Similarly and significantly here, they do not attack the case made with such vigor but rather the financing of the authoring group.
If the Obama camp cannot defeat the criticisms of what they consider a quack, cracked up, case by a fringe group except through INTIMIDATION and SILENCING, none of them should be running for or advising those seeking, high office.
Imagine for a moment the minions of George Bush quashing the '9/11 Truth' fools through legal intimidation, and financial intimidation. The din would have filled the galaxy with sound. And rightfully so.
It is in the marketplace of ideas they must win, and they betray their great fears of the kind of competition which is ENDEMIC in our national substitute for coups, revolutions and rioting mobs, the election we hold every 4 years since, oh about 1789.
Obama should be employing a vigorous application of sunlight, not the thick curtains of legal intimidation.
Obama camp: Prosecute Simmons
Obama general counsel Bob Bauer today sent a second, sharper letter to the Justice Department, directly attacking the Dallas billionaire funding a harsh attack ad, Harold Simmons.
"We reiterate our request that the Department of Justice fulfill its commitment to take prompt action to investigate and to prosecute the American issues Project, and we further request that the Department of Justice investigate and prosecute Howard (sic) Simmons for a knowing and willful violation of the individual aggregate contribution limits," he wrote.
He called the group's activities "patently illegal."
Bauer made the case that Simmons' group fulfilling its a real nonprofit charter because it hasn't spent any money on anything other than attacking Obama.
A group such as AIP must spend more than 50% of its money on other activity. This is certainly a legal chimera to ensure that groups are not formed just to make ads, which of course, they are. This kind of law simply raises the economic bar to no real effect. Be CERTAIN that Moveon/Soros is ready with their assets. Who cares? Let's hear it all.
The American Issues Project released a statement responding to the letter.
"Having failed in its attempts to get our legal, factual and fully-supported ad off the air, Barack Obama's campaign now wants to put our donors in prison for exercising their right to free speech," said Ed Martin, the group's president. "These over-the-top bullying tactics are reminiscent of the kind of censorship one would see in a Stalinist dictatorship, with the only difference being that those guys generally had to wait until they were in power to throw people who disagreed with them into jail."
The group said its ad would continue to air through the end of the Democratic National Convention. Simmons has spent almost $3 million to air the ad, which can be seen on the group's site.It's worth noting that this isn't the first time Bauer has called for criminal investigations and prosecutions into the donors to independent groups critical of Obama, including one supporting John Edwards and another supporting Hillary Rodham Clinton. His words did have the effect of scaring their donors and consultants, but haven't yet appeared to result in any prosecution.
I have the words of a great and real democrat, a true man OF the people, a killer investigator,
![Truman, Harry_dual quotes.jpg](
and a fearless man who made mistakes as well because he was not afraid to, for these liberal fascists, who would be deep into BUSHITLER analogies if the shoe was on the other foot ..."If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen."
These people prove with each and every critical action they take, such as the sliding reaction to the Russian invasion of Georgia, they are unfit for the jobs they seek.
It is not the attack ads which define the bitter partisanship, it is the actions of those who wish to silence all that they regard as unfair which define it, and move us all to the next level.
If they use the courts to try to silence opposition, and to intimidate others with less money to fight in court, what will be the reaction to that in the long run, do you think? But then, of course, all these people care about is November, and devil take the hindmost.
I have been critical of the excess of AIP ad, but that is all. As to this from Obama, this is a great shame, and as Politico notes, it is not the first time. These people are arrogantly unfit for this responsibility.
So much of Obama's campaign revolves around shhhhhush'ing negative connotations of his lifetime acquaintances and er, um, 'accomplishments' and to some extent . .. his own family.
BHO denies he's a muslim, yet the Democratic convention goes out of it's way to embrace his Islamic heritage . . .The Democrats make it so easy to confuse whether Obama is running for President of the OIC or USA.
* Pop - Up Porta-Mosque
* Former accused jihadist spy, now DNC delegate
*choice of Biden for VP
Biden’s Ties to Pro-Iran Groups Questioned
American Thinker on Biden's gamble - note, Biden refers to Iranians as Arabs. So much for foreign affairs competency.
*Choice of Ingrid Matson, a Canadian muslim and leader of Muslim Brotherhood-linked organization to address the convention. Info found here and here at
Wasn't Mafouz connected to the "book burning" of ALMS FOR JIHAD>>>?
Didn't his threat of a law suit force Cambridge to fold with out a fight?
Billionaire Saudi financier Khalid bin Mahfouz was responsible for censorship issues with Rachel Ehrenfeld's "Funding Evil" and Robert Collins and J. Millard Burr's "Alms for Jihad".link
We should start referring to Barack as "Obama bin Mahfouz."
Why AoW !!!
That's a funny video, Epa.
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