Sunday, August 16, 2009

"Dutch" "Embrace" Islamic Names

From Mark Steyn:

Embrace Me, My Sweet Embraceable Mo   

The news that Mohammed is the most popular boy's name in the Netherlands' four biggest cities prompts what Tim Blair calls the most clueless headline of the week:

Dutch Embrace Islamic Names

Well, that's one way of putting it.

Incidentally, whenever one of these Mohammed-is-the-most-popular-boy's-name stories comes up, I always get a ton of letters from the multiculti types saying the statistic is entirely specious because they're combining "Mohammed", "Mohamed", "Muhammed", "Muhammad", "Mohamet", etc, all of which are entirely different names, as different as "Chip" and "Gaylord". So just for the record:

In The Hague, variations of the name Mohammed have taken first, second and fifth place in the table of most popular names for boys.

Which will be the first European city in which variations of Mohammed claim a straight sweep of the Top Five?

And, if you combine the Mohammedan spellings, you get an even sharper idea of where things are headed. The most popular names for newborn boys in Brussels, the capital city of the European Union, for 2006:

1) Mohamed
2) Adam
3) Rayan
4) Ayoub
5) Mehdi
6) Amine
7) Hamza

Adam? What kind of cockamamie name is that for a Walloon?

Let's take it as read that I and Martin Amis (an impeccably liberal novelist) and Ayaan Hirsi Ali (a Dutch woman of Somali Muslim origin) and Bruce Bawer (a gay man living in Scandinavia) and the rest of us are all xenophobic racist rightwing nuts. There's a fascinating story here that even the squishiest multiculti pantywaist ought to be capable of seeing. Why leave the field to us loons?


LL said...

Aren't there any ethnic Dutch people left in Holland?

Pastorius said...

An even better question is why aren't Dutch people breeding?

I guess it's because drug the Pusherman is pushing is better than hearth and home.

Anonymous said...

By the way, in case anyone was wondering, "Adam" is a JEWISH name, not an Arabic name.

Pastorius said...

One out of seven ain't bad, huh?