Wednesday, August 05, 2009

A Couple Vids I Saw at Gateway Pundit:

"Why does Obama want to cram health care down our throats in 3-4 weeks when it took him 6 months to pick a dog for his kids?"

Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) says the Tea party protesters are "too well dressed" to be authentic:


christian soldier said...

The liars like BABS B cannot tell the truth!~!!!!!
I have NO respect for her or the other liars....

revereridesagain said...

Fine. Next time I go out to a protest I'll wear old pajama bottoms and my "Mo Da Bomb" t-shirt. Wouldn't want to be thought "overdressed" by the likes of Ms. Boxhead.

Pastorius said...

My radio cohost said he saw Boxer say that Tea Party protesters were carrying "swastikas".

Yeah right.

This woman feels no responsibility to have the words that come out of her mouth correspond with reality in any way whatsoever.

midnight rider said...

Not Boxer, Pasto, but Pelosi. I just found and posted the video.

(maybe fu2rman saw it with Boxer as well, but I found it coming from Pelosi)