Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Obamacare Constitutional? Federal Judge Rules Against Virginia's Challenge To Individual Mandate


Am I the only one who is noticing that our government has stepped way beyond the line, way beyond what the British government did to those who started the American Revolution?

Here's my individual mandate: The government will not tell me what to do with regard to my body. My body is mine. It does not belong to the government.

From the Hill:

(The Hill)- A federal judge in Virginia on Tuesday rejected a legal challenge to the healthcare reform law, the second time the law’s mandate that people buy insurance has been ruled constitutional.
The lawsuit was brought by Liberty University, which also argued that the law violates the First Amendment by requiring people to buy insurance that could cover abortions.
“I hold that there is a rational basis for Congress to conclude that individuals’ decisions about how and when to pay for health care are activities that in the aggregate substantially affect the interstate health care market,” ruled U.S. District Judge Norman Moon, a Clinton appointee.
“Nearly everyone will require health care services at some point in their lifetimes, and it is not always possible to predict when one will be afflicted by illness or injury and require care.

“Far from ‘inactivity,’ by choosing to forgo insurance, Plaintiffs are making an economic decision to try to pay for health care services later, out of pocket, rather than now, through the purchase of insurance. As Congress found, the total incidence of these economic decisions has a substantial impact on the national market for health care by collectively shifting billions of dollars on to other market participants and driving up the prices of insurance policies.” 

A federal judge in Michigan ruled the same way last month. And in August, a California federal judge rejected a similar lawsuit on the grounds that the plaintiffs had no standing.


Damien said...


I'm probably just as upset at this outcome as you are. If it makes you feel better, you're not the only one by far upset with this ruling. Maybe at the very least this will somehow lead to Obama being a one term president.

Not much than can be done about the ruling right now through, except maybe try to take to the supreme court.

Always On Watch said...

Pasto said: Here's my individual mandate: The government will not tell me what to do with regard to my body....

Great sentiment, and I concur. But just HOW do we stop this?

Think of this analogy. Your car needs warranty work; you can get the warranty work done only at the authorized dealership. This dealership sucks. You go somewhere else, but you have to pay through the ass. You don't have the money to go somewhere else because you paid in full for the car. What are your viable choices in that situation?

America is going to play hell getting rid of or "changing" ObamaKare.

Welcome to enslavement via governmental regulation.

Always On Watch said...

Hell, Americans won't even stand together for a two-week boycott on flying so as to force the TSA to stop these damned searches.

SamenoKami said...

Does anyone else notice that no matter how blatant the offense against the rule of law/Constitution is, the ruling is always in the gov't's favor? Most anyone who can read and think can see OdamaCare is not Constitutional, yet we get these rulings every month or so.
They are taking us to a place they want for us and we're going whether we like it or not.

Pastorius said...

Always on Watch,

How do we stop this?

Civil Disobedience on a massive scale.

As far as you're analogy about "paying through the ass", you are absolutely correct.

Regarding the fact that Americans will not stand together, YOU ARE CORRECT.

I don't give a fuck anymore.

I don't care if I don't stand with the crowd.

They're already teaching my kid Islam in history class. They teach her nothing of Christianity or Judaism.

Somehow, Islam is so important to the Middle Ages, but the foundational religions of our culture are not.

You don't have to be a weather to see which way the wind blows.

Look, I have a friend who, as a Christian, participated in massive civil disobedience in Egypt. I said, "I admire you, for your bravery."

He said, "It was not bravery. At a certain point you realize you are either going to live on your knees or die making a stand, AND you are going to die anyway, so you might as well be a man."

Always On Watch said...

Pastorius said; How do we stop this?

Civil Disobedience on a massive scale.


But here's the problem: I take a stand,go broke and/or go to jail, and Mr. AOW becomes a ward of the state -- dumped into some terrible place to die. With his strong will to live, that dying will take some time.

Always On Watch said...

Pasto: They're already teaching my kid Islam in history class. They teach her nothing of Christianity or Judaism.

So, when do you start homeschooling?

BTW, a prospective parent said to me "Inshallah." WTF??? This parent doesn't attend a church that is silent on the evils of Islam. Why the hell did he say that to me. Another BTW, this prospective parent is a trial attorney. **sigh**

I may be going down sooner than I think, huh?

Always On Watch said...

BTW, I'm not trying to be combative toward you.

I'm trying to come up with a plan.

Always On Watch said...

Addendum: Anyone here should know that I've never, ever given a tiddler's damn about standing with the crowd.

Always On Watch said...

Lots of judges were appointed by Bill Clinton. And I'm sure that BHO is appointing many too.

There is no redress from the court system once one has run to the top, i.e., SCOTUS. Our Founders never foresaw how powerful our federal courts would become!

Always On Watch said...

Do you have faith in SCOTUS? I don't.

Anonymous said...


"They're already teaching my kid Islam in history class. They teach her nothing of Christianity or Judaism."

As AOW said, homeschooling might be a good idea but I think a lot of parents can't do that because they're so busy. In that case, I think you can teach the kid or "un-brain-wash" the kid at home. I don't know. It might work, it might not. We are in a culture where if we don't take a stand, there isn't much we will be able to do to protect ourselves and ours from Islam.

I was just talking to my wife and we were discussing how Islam is the only religion whose adherents and others alike always want to tell us "Islam is a religion of peace". We thought any sane person would think that a little odd when no other religion feels the need to describe their religion as such. Say, Christians don't go around saying, "I follow Christianity: The religion of salvation." or Buddhists don't go saying "Buddhism: The religion against bug killing and violence." Why does Islam get so much attention? A lot of us know the answer to that question, and a lot of us don't wanna know.


"BTW, a prospective parent said to me "Inshallah." WTF???"

A lot of Christians here too say that, even my pastor. Its excusable here mainly because everyone says it but I never tolerate that. If anyone says that while talking to me, I just say, "I don't care about what allah wills." or something to that effect.

Call me culturally insensitive or a bigot, I don't care. All I know is that I don't believe in allah as my god and I never will. End of story. A lot of people want to bow down to Islam. They somehow blame themselves for the dump the Islamic world is in. THey're just ignorant and I don't think there's much we can do about them except try to tell them the truth flatout every once in a while.

But I think, AOW, you are in a difficult situation as a teacher (am I right?).

Anonymous said...


He said, "It was not bravery. At a certain point you realize you are either going to live on your knees or die making a stand, AND you are going to die anyway, so you might as well be a man."

Brave man (even though he doesn't think its bravery). There will come a point when Christians and Jews in the West will have to make a stand too.

Always On Watch said...

I work with Christian homeschoolers. I've never before gotten that Inshallah crap.

The parent did follow up with "God willing."

But I don't understand why a Christian in Northern Virginia should say such a thing.

We'll find out shortly if this family is going to enroll in our classes.

Anonymous said...

But I don't understand why a Christian in Northern Virginia should say such a thing.

Well, if he's an Arab Christian (by culture) that should explain it because Christians in Arab countries have mixed Islam in Christianity a lot, mainly because of persecution.

OR he's just a butt-kisser!

But yeah, you might find out the real reason soon enough.

Damien said...

Always On Watch,

You wrote,

Do you have faith in SCOTUS? I don't."

Its not a matter of me having a lot of faith in the supreme court. I only suggested that they take it to the nation's highest court because I couldn't think of much else that we could do to fight it, that would be realistic at this point.

Epaminondas said...

In the end, SCOTUS will rule 5-4 our way. And just in case they don't there will be civil disobedience, BEGINNING with every small businessman and the $600 1099 rule.