Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Tim Pool On Why He Would Vote for Donald J. Trump Over Ron DeSantis for President in 2024

I've written previously that DeSantis is this election's Ted Cruz. My impression is, though I like him, ultimately, he will do nothing.

Let's see what Tim Pool has to say.

Just remember, Donald Trump might do something stupid, like decide to lock down the entire fucking country again, at the advice of people who mock him. Remember that, becasue that's what Donald Trump did. 

He also braggedd about the vaccine.


revereridesagain said...

Yeah, but would he do that again? Surely he learned the same lesson as the rest of us.

Of course he also did something many of us binary females hold to be the equivalent of demotion to the status of brood mares. (Still he's not as nasty hardcore about it as DeSantis.)

And I think he would - will - do pretty much what Tim predicts because, like so many of us, he is not a political swamp toad but an American citizen, and he is mad as hell and not going to take this anymore.

thelastenglishprince said...

I believe Mr. Trump acted on what he considered accurate scientific advice - and knowing he did not have the background in science - trusted that scientists would not lie. It has in fact, been found that many scientists fabricate studies, etc. to maintain grant funding, write for major journals.

I will vote for Mr. Trump again because he kept his campaign promises to the citizens.

In looking at the swarm that is about to invade our country from the south, Mr. Trump dropped those numbers to (if memory serves me) just 450,000 his final year in office.

Biden? One month alone, 250,000 crossed the border. It is the size of my city. Biden is bankrupting our nation in so many ways.

I like DeSantis, but he is a bit of a small thinker and probably good for Florida but not the world stage.