
Costa del Sol
Where will they go instead of the Vineyard?
How can he get rid of the idiot veep?

It's so hard to remember that economy thing

Always On Watch said...

Of course he forgets! He's living in an ivory tower and having dreams of the utopia he is creating as he redistributes the wealth.