DORE GOLD: The Fight for Jerusalem
From my post in JUNE 2008: Abbas: Temple Mount "100% Islamic":
Israel annexed the city in 1967 and proclaimed it to be Israel’s eternal, undivided capital.
Palestinians seek East Jerusalem as their capital.
Successive U.S. Administrations have maintained that the parties must determine the fate of Jerusalem in negotiations. H.Con.Res. 60, June 10, 1997, and S.Con.Res. 21, May20, 1997, called on the Administration to affirm that Jerusalem must remain the undivided capital of Israel.
Congress has repeatedly prohibited official U.S. government business with the PA in Jerusalem and the use of appropriated funds to create U.S. government offices in Israel to conduct business with the PA and allows Israel to be recorded as the place of birth of U.S. citizens born in Jerusalem.
These provisions are again in H.R. 2764, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2008, passed in both houses on December 19, 2007.
Rice, the sources said, has asked Israeli leaders to bend to what the U.S. refers to as a "compromise position," concluding an Israeli-Palestinian agreement by the end of the year that guarantees sections of Jerusalem to the Palestinians. But Israel would not be required to withdraw from Jerusalem for a period of one to five years.
2006: Israel's Olmert Would Split Jerusalem in Border Plan
JERUSALEM — Breaking an old taboo, Israel's new government is drawing up plans to divide the holy city of Jerusalem by giving up Arab neighborhoods, an architect of the program said.Still, Israel would keep Jerusalem's Old City with its shrines sacred to Jews, Muslims and Christians alike — an unacceptable plan to Palestinians, particularly if carried out unilaterally.
Otniel Schneller, in interviews with The Associated Press this week, outlined the government's plan to separate from the Palestinians and draw Israel's final borders by 2010, providing the clearest indication yet of what Jerusalem is likely to look like and how Israel plans to abandon much of the West Bank.
The Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, hinted yesterday that he might be willing to split Jerusalem, by questioning for the first time whether certain Palestinian neighbourhoods needed to be part of what Israel officially sees as its undivided capital.
Mr Olmert's tentative – and reversible – step towards a possible compromise on the future of the city, an essential requirement for any final two-state solution to the conflict, was the first he has personally made in public.
It came as the US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, went out of her way to emphasise that the forthcoming Middle East conference in Annapolis, Maryland – which she sees as a stepping stone to full negotiations on a final deal – needed to be substantive. "Frankly, it is time for the establishment of a Palestinian state," she said after meeting the Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, in Ramallah.
2007: Former prime minister decries talk of splitting holy sites with Palestinians
JERUSALEM - Benjamin Netanyahu, the hawkish former prime minister whose poll numbers show him to be Israel’s most popular politician, looked out over Jerusalem’s holy sites Tuesday and declared the city must forever remain united under Israeli control.
His comments, at times drowned out by the chants of a Muslim preacher, follow growing signs that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is ready to share control of Jerusalem under a final peace settlement with the Palestinians.
2007: Israel Signals Shift on Jerusalem Split
JERUSALEM -- Two senior Israeli politicians, including the prime minister's closest ally, talked openly Monday about dividing Jerusalem, signaling a possible shift in Israeli opinion about one of the Mideast's most contentious issues.
The dispute over Jerusalem has derailed negotiations in the past, and the latest comments come at a time when Israeli and Palestinian teams are trying to agree on principles guiding future peace talks.
ALSO SEE:SIFTING THROUGH tons of rubble that had been illicitly dug up on the Temple Mount by the Muslim Wakf and stealthily dumped into a landfill, biblical archeologist Dr. Gabriel Barkay, professor at Bar-Ilan University, is in the midst of the project of a lifetime. I put the question of Temple denial to him.
"This denial of the historical, spiritual and archeological connections of the Jews to the Temple Mount is something new," he says. "There was always talk about the temple of Solomon in Jerusalem - called the 'praise of Jerusalem'- in Arabic literature, in Islamic literature. This new idea of Temple denial is due to the Arabic fear of Jewish aspirations connected to the Temple Mount. It is part of something I call the 'cultural intifada.'"
Barkay says the change took place in the 1990s: "In the Washington DC think tanks surrounding president Bill Clinton, it was understood that the Temple Mount was the crux of the problem of the Middle East conflict. These think tanks decided that if there could be 'split sovereignty' on the Temple Mount, then split sovereignty could also be achieved over the entire land of Palestine. So they suggested that in a future agreement, the Temple Mount would be split horizontally. That is to say that whatever is above ground, the part that includes the shrines of the Muslims, would be under Palestinian sovereignty. Whatever is underground, which would include the remnants of the Temple of the Jews, would be under Israeli sovereignty.
"It's a brilliant idea, an excellent idea, but totally idiotic from a practical point of view. You cannot have a building standing with its foundations in another country. You cannot have a building with the infrastructure and the plumbing in another country. And you cannot have sovereignty on the subground without having accessibility to the subground, because the accessibility is from above ground. The whole thing was stupid."
Queen Condi of the Amalekites Makes Obeisance to Hez' b' Allah
Stoned In Lebanon
US & Israel Sign Murder-Suicide Pact
The Butchers, the Baker and the Dread Malaise Maker, pushing Jews into the sea...
Condoleezza Baker
Babbababy, what are you worried about?
Didn't you hear ?
Prez Obamoshiach says Jersualem will never be divided again!
I swear I dont know how I dont just spontaneously combust these days
If you ever do, please put it on YouTube for us, ok?
That would make a great post.
I love those pics of Condi smiling under the photo of Arafat.
Can you imagine her visiting her a "newly moderate" Afghanistan and conducting USA business under a giant poster of Mullah Omar & Osama Bin Laden?
Then again, the picture of the arch terrorist is just one of many things "wrong with this picture"... She's negotiating with Abu Mazen, that Arafat in Peres clothing. The only thing moderate about the guy is the volume of his voice (& his cheap suits)... Exactly what he's done to deserve a handshake, not to mention countless "good-will gestures" (since when is the release of murderers a "good-will" gesture?!) is beyond me...
Spontaneous combustion you say? I will believe in that questionable phenomenon before I believe the Arabs want peace...
Hey! That's MY sarcasm label!
Keep up the great work y'all!
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