Thursday, April 01, 2010

Breaking News: Guam Is So Overpopulated That It Is About To "Tip Over and Capsize"

Sometimes, when I drink too much, I get worried my entire house will tip over and capsize, so I can sympathize with the Congressman.


rgranger said...

At what point is one just too damn stupid to be in Congress?

Pastorius said...

This is astoundingly stupid, but even astoundingly stupid is not too stupid to Represent the will of the people, apparently.

Remember, the people voted this guy into office.

Yay, people.

Dag said...

Can't be as funny as your post, Pastorius.

Dag said...

Was I ever wrong!

And now I know why some folks think Obama is smart.

midnight rider said...

I tipped over and capsized last night.

Fucking concrete sidewalks. . .

Pastorius said...

You got in a fight with Jack Daniels?

midnight rider said...

No, with my Old Grandad. Tough SOB.