Thursday, April 07, 2022

Frantic Liberal Writes Warning to Democrats: This "Trans" Mania You're Wrapped Up In Is Destroying Children



Attn: Democrats!

We are not in reality about "trans kids."

I am a CASA (Leftie/ Dem/atheist). I am neck deep in the population who is declaring this ID. And I know too much!

THREAD ON 'trans' kids:

1. It is important to know that as recently as 15 years ago, ALL kids claiming to be in wrong body were given therapeutic support and time, to address the MORE LIKELY issues that often underlie a child feeling miserable/ out of place in their body.

2. 90% of kids given this approach OUTGREW their GD with no meds. 2/3 of them were GAY in adulthood.

Rapid 'affirmation' tells youth they *need* hormones and surgery because they *ARE* trans. Given the above, 'affirming' is basically GAY conversion therapy.

3. 80% of trans IDd ALSO have **two or more** mental health disorders, on top of Gender Dysphoria. Common: ASD, PTSD, Depression & Anxiety....& these conditions PRECEDE idea of "being trans." Kids who have these disorders are very unhappy, impulsive & seeking relief. Some are abused and abandoned.

Foster youth ID as trans at FIFTEEN TIMES the % of kids at large.

This demands we DO NOT reify the presenting 'gender' problem but look at the whole child and their mental health needs prior to labeling them/medicalizing them.

4. "Affirmation" supposes that kids are NEVER Wrong about their 'gender identity.'

That's opposite of reality! Kids make mistakes!



Always On Watch said...


But the mainstream media will likely not cover this.

revereridesagain said...

That extremely perceptive description of her experience by Helena in the "there's more" extension reminds me so much of those of many former cult members I knew back in the 80s and 90s. The dynamics of influence are very similar. The kids are isolated from their families and friends, emotional dependence on the new "family" is created and they feel the need to accept the "message" to hold on to their new support system and the illusion that following their lead will "cure" the pain.