Saturday, October 08, 2022

Old Man Yells at Mushroom Cloud

Now, observe as the oldest president in American history squats astride the punchbowl and drops this big ol’ turd: 
“We have not faced the prospect of armageddon since Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis… [Putin’s] not joking when he talks about potential use of tactical nuclear weapons or biological or chemical weapons because his military is, you might say, significantly underperforming… I’m trying to figure out, what is Putin’s off-ramp? Where does he find a way out? Where does he find himself in a position that he does not not only lose face, but lose significant power within Russia?” 
Remember when Trump’s big mouth was gonna get us into World War Three? Last week, Biden was trying to talk to dead people. This week, he’s trying to make us all dead people. 
Why is the president of the United States saying this stuff in public? What is Biden’s off-ramp? How will babbling about this at a fundraiser convince Putin not to do it? 
The answer, of course, is that Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. was an incredibly stupid man with diarrhea of the mouth even before he was caught in the throes of dementia. Now he’s a thousand times worse. He’ll just blurt out any old $#!+, especially if it makes life tougher for everybody else. 
I hate Vladimir Putin. I also don’t want to die in a nuclear war. The Democrats need to do something about Grandpa Joe before he gets us all killed.


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