Sunday, August 09, 2009

Mob Mentality at Town Hall Meetings

Sorry, Charlie, but it's come to the point where yelling screaming and protesting are the only way to be heard anymore. We've been far too polite (snicker, snort, IBA Infidels polite hehe) far too long and this is where it brought us.

Time for us to fight back, whether you've got the balls for it or not.

(Dude -- when the heck did you lose yours? Do you remember where you last had them?)

Little Green Footballs:

Mob Mentality at Town Hall Meetings

If anyone thinks this is the right way to debate health care, well, you’re dreaming: Health Debate Turns Hostile at Town Hall Meetings.

There’s a place for yelling, screaming, and protesting — at demonstrations scheduled for that purpose. When these Tea Partiers and Glenn Beck drones charge into town hall meetings, shout down speakers, and act like angry children throwing tantrums, they achieve nothing but to further cement the impression that the right wing is going dangerously nuts.

And who thought it was a great idea to gleefully adopt the name “mob?” Here’s a hint: it only works to satirically co-opt a derogatory term like “mob” if you’re not really acting like a mob.

“Become a part of the mob!” said a banner posted Friday on the Web site of
the talk show host Sean Hannity. “Attend an Obama Care Townhall near you!” The
exhortations do not advocate violence, but some urge opponents to be

“Pack the hall,” said a strategy memo circulated by the Web site Tea Party
Patriots that instructed, “Yell out and challenge the Rep’s statements

“Get him off his prepared script and agenda,” the memo continued. “Stand up
and shout and sit right back down.”

The memo was obtained by the liberal Web site ThinkProgress. Its author,
Robert MacGuffie, a founder of the conservative Web site Right Principles,
confirmed to The New York Times that the memo was legitimate.

In response, liberal groups and the White House have also started sending
supporters instructions for countering what they say are the organized

A volatile mix has resulted. In Mehlville, Mo., St. Louis County police
officers arrested six people on Thursday evening, some on assault charges,
outside a health care and aging forum organized by Representative Russ Carnahan,
a Democrat. Opponents of the proposed changes, organized by the St. Louis Tea
Party, apparently clashed with supporters organized by the Service Employees
International Union outside a school gym.

That same day in Romulus, Mich., Representative John D. Dingell, a
long-serving Democrat, was shouted down at a health care meeting by a rowdy
crowd of foes of health care overhaul, many crying, “Shame on you!” A similar
scene unfolded in Denver on Thursday when Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California
visited a clinic for the homeless there.


Pastorius said...

Charles Johnson also has an idiotic attack against Sarah Palin posted today.

Palin pointed out that, under Obamacare, what she calls "Death Panels" will be in charge of figuring out when to pull the plug (passive Euthanasia - look it up) on human beings.

Charles says this is not in the Obamacare legislation.

Here's the thing, when I go to a Doctor, he prescribes care. He is, in theory, a compassionate human being. Often, the insurance company, for business reasons, wants to ration healthcare. So, the Doctor is a compassionate mediator between me and the business interest.

I see no reason to believe that, if the government is making decisions about healthcare, they will not have bureaucrats making such decisions. There is no government organization that does function that way. The mailman does not decide how to work his route. The Social Worker does not decide who to help or how to help the person. And, the DMV worker certainly only plays by the rules of the bureaucracy.

Where, in any government organization, is there a compassionate mediator between the human and the bureaucracy?

Where does it exist, Charles?

Anonymous said...

I am deeply concerned that the anger and chaos taking place at these meetings is going to destroy our hopes of stopping this takeover of the health care industry by the government. When people yell, interrupt and generally create an environment like this it is far to easy to dismiss them as tools, brutes, mob...pick a description. And sadly, that is exactly what is taking place. I think this behavior is going to backfire and cause us to loose and loose big. Someone once said... "you're yelling so loud I can't hear you!" I think it applies here. No one is going to hear the valid concerns of the people and how will that help us?

Pastorius said...

At one of these Town Hall meeting, a protester asked a Congressman (Tim Bishop, I believe) a legitimate question about the Constitutionality of Obama's policies, and the Congressman responded by talking about the Pledge of Allegiance.

The Congressman claimed the word "indivisible" in the Pledge meant "we're all in this together" thus we should all pay for each other's healthcare.

He was basically turning the Pledge into the Communist Creed, "From each according to his ability, to each according to their need."

When the Congressman did this, the crowd erupted.

It seems appropriate to me that we the people ought to be angry that our Congresspeople are betraying themselves as lacking knowledge of the Constitution, and as slippery slope Communists.

Does that concern you?

Always On Watch said...

Maybe I'm overly cautious, but I never visit LGF without using an anonymous-proxy server.

midnight rider said...

Another world famous blogger on this site said that to me the other day.

I never thought Charles had turned THAT creepy but who knows?

Pastorius said...

Yes, I don't visit LGF unless I'm using a proxy.

Anonymous said...

"Charles Johnson also has an idiotic attack against Sarah Palin posted today."

Here's a superb article by Bill Whittle, on that very subject (the sickening attacks on Sarah Palin I mean, not the idiocy over at Little Green Snotballs).

Palin/Whittle 2012!