Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Henry Hyde: Big Dhimmi Pussy

Bob Novak has an extraordinary article in today's New York Post on a supreme act of dhimmitude by none other than Henry Hyde. I had to scan it as a could not find it online. I can't run it all but certainly the most salient points speak for themselves.

It would have been better to have done nothing than to back pedal and capitulate. It sends the worst kind of message imaginable.

WASHINGTON HOLY WAR Bob D. Novak, New York Post

On June 19, two young members of Congress ' received an extraordinary letter from Jerusalem. On behalf of Christian churches in 'the Holy Land, they were told a House resolution they were circulating blaming the Palestinian Authority for Christian decline there "is based on many false affirmations." The Very Rev. Michael H. Sellers, an Anglican priest who is coordinator of Jerusalem's Christian churches, said the real problem~ is the Israeli occupation -- especially its new security wall.

Prior to hearing this from Jerusalem, freshman Republican Rep. Michael McCaul of Austin, Texas, and four-term Democ'ratic Rep. Joseph Crowley of New York City had collected 21 co-sponsors for their resolution. Two days later, Rep. Henry Hyde House International Relations committee chairman, wrote the congressmen that their claim of systematic persecution by the Palestinian Authority is "inaccurate and incomplete." '

Shame on you Mr. Hyde. It is surprising to me that Hyde nor his staffers didn't even give so much as a cursory look at the background of Reverend Sellers. Neither did Novak surprisingly.

Back in April 2004, Israellycool reported The Jerusalem Post referred to Mordechai Vanunu and his friends, father Michael Sellers and Anglican bishop Riau Abu El-Assl, as Fatah-Tanzim terrorists.

Reverend Seller's hatred of Zionism goes way back. Here is a quote from 1999.

It must be very confusing to God with so many Christians praying contradictory prayers for the future of the people of the Holy Land. Zionist Christians, encouraged by organisations like Christian Friends of Israel and the International Christian Embassy, pray fervently that Israel will not give up the Golan Heights, withdraw the settlements or share Jerusalem with the Palestinians. The indigenous Christians and their friends are praying for the very opposite - for a truly democratic society within Israel and an independent Palestinian State. Whether the aspirations for peace, justice and reconciliation are yet another mirage on the horizon will rest, humanly speaking on the shoulders of one man, Ehud Barak. Let us pray for him..As published in Evangelicals Now

Muslim prosecution of Christians in the Pali territories is well documented;

Persecution is having such a devastating effect on Palestinian Christians that thousands are abandoning their Christian faith and leaving their homelands. In 15 to 20 years, experts anticipate that conditions will only intensify.

"My specific interest in the plight of Christians living in Palestinian society began eight years ago when I met a Christian lay pastor who, knowing that I was a human rights lawyer, urged me to investigate the human rights abuses directed at Muslims who converted to Christianity," said Israeli attorney and author Justus Reid Weiner, referencing the background for his new book, Human Rights of Christians in Palestinian Society.

"I knew nothing about this, and frankly doubted that anyone would victimize the adherents of the world's largest religion. But as I began to schedule interviews, I quickly learned that most of the Christian victims were reluctant to even meet me. If they agreed to reveal what they had suffered, they insisted that I refer to them by a pseudonym," Weiner explained

as well as the desecration of Christian holy sites. Natan Sharansky has been pleading with the world to stop this horror here.

For a number of years already, there is the selected destruction of Christian/Jewish artifacts which is of course the center for Jewish/Christian religion. On the temple mount, King Solomon stables up to the cruaders on...........when the taliban destroyed the buddas in Afghanistan all the world was corrextly enraged. Here we see the systematic, the biggest maybe in the history of geology/archeology, destruction of the most important artifacts for Christianity and Judaism. And the world knows nothing of this.

Nobody is permitted to go and see and watch whats happening. Excavators are working there. They are taking thousands and thousands of pounds and thousands of artifacts and simply thrown out. It is perhaps one the largest archaeological catastrophes in history. (Sharansky phone call 6/15)

Novak continues here;

McCaul and Crowley retreated in haste, putting their res0lution on holdl' going into the long Fourth of July recess. So apparently ends an effort by 'Israeli public relations to place full blame for the Christian exodus from the Israeli- controlled Holy Land on Muslims.

The- U.S. House of Representatives was pulled into this issue by Justus Reid Weiner, an Israei lawyer. Weiner, who long has blamed Christian misfortunes on the Palestinian Authority, contacted Ari Stein, a staffer in McCaul's congressional office. Stein. in turn brought in Crowley, a prominent Democrat, through his staffer, Gregg Shelowitz.

The result was a "Dear Colleague" letter from McCaul and Crowley blaming the Palestinian Authority for "the systematic destruction of the oldest Christian community in the world." The staff-written letter asserted: "If we do not act now, Christians around the world risk losing control of and access to the .most ancient and holy sites in Christendom."

Their subsequent resolution spent three pages detailing alleged persecution of Christians by Arab Muslims. The McCaul-Crowley resolution immediately picked up 16 Republican co-sponsors and five Democrats. This process was slowed by the Rev. Sellers' letter. He said Christian churches in the Holy Land that he represents can take care of any problems with Muslims and "are not seeking your interference in their internal problems."
Where Congress could.help he added, was influencing Israeli government policy: "Your support for the Christian presence in the Holy Land will best-be served by helping to remove the separation wall (which has converted all the Palestinian towns into big prisons for Christiaps and Muslims alike~ and by helping to bring occupation to an. end."

The Arabs are apoplectic over a wall that saves Jewish lives.

After his letter to McCaul and Crowley; Hyde made an appearance last Friday. at an International Relations subcommittee hearing on the plight of religious minorities. Long a supporter of Israel, Hyde testified: "I have been unable to understand how the currently routed barrier in Jerusalem - which rips asunder the existential poles of Christian belief, the, Nativity and! the Resurrection, and encloses 200,000 Palestinians on the Jerusalem side of the barrier - Will improve the security of Israel's citizens."

Huh? Hyde doesn't understand? It stops suicide murder bombers. Which have all but stopped since the erection of the wall. Is Mr. Hyde's memory so short as to not remember the daily suicide bombings. I this what he is advocating.

If I might suggest Henry Hyde and his spineless minions get thee over to the holy land and speak the very Christians whose lives he just imperiled.

Please write Rep. Hyde and tell him gently that his has been misled and a great misfortune awaits those Christians he had sought to protect.

Washington D.C.
2110 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington D.C. 20515
Phone: (202) 225-4561
Fax: (202) 225-1166

District Office
50 East Oak Street, Suite 200
Addison, IL 60101
Phone: (630) 832-5950
Fax: (630) 832-5969

If you are from the 6th District, you can even e-mail. (You can't email if you are not from his district.)

You can write McCaul and Crowley (or any of your representatives) here. In any compromise between good and evil, evil profits.

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