August 25th, 2008 -- 10:05 p.m. Central
By Bob McCarty at BobMcCarty.com
Denver television station CBS4 is reporting that at least four people were
arrested in connection with a possible plot to assassinate Barack Obama during
his Thursday night acceptance speech at Invesco Field in the Mile High
The U.S. Attorney in Denver has scheduled a news conference for Tuesday
afternoon, according to the CBS affiliate.The story began emerging Sunday morning when Aurora police arrested 28-year-old Tharin Gartrell. He was driving a rented pickup truck in an erratic manner according to sources.
Sources told CBS4 police found two high-powered, scoped rifles in the car along with camouflage clothing, walkie-talkies, wigs, a bulletproof vest, a spotting scope, licenses in the names of other people and 44 grams of methamphetamine. One of the rifles is listed as stolen from Kansas.
Aurora police alerted federal officials because of heightened security surrounding the Democratic convention, Dudley said.
"Clearly we found there are federal implications -- otherwise we would not have notified them," Det. Marcus Dudley with Aurora police said. "The weapons clearly would cause great concern."
Subsequently authorities went to the Cherry Creek Hotel to contact an associate of Gartrell's. But that man, identified as Shawn Robert Adolph, 33, who was wanted on numerous warrants, jumped out of a sixth floor hotel window. Law enforcement sources say Adolph broke an ankle in the fall and was captured moments later.
Sources say he had a handcuff ring and was wearing a swastika, and is thought to have ties to white supremacist organizations.
A third man -- an associate of Gartrell and Adolph, Nathan Johnson, 32, was also arrested. He told authorities that the two men "planned to kill Barack Obama at his acceptance speech." Johnson, along with his girlfriend, Natasha Gromek, are also under arrest on drug charges.
The Secret Service, FBI, ATF and the joint terrorism task force are all investigating the alleged plot.
These guys are chumps. Did they plot this themselves, or was it suggested to them? The fact that Gartrell was "driving in an erratic manner" on the way to commit the act which would make him eternally infamous indicates that he was, within himself, fundamentally unserious about actually carrying out the assassination.
The left would have their martyr, but it would be the right who would be scapegoated and crucified.
A Barack Obama Martyrdom could effectively end political dialogue in this country for a generation. Without the dialogue of the two-party system, we would have no progress, no movement. We would have a vacuum.
Who benefits from a vacuum? The person willing to assume power by force.
Consider these events carefully. There are people who would benefit from the Martyrdom of Barack Obama, and there are people who would not.
Who are they?
Who helped him and does it benefit those people more for Obama to live or die?
I'm going to pose a question here which is born of my own paranoia. But, I think it is worth posing. It is, after all, only a question?
Could Barack Obama be the first suicide bomber set to go off on a national level?
DENVER — Authorities are investigating whether a man arrested with rifles,
ammunition and drugs in his truck made statements threatening Barack Obama, but
emphasize he never posed a "credible threat" to the candidate or the Democratic
National Convention.
Having thought it over a bit, I think the choice of the term "Suicide Bomber" is poor.
I do not suspect Barack Obama of any culpability in a plot to turn himself into a martyr.
Sometimes, though, it does seem like he's a lamb being led to slaughter.
Considering the extreme leftward lurch taken by the Democratic Party, and the attendant insanity which prevails in the wake of any major Democratic Party event, I do believe it is valid to question whether or not there are fascist forces at work, behind the scenes on the left, who would love to have a political vacuum on their hands.
Yesterday, some freakish loser (who I really don't want to give any attention to) verbally accosted Michelle Malkin at the Democratic National Convention. If you watch the video, I think you will agree with my opinion that this man is purposefully attempting to incite mob violence against Malkin. Watch as he follows her around, mob in tow, accusing her of supporting crimes against humanity.
The point? If you don't think there are operatives working within the Leftist movement who are making every attempt to create anarchy, then I think you are naiive.
Additionally, my wife made a good point to me. She said that because Barack Obama does what he can to associate himself with the international community, and in particular, the international Muslim community ("I think the Call to Prayer is among the prettiest sounds on Earth"), any martyrdom of Barack Obama would have international implications.
This man is, in a sense, like a hostage granted into neutral custody as a willing potential sacrifice, while two warring factions meet to discuss a ceasefire. (If you are into Godfather references, he is the equivalent of the Bocchichio Family.)
And, he may become the President of the United States.
The fact that Gartrell was «driving in an erratic manner» on the way to commit the act which would make him eternally infamous indicates that he was, within himself, fundamentally unserious about actually carrying out the assassination.
It is like wearing a flag: «Hey, look at me! Look at what I am doing!»
Now, the question is, was he behaving in such a manner on purpose, or was he, as I said, fundamentally unserious in the pursuit of his task?
And, if he was fundamentally unserious in his task, then why undertake it at all?
Was he just drugged out? Or, was he given a nudge?
Or both?
Indeed, pertinent questions.
Even the report of an assassination plot with arrests gives the Democratic Party a leg up for November, particularly in light of the alleged fact that the plotters aprehended yesterday are said to be white supremacists.
Except that this report is so far in advance of the election. It will be interesting to see what commentary emerges from this incident.
If somebody actually takes a shot at BHO, the dynamics for November will drastically change.
From this source:
Authorities are investigating whether a man arrested with rifles, ammunition and drugs in his truck made statements threatening Barack Obama, but emphasize he never posed a "credible threat" to the candidate or the Democratic National Convention.
Federal and local authorities had scheduled a news conference for Tuesday afternoon, but U.S. Attorney Troy Eid downplayed the case.
"We're absolutely confident there is no credible threat to the candidate, the Democratic National Convention, or the people of Colorado," Eid said in a statement.
Does this remind anyone here of "not terror related"?
If we cannot protect this man from morons of all sorts, we have to ask a lot of questions.
There will be fundamental issues to resolve about how people can run for high office.
About invading our lives to look for nuts, or conspiracies and suddenly it will be the left on the hunt for the KKK wannabees with some other kind of patriot act, looking to see who is borrowing the Turner Diaries from libraries.
Obama has got to be protected.
To me it seems reasonable to look into people who borrow or buy books like The Turner Diaries, or the Anarchy Cookbook.
Thanks, AOW.
I added the update.
Mein Kampf?
Das Kapital?
Atlas Shrugged? Fountainhead? (both could be said to advocate violence for individual property rights, RIGHT?????)
Bukhari Hadiths?
Biographies of Nathan Bedford Forrest?
Histories of Ft Pillow battle?
And what does 'look into' mean?
Look into their homes?
Look into their friends?
Look into their other transactions?
Danger Will Robinson.
Gullible bullshit
seriously, I don't buy into any of it, sounds More like meth dealers high as hell and an arrest then the agents using such as a PR stunt--
and of course the media, Denver esp with their love of sensationalism, blows it up out of proportion.
It is so unbelievable it isn't even funny--meth flows like honey in Denver and Aurora and cases like these drug busts are common,
hell one can Fart in the direction of Obama and the media will say its an assasignation plot. Anything to give this idiot Barky ore importance than he deserves--
no matter How much you want to pose in photo shots like Kennedy.
The fact is, there is so much sensationalized bullshit coming out of Denver and media that its not embarrassing,
on the Other hand, a Somalian MOSLEM with enough cyanide to kill hundreds in a motel of all places is chalked up to just an innocent vacation and depression to suicide,
if it weren't for a FEW people who actually can see through the lies of the taqiyya I'd be bald from pulling out my hair in rage...
this is just another attempt to fool the people into embracing a POLICE STATE THAT WILL MAKE IT EASIER FOR SHARIA LAW TO BE IMPLEMENTED INCH BY INCH
as for books, LOL, you know the Tsars of Russia, banned COOKBOOKS,
in case the cake recipes had codes that were critical against the Tsar
sounds so familiar, and who btw even Takes the anarchist cookbook seriously, hell half of the crap in their will blow up in the face of one trying to follow the recipe
its more dangerous to the reader than an elementary science book.
Why do you think the anarchist punks in Europe have to resort to iron bars to beat up little old ladies who protest Theocracy?
Or the 68 lot in Denver with the cussing out media, yea, real dangerous folks,
no, the Real danger is those speaking at the Convention, those working to incorporate Sharia into our legal system, the so called 'liberal' Muslims who are indoctrinating and pushing for MADRASSAS and who are teaching kill every Jew behind trees and who are making masses of money in law suits and business to invest in the very countries that want to destroy anything
Western and Free.
"This freedom from absolute, arbitrary power, is so necessary to, and closely joined with a man's [and woman's] preservation and life together: for a man/woman, not having the power of his/her own life, cannot,
by compact, of his/her own CONSENT, ENSLAVE HIM/HERSELF TO ANY ONE, nor put him/herself under the absolute, arbitrary power of another, to take away his/her life, when he/she pleases. No body can give more power than he/she has him/her self; and he/she that cannot take away his/her own life, by some act that deserves death; he, to whom he has forfeited it, may (when he/she has in him in his/her power] delay to take it, and make use of him to his own service, and he does him no injury by it: for, whenever he finds the HARDSHIP OF HIS SLAVERY OUTWEIGH THE VALUE OF HIS LIFE, it is in HIS POWER, by
This is the perfect condition of slavery, which is nothing else, but the STATE OF WAR CONTINUED, BETWEEN A LAWFUL CONQUEROR AND A CAPTIVE
let me assure you--I have concluded, ISLAM IS THAT WOLF
need I say more...
sorry bout the caps, using hubbys laptop and these keys are tiny, hate this machine--anyway I'm reading Locke and every other Freedom theorist and Memorizing...
so they can look through my books, to HELL WITH THEM
Funny, I've blogged here with you all this time and I didn't know you were opposed to the Patriot Act.
To me "look into" means, check them out; online activity, phone records, bank transactions ...
I think that's probably it, as a start.
I'm certainly no expert on this subject.
I assume that I have "been looked into." After all, I write for a blog which seems, from outward appearences, to be critical of all Musliims, and which, as a joke, in the sidebar, declare itself to be "the parellel government of the entire world."
I, and others here, have repeatedly questioned whether our governments (after all, we are an international blog) have any authority, or whether they have become treasonous by ceasing to represent the will of the people.
Don't you think the government ought to look into me?
What if I was getting deposits into my bank account from Germany, or from my friends in the BNP (LOL)?
Shouldn't the government want to know if I'm writing this kind of material, if I am also buying the Anarchy Cookbook?
Could I not be a truly dangerous person?
Tell me your answer. I really want to know.
You said: ... sounds More like meth dealers high as hell and an arrest then the agents using such as a PR stunt ...
I say: I agree. These guys are chumps. I say so in the post. Chumps can be used. They are what you call me, "gullible."
You said: on the Other hand, a Somalian MOSLEM with enough cyanide to kill hundreds in a motel of all places is chalked up to just an innocent vacation and depression to suicide
I say: Yeah, really.
You said: who btw even Takes the anarchist cookbook seriously, hell half of the crap in their will blow up in the face of one trying to follow the recipe
I say: Are you speaking from personal experience?
The real point, Natasha (if you'd step back and see the forest instead of the trees) is that information is available to people (on the internet, in bookstores, etc.) that will help them commit terrorist acts. I assume the government montiors such information and who is accessing it. I think the government would be wise to do so, if they are not.
That story the other day about the guy who built the unmanned drone (capable of holding a 600 lb payload); how did that guy get away with that crap? C'mon. That's freaking ridiculous. Everyone of that guy's friends ought to be on constant surveillance at this point. I hope to God my government is wise enough to do such things.
"It has frequently been pointed out that totalitarian movements use and abuse democratic freedoms in order to abolish them. This is not just devilish cleverness on the part of the leaders or childish stupidity on the part of the masses. Democratic freedoms may be based on the equality of all citizens before the law; yet they acquire their meaning and function organically only when the citizens belong to and are represented by groups or form a social and political hierarchy."
Origins of Totalitarianism-Arendt
"The religionists are the enemies of liberty, and the friends of liberty attack religion; the high minded and the noble advocate bondage, and the meanest and most servile preach independence; honest and enlightened citizens are opposed to all progress, whilst men without patriotism and without principle put themselves forward as the apostles of civilization and intelligence."
Alexis De Tocqueville "Democracy in America"
"Let us suppose , therefore, that the government is entirely at one with the people, and never thinks of exerting any power of coercion unless in agreement with what it conceives to be their voice. But I deny the right of the people to exercise such coercion, either by themselves or by their government. The power itself is illegitimate. The best government has no more title to it than the worst. It is as noxious, or more noxious, when exerted in accordance to public opinion than when in opposition to it. IF all mankind minus one were of one opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind...."
On Liberty, John Stuart Mill
the Danger my friend is the silencing of opinion, critique, speech...
and we here are all guilty obviously--
“The duty of a patriot is to protect his country from its government.” -Thomas Paine ...
[note-to EPA, gullible is media, not you...LOL, it is in reference to the gullibility of those who believe media, sorry didn't clarify that, I often speak About--not directed to individuals]
You say: note-to EPA, gullible is media, not you...LOL, it is in reference to the gullibility of those who believe media, sorry didn't clarify that, I often speak About--not directed to individuals
I say: That was me, not Epa.
Thanks for clarifying.
As for the quotes from Mill and DeToqueville, the whole situation is complicated by the almost absolute powers human beings are achieving these days:
1) virtual omnipotence (the idea that a terrorist could detonate a nuclear weapon in a city)
2) virtual omniscience (the idea that individuals can monitor other individuals via the internet (and this power will only increase as brain becomes melded with computer, which is inevitable)
3) virtual immortality (gradually, the lifespan is going to increase, until replacement parts, stem cells, etc. make people virtually immortal) - this will lead to an awful lot of evil people having an awful lot of time on their hands.
Mill and DeToqueville, Locke and Mises, do not take into account these changes we are going through.
I think the situation has to be assessed given the realities we now live with.
What do you think?
sorry read that wrong, Pastorius wasn't calling you gullible--
just to mention--I type while dealing with kids and husband and work, back and forth and I don't so much speak to specific people usually, its just to general America when I type/write...and often yes my writing is scattered because I use a lot but trying to sum up a lot in a few paragraphs...and usually I'm thinking on about various things related when writing...IF I sit down while having time to focus thats one thing but I do have habit of writing in abstract and forgetting that those who read may not understand I'm not directing at them...
writing is NOT my skill, research yes and long ass essays with tons of indexes I can do and do well...novels, LOL
short summations, not so good at...I was agreeing with you not against you.
You said: ... I type while dealing with kids and husband and work, back and forth
I say: Me too. I work out of my home. My wife and kids are next to me all the time. I'm constantly getting interrupted. But, of course, those are good interruptions to have, aren't they?
OK well the quotes, I do think, though the use of terror and despotism Then was not like today in form, the Threat was there, and they did for see the power of government corruption and/or how government could be against the citizen, and all those quotes do speak to the present situation today in regard to,
the monitoring/controls and who is deemed a threat and who isn't, by the powers that be, and the Irony is the true threats are welcomed by government and those who confront including the more radical and not necessarily what we might agree with--are deemed as the threats, question is,
who is government protecting really? The citizen or those who are working to crush freedom?
I personally think the gov is not working to protect us...and for long while I think...call me crazy but I think the powers that be are already fascist and totalitarian but that they way they are implementing the power structure is very subtle and that they 'manipulate' forces, political movements and/or they monitor them and then when convenient they dispose of them, but in a way that it looks innocent,
thats my opinion from years of reading and just seeing connections and you hit on a few of them,
its like the foundation has been set but the masses generally speaking are clueless, and I would say its about mind control,
in other words HOW they are normalizing certain things such as yes, monitoring and cameras on every street corner, etc.
NOT that I think there is this evil plot of men sitting around a big black table with cigars doing this but that the seeds are planted and maybe lets say, yes to protect lets say, businesses from criminals but that once unleashed the police state grows and grows or big brother so to speak,
and what was about protection, there is that fine line between protection and 'control'.
Due to the 'representation' in government, this isn't that far fetched--it all depends on Who is doing the protecting/controlling...
one day it could be a government that truly is loyal to citizens the next a government that is out to establish totalitarianism but the thing is,
the 'tools' of control are already in place therefore, with the technical advancements then yes, those in power that are evil have means that are omnipotent in so many ways,
and its funny that you mention that because Bakunin, warned about totalitarianism in the scientific 'elitism',
that was back in 1900s but think about it today with the eugenics and genetics and the ethic debates even withing the genetics/birthing going on today and the monitoring and FISA and all of those technical advancements
and yet, ironically, a man with no money, moslem in motel [high end one at that] with cyanide and its nothing to see here folks,
that Screams sinister...I for one cannot believe the government to be that stupid,
and I do think people see it, its just what in the hell to Do about it?
I think about this a lot and I try, seriously do try to keep some optimism, not to get sucked into conspiracy theories but, you know the signs are everywhere...unless I'm frickin crazy, LOL, I mean, I don't know,
it is extremely concerning and I think the real danger is in the belief that IT CAN'T HAPPEN,
Pastorious I saw a lot of it while in college, late non-traditional student [attended while single parent] and my thing was I read, a LOT, my writing sucks ok but I do read and I've been reading since childhood and at 10-12 I was reading books written by political prisoners from Bulgaria and Cuba and Russia, mission books, science, geography, you name it I read it--I am a book addict [in a deranged way, LOL],
and I am horrid about remembering Details BUT I remember all the books and just things that stood out--and then having worked in both the right and far left, for years,
just seeing threads, and then more reading, and the SIMILARITIES of how things were done in the former Soviet and in Germany during Hitler and even in Franco's Spain...and other countries like Argentina and so forth,
of government training and assisting police states and police--there are just Too many similarities but they are in bits and pieces,
like education, in the 50s and 60s there was books on 'subversive education' that I'm looking into now,
were these things Planned or were they adaptations to control/protect national security that have been now used against us?
Even literature--ever read Eugene Burdick? Anyway, he wrote a fiction or based on truth, about the East, well, shit,
let me find it...ok, I have several of his books, "The Ugly American",
well, at the end of that book, last chapters I believe--he writes about a speech, anyway or a discussion about the US government adapting to Maoist techniques to fight the communists--
but it was in a way where, it could so easily be used against us one day...especially using pysops...I'll never forget that because in the wrong hands..thats exactly what Could be done and IS being done,
but its very subtle and unless one has knowledge of that history in depth it would be so easy to miss.
but then, its like, what percentage of adaptation is political necessity and what percentage is treason? Treason against the people that is,
you know even in political texts in colleges that Use essays, if you notice its What they choose as essays in those books--its very clever because its like they set up a foundation of certain thought patterns to get one to think in a certain direction,
unless one just reads a bit of everything on their own and ONLY reads what is given to them, what I call the education of 'regurgitation'
they are being indoctrinated.
and I see it--but, LOL, try telling people and they think you're half ass crazy...seriously,
and hell maybe I am, maybe I've read so much that I see conspiracy behind every trash can, LOL LOL LOL
no, but really, I mean I do hang on to some rationale but you know when you see patterns of things across the board then it does tend to make you go,
I think What IS so scary though is all the people I talk to that don't see Anything wrong with all the powers over people, even those that seem innocent, its like they don't even question because its become so normalized--
and THAT is scary. And I do think--the intellectuals times past and a few today Do see it and have warned...
what is So dangerous I think, about America today is that there is this 'comfort' and this 'trust' even if there is discontent there is this absolute trust in government that says,
they would never betray us because of this, this, this...
and then not only that but this willingness to just rest power onto government,
that I think IS DANGEROUS, because when a society becomes complacent like that and especially with the technical advances there is today, then its not that difficult for the government to turn and turn in a way that, as Hannah herself said,
using liberal values, even freedoms, to one day crush them.
What I think though--is that there is this growing mindset that those freedoms little by little taken away, people resist at first but then they get used to it, and they don't question the long term ramifications of those legislations and laws.
because hey it can't happen here right?
a friendly orwellian society, in a way where, its so friendly that people for the most part think its in their best 'interests'.
I'm opposed to lockdown surveillance.
I think cameras on street corners are an abomination.
If a person has the presumption of privacy in their home, and they have the presumption of freedom from being photographed and having their photograph published in the newspaper as a private citizen, then why is it that the government gets to insert cameras up our asses at every street corner.
It's wrong.
Part of the reason that the "Zone of Privacy" is so important is that we are human, and we all make mistakes, and if we are not allowed to make mistakes (because the government is watching like an omnipresent nanny), then we will not learn to deal with free will and responsibility, and ultimately our creativity will suffer for it.
Really, in my opinion, it is the beginning of the destruction of the human spirit.
That being said, as I wrote already, I would expect that the government would look into someone like me.
And, I would expect that, if they are living according to the Constitution, when they looked into me, they would see a guy who has no odd banking transactions, no odd overseas phone calls, no calls between me and Tom Metzger or any other Klan nutcase, and no strange googlings or purchases of books about bombmaking or overthrowing the government. And, they would leave me alone.
Those who do have all those things that I just mentioned truly are a problem, and I hope the government would look into them further, and I don't believe that that is fascism. Especially if, as is the case, a judge has to approve the warrant to do the research in the first place.
Ahhhhhhh, Pasto, but I am not against the Patriot Act.
I am pissed beyond belief at those who have attacked us for making such things compulsory.
One fine day there WILL be some admin who really WILL use such a law against the people. It's a guarantee ..UNLESS we are all vigilant and we have assholes around like the ACLU as well. We need such assholes of some kind.
Abe Lincoln got away with a lot. He did because of WHO he was, but make no mistake that we had a nation of men right then, and we were flirting away from the nation of law. Because he was Abe Lincoln and not someone else, we got back who we were.
We take that for granted today.
In WW2 we had arguably the gr8est prez commit one of the most heinous attacks on civil liberties in restraining the freedoms of so many americans who happened to be Japanese. But this time, even though we allowed them complete freedom by some time in 44 (I think) it took another 40 years to apologize.
We should all fight against any govt encroachment even as we recognize its necessity. We should all be dragged kicking and screaming to it, so we can all remember that's not who we are.
Read that.
It will remind you.
Hi Epa,
You said: One fine day there WILL be some admin who really WILL use such a law against the people. It's a guarantee ..UNLESS we are all vigilant and we have assholes around like the ACLU as well. We need such assholes of some kind.
I say: Yep, I agree. Checks and balances. The ACLU is part of our balance. And, believe it or not, as much as I hate Pacifism, I believe it is part of our balance too.
But, I digress.
You said: In WW2 we had arguably the gr8est prez commit one of the most heinous attacks on civil liberties in restraining the freedoms of so many americans who happened to be Japanese. But this time, even though we allowed them complete freedom by some time in 44 (I think) it took another 40 years to apologize.
We should all fight against any govt encroachment even as we recognize its necessity. We should all be dragged kicking and screaming to it, so we can all remember that's not who we are.
I say: Good point.
The only problem is, how do you differentiate youself from the Bushitler Chorus?
I mean, I know you do, but it's a tricky one, isn't it?
Now, should you be looked in to?
The end.
Freedom of Speech requires that no prior restraint by intimidation of investigation or any other hindrance exists.
But the other edge is that we have to be responsible for what we say.
I personally see nothing wrong with having the cookbook.
It's the times that makes us concerned about the other stuff around that.
If you have the cookbook what are you gonna do, take out a tree stump? If Abdullah, who dropped out of UC Irvine and is taking crop dusting lessons, has the cookbook is that different? Is that a reason to look further?
Well, I guess so. But next time around Abdullah will be Sven the euroconvert.
Do we give everyone a colonoscopy because of sven?
It's one thing to voluntarily stand in a stupid line at La Guardia or Ohare, it's another when you have to think about who is going to see your library take out list, and find there, because you are on this blog, and do research, THE MADINAN WAY
You said: It's one thing to voluntarily stand in a stupid line at La Guardia or Ohare
I say: I never felt that those lines at La Guardia were voluntary. If I don't wait in them, I don't feed my family.
And, once in awhile, token middle-aged white guy that I am, I get severely shaken down in those lines.
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