Thursday, April 08, 2010

Every warning about Barack Obama is coming true for americans who believe there MUST be an Israel as a secure refuge

David Ignatius reports Barack Obama is seriously considering IMPOSING a solution on Israel to create a mideast peace.
Despite recent turbulence in U.S. relations with Israel, President Obama is "seriously considering" proposing an American peace plan to resolve the Palestinian conflict, according to two top administration officials.

Xlation .. failure to agree will mean constrained to strangled weapons, spare parts and aid.

"Everyone knows the basic outlines of a peace deal," said one of the senior officials, citing the agreement that was nearly reached at Camp David in 2000
I seem to remember something happening the following year which materially changes the reality surrounding that offer. OF course, when it comes to this administration and foreign affairs, something between wishful thinking and and desperate delusion is the norm.
But who would be working on such a solution, and where would the ideas come from?

Obama's attention was focused by a March 24 meeting at the White House with six former national security advisers. The group has been meeting privately every few months at the request of Gen. Jim Jones, who currently holds the job. In the session two weeks ago, the group had been talking about global issues for perhaps an hour when Obama walked in and asked what was on people's minds.

Brent Scowcroft, who served as national security adviser for presidents Gerald Ford and George H.W. Bush, spoke up first, according to a senior administration official. He urged Obama to launch a peace initiative based on past areas of agreement; he was followed by Zbigniew Brzezinski, the national security adviser for Jimmy Carter, who described some of the strategic parameters of such a plan.

Scowcroft, of course was part of the Baker, "FUCK THE JEWS", team. Jones has been a trainer of the PLA , and Zbig has lavishly praised the THESIS of Walt and Mearsheimer that Americans who happen to be Jewish are involved in an inchoate-choate non-conspiracy/conspiracy to benefit Israel to America's peril whenever needed.

Obama's embrace of a peace plan would reverse the administration's initial strategy, which was to try to coax concessions from the Israelis and Palestinians, with the United States offering "bridging proposals" later. This step-by-step process was favored by George Mitchell, the president's special representative for the Middle East, who believed a similar approach had laid the groundwork for his breakthrough in Northern Ireland peace talks.

The fact that Obama is weighing the peace plan marks his growing confidence in Jones, who has been considering this approach for the past year. But the real strategist in chief is Obama himself. If he decides to launch a peace plan, it would mark a return to the ambitious themes the president sounded in his June 2009 speech in Cairo.

lavi.jpgThis will cause a COMPLETE disaster for the USA in the middle east.

Each of these named security advisers, save for Jones who serves now, was intimately involved with catastrophic failures. In this, I always find it both illuminating and horrifying to find Jimmy Carter's security chief, who managed to both gift us with the Iran we have today, and totally miss the USSR invading Afghanistan doing ANYTHING but writing books trying to excuse his PITIFUL performance and his FUNCTIONAL antisemitism.

j-10.jpgIt turns out that Merrill Mcpeak, Samantha Powers, Jeremiah Wright, Zbig et al AS PREDICTED had consequence to americans who happen to be jewish.

Hope those 80% of jews who voted for Obama are ready to find themselves in the spotlight of dual loyalty claims if they feel anything but fully supportive glee about this, IF OBAMA IS THAT STUPID.

At the end of the day, we WILL find Israel flying PAK FA's and SU-35's, just as they once flew Mirages, and Hawker Hunters when the USA refused to sell them weapons. The Israelis will do WHATEVER they are compelled to do to survive.

And we will be 'shocked' ...


Barack Obama is Jimmy Carter on crack.

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