Thursday, June 24, 2010

Denying Terror

From Planck's Constant:

Imagine for a moment that a Neo-Nazi group decided to build a Nazi Cultural Center near the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C.

Ignore for the moment that no zoning commission would be so insensitive, so stupid, so arrogant as to actually grant permission for such a travesty, but just suppose this were in the planning stage.

Imagine also that the lead spokesperson for such a project went on radio and said that the group had no ties to extremism. But when asked to denounce the Nazi Party as a terror organization, refused to do so, saying he avoids those issues, "The issue of terrorism is a very complex question."

No, it's not very complex. Either the Nazis were evil or they were not.

I know what you are thinking. This is preposterous. No one would permit such an insult to the memory of those who died in the Holocaust; in addition, there would be a thunderous display of outrage at the spokesperson's effort to deny terror.

So it was very revealing the other day when I was tuned to to New York's WABC Radio and I listened to a live interview between Aaron Klein and Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf. If that name isn't familiar to you, he is head of the Cordoba Initiative, which seeks to construct an insulting 13-story Islamic cultural center near the site of the 9-11 attacks. 

During the interview, Klein repeatedly asked the Imam to denounce Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood as a terror group. Rauf responded with: "I try to avoid the issues. The issue of terrorism is a very complex question." 

No, it's not very complex. Either they are terrorists or they were not.

A mosque at ground zero? I know what you are thinking. This is preposterous. No one would permit such an insult to the memory of those who died on 9/11; in addition, there would be a thunderous display of outrage at the spokesperson's effort to deny terror.

Click here to read the whole thing.

1 comment:

revereridesagain said...


There was a thunderous display of outrage over Rauf and this mosque at Ground Zero. Three weeks ago Sunday. Trouble is, the way things are, it would have to be repeated every day for months on end with a new cast of protesters daily to get the message across to the powers that be.

I'm not always convinced when Christians denounce women's clinic bombings. But at least they make a firm statement of opposition. They don't skulk around and hem and haw, which is standard procedure for muslims in this country. All the muslims ever make are excuses.

Yeah, they say they're scared. But does it ever occur to them that if they came out by the tens and hundreds of thousands to denounce this crap they would have nothing to be scared of because the Islamists wouldn't know who to strike back at first?

But there aren't tens and hundreds of thousands of them out there who oppose jihad enough to take a public stand against it.

And what they are scared of is, they think the Islamists will ultimately win -- because for one thing the Americans are such clueless wimps about what's going on -- and they don't want to be on the "losing" side.