Thursday, May 04, 2023

After 3 Years of Doctors Telling Us There is No Treatment for Covid, SO WE'D BETTER TAKE THE VACCINE, Who performed better when giving medical advice? The physician or the AI chat bot?

This is hot off the press on April 28th, 2023. Reddit has a sub forum where people can ask medical questions. Physicians and an AI Chat Bot both answer questions that patients ask. So who (or what) performed better?  

In this cross-sectional study of 195 randomly drawn patient questions from a social media forum, a team of licensed health care professionals compared physician’s and chatbot’s responses to patient’s questions asked publicly on a public social media forum. The chatbot responses were preferred over physician responses and rated significantly higher for both quality and empathy.” 

Well look at that. A ROBOTIC response was more empathetic than a LIVE HUMAN physician. 


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