***scroll to bottom for an important update (after reading the post of course!)***
Watering the plants, as Glenn Reynolds would say. Nancy Pelosi, the dimmest bulb in the U.S. House, got things started with this absurd assertion last week:
Watering the plants, as Glenn Reynolds would say. Nancy Pelosi, the dimmest bulb in the U.S. House, got things started with this absurd assertion last week:
Once she said this, all of a sudden Obama as Hitler posters started popping up at townhall meetings, particularly this one at John Dingell's townhall last Thursday:

If the link is out there, I haven't found it yet (**see update for footage**). The plant poster was used by the liberal media and the Soros-funded [see update#15] national blog the Daily Kos:A couple that were at Dingals TH meeting said there was a black man outside with a sign comparing Obama the Adolf Hitler.After the meeting ended and when everyone was leaving this same man was handing out Dingal campaign flyers.
Sorry no link, I'm on my Palm but maybe someone can download it from Fox and post the link.
Before I had even parked the car, I saw a young African American guy carrying a 5-foot tall picture of President Obama with a Hitler mustache.The Huffington Post picked up on the poster as well:
Game on.
As we neared the venue 30 minutes before it was scheduled to start, it was clear that the turnout was HUGE. Before I had even parked the car, we saw a young African American guy carrying a 5-foot tall picture of President Obama with a Hitler mustache.KG One over at RightMichigan had his suspicions regarding the Obama as Hitler poster. Here's one of the observations that KG listed in that post:This was just a foreshadowing of what was to come.
This is nothing short of liberals watering the plants, albeit it is unclear whether they knew he was a plant at all. The media have been digging into the background of the father with a handicapped son that confronted Dingell at the event and was removed, but haven't, to the best of my knowledge, done a darned thing in regards to the plant! Typical. Then, just yesterday came this video from Stephen Gutowski atEyeblast.tv via The Minority Report:Dispatch a small number of your sycophants to intermingle with the crowd in order to provoke a reaction. Giving them conflicting information works to promote the above. This also works best when the local media finally get off of their sorry duff and appear at event.
Good job Stephen!
UPDATE: Found the FoxNews segment (just got posted!) that the poster over at FreeRepublic mentioned above: (they talk about the black man with the Obama poster at the very end)
UPDATE: Found the FoxNews segment (just got posted!) that the poster over at FreeRepublic mentioned above: (they talk about the black man with the Obama poster at the very end)
UPDATE #2: From the AP via The Detroit News: Swastika painted at Georgia congressman's office. Hmm. Another plant? This kind of thing has happened before (noose, Columbia). I doubt very much it was a protester. Again, all the Nazi paraphernalia coming out right after Pelosi painted the protesters as Nazis.
The people I saw at the Portsmouth NH town hall protests who had these signs had Lyndon LaRouche literature with them as well. When they got there around 8 am they went right across the street to the pro-Obama side and hung out there for quite a while. You might be able to spot them on some of the NH video footage. (I flee from LaRouchies whenever possible so I'm afraid I didn't pick up any of their literature, sorry.)
At the Kenny Marchant town hall in Farmers Branch, there were two obvious plants. The first claimed she was "intimidated" by the animosity of the crowd, which was mostly people over the age of 45, with no signs, no outward idea of their views shown. Of course, she wasn't too intimidated to visit the buffet and stack her plate. But I digress. The other plant, next to me, had a four page list of questions printed from a website. She was muttering the entire time and when she got a chance to ask a question, she tried to stride up and down the aisle like Oprah. I thought they were going to have rip the mic away from her. The gist of her complaint was that she was on her last months of COBRA and she wanted Medicare at the age of 45. The seniors in the audience took offense saying that they had paid into the program for decades and that she needed to wait her turn. She and her "large" friend left early, leaving their trash from their multiple trips to the buffet, on the floor.
Thanks, RRA and Ellen K.
I've been to busy to get to any of these demonstrations myself.
I hope I will have a chance soon.
The state-run media will pick it up as propaganda for the Obama crowd, showing how the protesters are portraying Obama as a Nazi.
They'd never tell the true story.
Welcome to the ObamaNation.
Feel free to denounce me at flag@whitehouse.gov
Now that I think of it, LaRouchies ususally set up with card tables covered with books and pamplets. These people only had a few print-outs of articles under the LaRouche masthead, from what I could see.
This is what flag@whitehouse.gov will be used for: http://muslimsagainstsharia.blogspot.com/2009/08/mash-pamela-geller-internet-snitch.html
On August 4, 2009 a post titled "Facts Are Stubborn Things" appeared on the White House blog. It contained the following paragraph:
"There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to flag@whitehouse.gov."
Every Fourth of July, we celebrate the Birth of the Nation. Every Fourth of August, we shall celebrate the Birth of the Internet Snitch Brigade.
How long do you think it took before the Internet Snitch Brigade expanded its reporting from something fishy about health insurance reform to Anti-American Activities? Just five days! Move over McCarthy; here comes Bill Warner. In the post titled "ASSASSINATE BARACK OBAMA PLOTS INCREASE TO 10 RACIST RIGHT WING BLOGGERS FUEL WHITE SUPREMISTS (sic.) SECRET SERVICE SHUT EM DOWN by Bill Warner investigator" Bill Warner writes:
"Articles posted on ultra right wings blogs like "Muslims Against Sharia" by Khamim Massoud such as Obama spies monitoring Jews house-to-house and Freed to Kill More American Soldiers: Taliban Thrives, Thanks to Obama Policy and "Atlas Shrugs Website" by Pamela Geller who posts articles such as "Obama backs Iraqi Terrorists: Iraq investigates alleged US-insurgent talks" are hastening the demise of Preisdent Barack Obama. ... The US Secret Service so needs to investigate "Muslims Against Sharia by Khalim Massoud and Pamela Geller for her Anti-American racist activities on her website, which she operates out of her Manhattan NY apartment, and her incitement to hate by others and the possible murder of President Barack Obama."
Yes, it only took five days to jump from snitching about dissent on health insurance reform to making up wild accusations about "incitement to hate by others and the possible murder of President Barack Obama." A quote attributed to Joseph Goebbels, a Propaganda Minister in Nazi Germany reads:
"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."
Bill Warner may not be a good P.I. (as he claims to be) or not a good bar fighter and martial artist (as he claims to be), but he has certainly mastered the art of Nazi propaganda.
Wait, are you telling me Bill Warner the Private Investigator in Florida has personally flagged and accused Pamela of being a racist and that the WhiteHouse website has posted this?
No, I'm telling you that Insane P.I. Bill Warner is urging people to report Pamela Geller to flag@whitehouse.gov for "for her Anti-American racist activities ..., and her incitement to hate by others and the possible murder of President Barack Obama"
Um, "incitement to hate" is legal.
Calling publicly for the murder of someone may be illegal, depending on the circumstances.
I know it seems arcane and technical, but we need to be very clear that "hate speech" is protected speech. Or should be.
I hate socialism. I hate communism I hate collectivism. I hate jihad. I hate totalitarianism.
Oh, gosh, just in case anyone thinks I am speaking in "code" - I hate Marxism and Nazism too. Those guys were white.
I want you to hate all that too.
There. I incited to hate.
Hatred is a valid human emotion. "Hate speech" (defined by the would-be censors of course) is constitutional except for intentional incitement to violence in any case but physical self-defense. ("Look out - he's coming at you with a knife" might be styled as "incitement" to violence in defense against the guy with the knife, for example.)
"Stomp the protestors" (who are carrying unflattering signs about DeathCare) with stomping quickly ensuing is probably illegal incitement.
Muslims Against Sharia,
Thanks for the clarification.
That Bill Warner guy used to be Pamela's friend. He contributed a lot to Pamela's site.
It's very interesting that he hates her so much now. I had noticed that before. He believed that her stance on the Vlaams Belang was wrong (as I also do), but he took it in a personal direction that I never did.
One has to wonder why it is so personal for him.
"That Bill Warner guy used to be Pamela's friend. He contributed a lot to Pamela's site."
Apparently he wasn't her friend; he used her site to promote his name. Look at his blogs. His favorite thing is to inform the reader which media outlet quoted him. He claims to have shut down terror website and a lot of people take his word for it, when, in fact, he had nothing to do with those sites being shut down.
I don't understand what you mean by your comment.
One of the problems with the "Muslims Against Sharia" website is there are so many different people who appear under that name.
I don't know your perspective, and I do not have any idea who you are.
You might as well shut down the site, because it presents no coherent view.
And, that's coming from a site which GLORIES in presenting no coherent view.
You guys have fucked yourselves in you ass.
That's quite an accomplishment.
Muslims Against Sharia,
My apologies.
Looking back over this comments thread, I don't know why I got angry with you? I must have misunderstood your comment as being an attack on me.
I'm sorry for my idiotic response to you.
No problem. We all make mistakes. I appreciate you having the balls to admit it. Most people wouldn't.
Thank you for being so gracious.
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