I thought this was a good use of funds. If nothing else, it produced some publicity for a good film. And who knows, maybe one of the democrats actually watched the film.
DENVER. A statement of issues and positions provided by the Democratic National Convention includes not a single reference to "radical Islam," and its only references to "Islam" are to an imam scheduled to speak and to identify Afghanistan as where the U.S. should be battling al-Qaida, since "the vast majority of Muslims believe in a future of peace, tolerance."
However, an organization has been flooding DNC delegates and Denver with copies of the video "Obsession" because members believe the threat to the U.S. is being dismissed or minimized, and the results – like those of Sept. 11, 2001 – could be catastrophic.
"The reaction has been everything from people who are upset with us and call us Islamophobes to a gay, Jewish delegate who's seen 'Obsession' and told us the Democrats aren't taking radical Islamic fundamentalists seriously," said Karen England, a spokeswoman for the group promoting the Watch Obsession website. (source: EuropeNews)
Sharing DVDs is one of the best ways to create the political conditions most amenable to
stopping all concessions to Islam.
I agree that DVD's are more readily viewed than books are read. For that reason, I have offered to 'loan' out my own copies of "audio books". I encourage my friends to play them as they commute to-from work.
Audio-book editions for the following titles:
The Siege of Mecca", Yaroslav Trofimov This immensely consequential story was barely covered in the msm as Saudi Arabia imposed an information blackout and kept foreign correspondents away.
Islam Unveiled Disturbing Questions About the World's Fastest Growing Faith, Robert Spencer
Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades), Robert Spencer
The Truth About Muhammad: Founder of the World's Most Intolerant Religion, Robert Spencer
Islam Unveiled: Disturbing Questions About the World's Fastest-Growing Faith, Robert Spencer
Preachers of Hate, Kenneth R Timmerman reveals "an ancient hatred that threatens the life and livelihood of every American". . ."what begins with the Jews, never ends with the Jews."
America Alone: The End of the World As We Know It , Mark Steyn
Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America, Brigitte Gabrielle
Infidel, Ayaan Hirsi Ali
The following audio books tell the story of America's battle with Jihad since Tripoli declared war on the US in 1801 . . .
Six Frigates Ian Toll, excitingly read audio version of Toll's impressive history of the founding of the United States Navy. These frigates would play key roles in the quasi-war with France, the Barbary wars, and the War of 1812.
Power Faith and Fatasy America in the Middle East, 1776 to present
This favorite has recently become available as an audio download:
White Gold Giles Milton magnificently tells the story of huge traffic in European slaves along the Barbary Coast during the 1700's.
I have been sharing DVD's that cover this topic as well as films about The Holocaust for several years now. I also make sure my congregation's media center has a copy of each as well.
Islam: What the West Needs to Know
Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West
Holy Land: Christians in Peril an excellent documentary about the April 2002 terrorist hostage crisis at Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity
The Silent Exodus this film provides important evidence that the exodus of 1.5 million forgotten Jewish refugees from the Arab and Muslim world began long before Israel's creation--and was largely fueled by ancient sectarian hatred.
The Longest Hatred comprehensive documentary feature on anti-semitism . . .not nearly as comprehensive as Dr. Andrew Bostom's tome . .. Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism
Suicide Killers a disturbing journey deep into a culture that few can comprehend -- that of suicide bombers.
Hostages of HatredPierre Rehov sets out to tell us the real story of those men, women and children, who have been shamefully used as mere pawns for over 50 years, by Arab leaders at first, by Palestinian leaders later on and until this very day but also by the United Nations' body that was specially created to supposedly take care of them : the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, UNWRA.
Terrorists Among Us
Farewell Israel, reaches the unavoidable conclusion that Western and Israeli misunderstanding of Islam is leading to a coming war - which will have devastating consequences for the West, and worst of all for Israel - Farewell Israel!
What a great LIST! And some excellent suggestions.
May I publish your list on CitizenWarrior.com?
Please do publish the list . ..I already placed an earlier version of the list in the comments at CW - it was awaiting approval.
You may want to add links for OSAMA. I recently discovered the excellent film (I have my own copy) "OSAMA" is online at youtube. . .
OSAMA, Part 1
The film is broken into 16 segments so look for the additional links here
Far too many important books don't have audio versions.
LibriVox, is a site dedicated to acoustical liberation of books in the public domain.
Back in my college days, I volunteered to read technical text books to assist a blind student who became my maid of honor at my wedding. Since those days, technology has advanced a great deal but not everyone can afford the equipment, so there is still a service to be provided.
There are a multitude of books of interest to the counterjihad that should become audio books.
I am currently exploring this effort myself. Books written by Apostates such as Ali Sina Psychobiography of Mo and Walid Shoebat Why I left the jihad would be of personal interest. I would need to get their permission for such an endeavor. There are books long out of print - Novels like: 1946 edition of Sir Naked Blade evaded all politically correct editing would be of personal interest as well.
Here's just a couple of paragraphs from the opening chapter :
There was no escape for the Little Jesus. Becalmed in this glare of blue sea, with no whisper of wind out of the greyish sky, she lay as if yoked to the unbroken waters of the Medterranean. Sails drooped on the yards like dried skin and the pitch was hot and wet in the seams. Helpless, she lay while the pirate galleys heaved over the horizon, their oars lifting, falling, centipede-like legs swaying them close to the unmoving English victim. Low ruffs of foam stirred by the dipping blades were the only movement, it seemed, on that dark sea. The Little Jesus waited as if bewitched, as if damned, while her crew leaned on the bulwarks, watching silently, white-faced and steady-fingered. There was nothing further for them to do. All was prepared for battle: cannon loaded, water-buckets filled, the slow-matches burning over them, while powder-kegs stood by pyramids of black shot. Guns and pistols were cocked, powder drying the shut pans, swords, were unsheathed and spat back the sunlight in flickering silver.
"Friend, said the master standing unhatted on the poop, "it is time for prayer, for our time may be short. In the hands of God this day lie not only our souls but our sinful bodies and my ship's cargo. Let us pray God for the strength of David or Samson against these infidels. Only with the Lord's help can we conquer, for we are outnumbered beyond numbering. But let not your stomachs fall at that. We can have no mightier ally than God and this ship is God's ship in honour and love of His Son, while they have but the foolish Allah and his cheat Mohammed to shield them. Take heart fellows and pray that we be not forgotten this day in heaven.
Thank you, Anonymous, I will make a post of this list. Excellent!
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