Monday, August 03, 2009

The Beginning of the End of Obama

I have been saying from day one that Obama's policies are so destructive and counter to the American Tradition that it is inevitable that a great tide of anger will build in the people of this country which will scare the hell out of Congress (2010 election coming up), and force them to find a scapegoat for the Legislation, and the processes of the Legislation, that they have voted into law.

We are beginning to see this anger.

Watch in this video, the anger towards Congressman Tim Bishop is seething. The people criticize him for Cap and Trade, for Obamacare, and for supporting the takeover of GM, which they deem to be UnConstitutional (and, of course, I agree).

Watch at 8:00 minutes or so into the video. A woman challenges him on the Constitutionality issue, and he replies by attempting to explain the Pledge of Allegiance in Communistic terms. He says the word "Indivisible" means "we are all in this together," which, to him, means we should pay for each other's healthcare.

Sounds like the Communists Creed to me, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need" to me.


Crowd Explodes When Arlen Specter Urges That We "Do This Fast"

And more:

Lloyd Doggett's meeting on Obamacare in south Austin, TX, 1 Aug 2009

The American people are not stupid. We can be naive, believing that a man like Obama had America's best interest at heart, but once we see the truth, once the bills start to come in, we understand who will be paying for them.


Want even more? Pop down to this post. There's a link there for even more videos of an uncomfortable day for Specter and Sebelius. Gonna be a loooooooong recess for the Congresscritters. --- Midnight Rider


BabbaZee said...


meet yez in the gulag

Always On Watch said...

The American people are not stupid. We can be naive, believing that a man like Obama had America's best interest at heart, but once we see the truth, once the bills start to come in, we understand who will be paying for them.

I agree.

Now, some Americans who placed so much trust in BHO will not be able to see the reality.

But I believe that most Americans WILL.

Pastorius said...

Don't give up yet.

Pastorius said...


revereridesagain said...

Oh, is it great watching those smug, arrogant, lying weasels try to talk their way out of this. Reacting as if to say, how dare you wretched serfs question our authority?

We had a great chant at the April Boston Tea Party: "You work for us!"

They Are Yelling In Setauket!