Monday, May 15, 2006

Jihad Caused by Islam, Many Still in Denial

Capitalism Magazine has posted an article by Edwin A. Locke and Alex Epstein on "The Terrorists' Motivation: Islam:"

The near silence about the true role of Islam in motivating Islamic terrorists has two main causes: multiculturalism and religion. Multiculturalism asserts that all cultures are equal and therefore none may criticize another; intellectuals and politicians are therefore reluctant to declare the obvious superiority of Western culture to Islamic culture. And the strong commitment to religion of many Americans, especially conservatives, makes them reluctant to indict a religion as the cause of a massive evil. But if we are to identify the fundamental cause of the terrorists' actions, we must understand at least two fundamental premises of the religion they kill for.

Meanwhile, History News Network has posted an article by Fawaz A. Gerges titled: "What Does History Bring to the Study of Jihadism?" The answer is of course, a great deal. Unfortunately, Gerges essay includes little history and much "Moslem on the street interviews." He seems to think that Moslem attacks on the West are a response to political events as opposed to the ideology of Islam. He also states that there are different types of Jihad and some are not so bad:

Jihadists still have a long way to go before they gain the trust of their fellow Muslims, let alone the international community, but some have taken an important first step. The terrorism perpetrated by certain cells and factions will continue over the next decade, but their movement no longer has a large base of support or a safe haven in which to plot new operations. Jihadists of all stripes know they are at a crossroads. At home and abroad they are blamed for unleashing the wrath of the United States against the ummah. Only a miracle will resuscitate jihadism. The question, of course, is whether the continued occupation of Iraq will be that ­miracle.

The last phase of Jihad is the result of the Iraq campaign, seriously. If Gerges provided the proper historical context of Moslem aggression over the last 1400 years, it would be obvious that Jihad wanes and waxes. We are now enduring yet another expansionist phase of Islam. Gerges wants to "prove" that no such thing is occurring and terrorism is just the result of a few Al Qaeda fanatics responding to alleged Western provocations. He ignores current events in Eurabia and the funding of radical Wahabi sect world-wide by the Saudi Entity along with a great deal more. He even includes Israel, along with the U.S., as the "far enemy" that Jihadis had been ignoring prior to Al Qaeda. In presenting his thesis, he simply ignores the ongoing, sixty-year long, Jihad against Israel.

This is the kind of analysis American college students receive in lieu of an education.

Cross posted at The Dougout.


Anonymous said...

"This is the kind of analysis American college students receive in lieu of an education."

- But has anyone seriously thought about the implications and consequences of telling these students the truth?

Anonymous said...

That they would be set free? Or more accurately, they will retain their freedom.

Anonymous said...

...and do we tell them the truth about Allah the meteorite?

One line of attack on Islam which doesn't seem to have been followed up in the blogosphere concerns the existence of Allah. Some atheists have tried to prove that Allah doesn't exist, but it may be far more damaging to Islam to demonstrate that Allah does indeed exist and to show where 'he' resides and what 'he' is.

Christians and Jews believe that G_d is transcendent and omnipresent, he is not located in any particular place and indeed both transcends and permeates the physical structure of the universe.

In total contrast, Muslims are obsessively concerned with directing their prayers towards one particular location on planet earth, and line up their prayer mats and build their mosques pointing within a fraction of a degree towards Mecca. Muslim astronauts get particularly confused when in orbit because their god resides on earth - the majesty of the cosmos is lost on them. They believe that if you don't aim your prayers accurately at Mecca they won't have any effect. Very strange!

So we must conclude that Allah lives somewhere in Mecca. The entire city, including hotels, car parks, public lavatories, electricity substations etc cannot be equally and universally holy. So what is the object of this idolatrous worship?

The structure that every Muslim bows down to five times a day is Allah's house - the Kaaba.

And yes, inside it you will find Allah himself, who does indeed exist, and is none other than - a meteorite!

Allah is a chunk of space junk!

Anonymous said...

This blog is awesome and truly thoughtprovoking. Finally, people who are unapologetic towards Islam and willing to put the truth into print.

Anonymous said...

Now that's funny. "Allah" is a mini-alien living in a tiny space ship inside the Holy Rock. And the closer one is to the Holy Rock the more one's brain synapses can't function due to alien interference.

Instead "Allah" is broadcasting the "Koran" into the host's brain for his own diabolical reasons. The only defense against "Allah's" anti-neuron beam is tin-foil.

Or, maybe not.

Jason Pappas said...

I still marvel that the silliness of those who believe they can encourage Muslims to practice Islam as if it wasn’t Islam. It reminds me of the moderate leftists who used to talk about a reformed communism—communism with a human face—if only communists practiced their communism as if it wasn’t, well, communism. There something about the law of identity that just bites you in the ass if you turn around and try to ignore it.

Jason Pappas said...

Oh, yes, those who haven't read the Locke-Epstein article, read it carefully, it is succinct and gets to the essence of the problems with Islam and with our denial.

Pastorius said...

R o' Pieces,

Question: What "god" fell (was cast out) out of the sky and landed on earth? What was his name?

Anonymous said...

Pleased to meet you
Hope you guessed my name,
But what's confusing you
Is the nature of my game

Just as every cop is a criminal
And all the sinners saints
As heads is tails
Just call me Lucifer
'Cause I'm in need of some restraint

So if you meet me
Have some courtesy
Have some sympathy, and some taste
Use all your well-learned politesse
Or I'll lay your soul to waste.