Saturday, June 08, 2019

Trump admin tells U.S. embassies they can't fly pride flag on flagpoles

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is rejecting requests from U.S. embassies to fly the rainbow pride flag on embassy flagpoles during June, LGBTQ Pride Month, three American diplomats told NBC News. The U.S. embassies in Israel, Germany, Brazil and Latvia are among those that have requested permission from Trump's State Department to fly the pride flag on their flagpoles and have been denied, diplomats said. 
Although the pride flag can and is being flown elsewhere on embassy grounds, including inside embassies and on exterior walls, the decision not to allow it on the official flagpole stands in contrast to President Donald Trump's claim to be a leader in supporting LGBTQ rights overseas. 
Trump's administration has announced a campaign to decriminalize homosexuality overseas and this month issued a tweet and formal statement to "celebrate LGBT Pride Month and recognize the outstanding contributions LGBT people have made."  
The denials to U.S. embassies have come from the office of the State Department's undersecretary for management, Brian Bulatao, a longtime associate of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo who also worked for him at the CIA. Under State Department policy, embassies that want to fly the flag on their flagpoles are expected to obtain permission from Washington.


Pete Rowe said...

In other words, our embassies represent the entire nation rather than a bunch of special interest segments. Makes sense.

Pastorius said...

Yeah, exactly.

Trump = No Nonsense.

thelastenglishprince said...

This is about flag etiquette and tradition. The might and power which are represented in the colors of our nation should not be reduced to Banana Republic status.

Beyond that, I think Trump would rather not piss off tens of millions of veterans who vote. I would be one of them.

He is not an "leader" for groups with distinct sexual phobias. He is just a live and let live kind of guy.

Pastorius said...

I agree.

He is an American.

I think everyone here at this site is ok with gay and transgender people.

We just don't want them dictating how we should live, nor vaunting their lifestyle into a position of power, authority, or sacredness.

I ought not be expected to care about their lifestyle any more than they care about mine.

Live and let live.

thelastenglishprince said...

What is actually funny now is that the run of the mill gay community who have worked toward respectability for years are not pushing back and at odds with the LGBT community for their activism.

So much of what goes on is based on individual inflated sense of importance in the scheme of things. Nobody wants to just be normal and live their life undisturbed. Everyone has to be a special snowflake.

To me, if you have to define yourself with a damn acronym you are a pathetic and poor sample of protoplasm. My gene pool doesn't need a damn acronym. I am... Tammy Swofford. Period.

Jan Sobeiski said...

One flag, one America, one Land, and one People. That is the ideal to which we should all aspire as a nation.