Saturday, March 13, 2021

Largest Child-Sacrifice Graveyard Strikes Huge Blow to Native American Innocence Myth

Two hundred and fifty skeletons of children between the ages of 4 and 14 have been unearthed at Huanchaco, Peru, in what experts say is likely the world’s largest child-sacrifice site. 
Huanchaco is a site of the Chimú culture (1200-1400), a predecessor to the mighty Inca Empire, which also carried out child sacrifices. 
“This is the biggest site where the remains of sacrificed children have been found,” the excavation’s chief archaeologist, Feren Castillo, told AFP in August. 
“There isn’t another like it anywhere else in the world.” The Peruvian press agency Andina reported that archaeologists discovered the skeletal remains of 250 children and 40 warriors at the site, which is 346 miles north of Peru’s capital of Lima. 
The children were reportedly sacrificed to honor the Chimú gods. Experts say the children were sacrificed in relation to an “El Niño” event. They were killed during wet weather and buried facing the sea.



Redneck Texan said...

Its always pissed me off how we've cleansed the bloody historical narrative of native Americans.

The further away the threat of their fanatical bloodletting was beat back away from the Northeast corridors of power the more we romanticized their plight.

At some point self-hate took over the narrative.

...... I've noticed you've kinda moved the furniture around in here. Was this your doing, or did Blogger encourage the changes?

Pastorius said...

Blogger encouraged it.

I don't like the way it is now.

MR and I asked for help, and it looked like some was forthcoming, but now, it is gone.

Do you know anything about html and how to lay images etc into a blogger layout?

Redneck Texan said...

Man, I did learn what I needed to know back when I used blogger, but I have pretty much forgotten everything in the years since.

I really dont know what to tell you, other than googling it up.

I used to be alot more willing to invest the time to learn what I needed to know than I am today.

I printed out my template back in the day, and just researched what every line did. Pain in the ass.

Pastorius said...


I could do that.
