Sunday, August 09, 2009

SEIU - Obama's Brownshirts?

Here's video of the SEIU thugs attacking a Conservative black man. He was seriously injured.

The interesting thing about the SEIU thugs is, as these videos demonstrate, they really are acting as thugs for the Obama agenda, they really did beat up that black man, and they also beat up a few other people. I hear they, at one point, pinned an old lady against a wall to intimidate her. (I'm not sure of this, if anyone has any video of the incident, I would appreciate it if you would send it to me.)

However, while they are thugs, sent to intimidate the scapegoated "right-wing extremists" into silence, they are not quite the equivalent of the brown-shirts. The brown-shirts were quite literally Hitler's militia.

The Union thugs, on the other hand, are the Left's militia. They are not directly answerable to Obama, though, as I understand it, the White House was instrumental in calling for the unions to make their presence known at the Town Hall meetings.

Is this indirect request the equivalent of a mob boss saying something like, "Take care of Paulie for me, will ya?"

I think it is. That's my opinion.

Obama is smart. He knows how to make sure that things get done without those things being traced back to him.

Note that he doesn't get involved much in the Legislative process either. He speaks, and others do his bidding. He had almost nothing to say about the Stimulus Package, other than asking for it in the first place. In this way, he believes he can lay the blame for any mistakes, at the feet of Congress.

The tactical mistake he is making is by pushing through this massive bill against the will of the people, is that he is setting his allies in Congress up for defeat in 2010.

At that point, it will be a battle of scapegoating WITHIN THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY.

And, believe me, it's a lot easier to scapegoat one person, than it is to scapegoat 535 people.

Obama is setting himself up for a massive defeat. Congress will be very angry at him. It would not be surprising if he leaves office in shame.

I hoped Obama would be elected President because I thought it would bring some moral clarity to our political dialogue. I think this is what we are witnessing. There is a groundswell movement of common citizens challenging their Congressman on Constitutional issues.

Just as I hoped Obama would win, I also hope Obama gets this thing pushed through, because it will destroy him. And, the destruction will strike fear into the heart of the Moderates in the Democratic Party, which will result in them finally taking their party back from the Leftists who have controlled it since 9/11.

You know, I am a lifelong registered Democrat. I only stopped voting Democrat because my party left me, not because my ideas have changed that much.

At this point, I am so disgusted with the Democratic Party that I can't imagine ever trusting them again.

I'm also disgusted with the Republican Party. Nominating John McCain for their candidate in 2008 just goes to prove how out of touch the Party leadership is. And, the ensuing leaks on Palin (stabbing her in the back) only proves that further.

There is a possibility that we are seeing a mitosis process right now within the Republican Party, which might result in a new Constitution-based party called "The Tea Party."

I hope I am right on that.

Until then, we're going to have to deal with the Leftist brown-shirts. And, of course, Obama is not accountable for that.



revereridesagain said...

I'm planning on going to Portsmouth NH for Obama's "town meeting" on Tuesday and meeting up with some friends. So far the WH seems to be real closed-mouthed on the details. Would appreciate any info anybody might have.

Pastorius said...

I can't wait to hear your report on that.

midnight rider said...

Revere -- I'm guessing you already have this but here tis anyway:

The President will hold a town hall on Tuesday at Portsmouth High School in New Hampshire. The event will take place in the afternoon after the president arrives at Pease Air National Guard Base. Health care is expected to be the key topic.

Due to limited space at the event, the White House will only be able to fulfill a limited number of requests for tickets. Doors for the event will open at 11:00 am. The event location and further details will be given to those individuals who are selected to pick-up tickets.

At 3:00 pm on Saturday, August 8th when the online sign-up has expired, a limited number of individuals will be selected and contacted regarding ticket pick-up information. Each individual selected will have the opportunity to pick up a maximum of TWO tickets.

Please note that the White House will not be able to respond to all requests for tickets. You will only receive a call if you are selected to pick up a ticket.

This form will be available until 3:00 pm Eastern Time Saturday, August 8th.